Metal mounting saw: an overview

Metal mounting saw: an overview
Metal mounting saw: an overview

Modern saws allow you to handle a wide range of building materials, providing a neat and even cut. Almost all types of mounting tools of this type are universal. Another thing is that each model has its own power potential and design capabilities. Accordingly, the processing parameters also differ. But there is also a special assembly saw for metal, which is also called a cutting machine. This tool is designed for targeted operations with metal blanks, so among manual devices in the processing of solid material it has no equal.

Introduction to cut-off saws

mounting saw
mounting saw

The basis of the tool is formed by a platform and a disk cutting element in the form of a circle, which performs the direct sawing of the workpiece. Entry-level models are designed for straight cuts, but more advanced versions have special vices that allow you to fix the part at an angle. All cutting machines are divided into two categories - with a belt and direct drive mechanism. For productive work in specialized workshops and on construction sites, it is desirable to use belt versions. In this design, the mounting saw does not overheat and providesmore gentle engine operation conditions. At the same time, cutting efficiency is maintained at the level of analogues provided by a direct drive system. For both versions, the average power varies between 700-2500 watts. To control high-power units, appropriate electronic systems are provided, which, among other things, provide support for revolutions at a given level.

Mounting saw Bosch GCD 12 JL

metal saw
metal saw

In this version, the German manufacturer has implemented several proprietary technological solutions. In particular, the model is provided with a built-in laser, thanks to which the user can perform high-precision cutting. There is no spark in the process of working operations, which increases the reliability of the tool. At the same time, the modification is included in the line of household appliances. This is confirmed by a lightweight design with an ergonomic handle, and a protective cover with automatic adjustment elements. The power that the GCD 12 JL mounting saw has is at an average level. The power potential is 2000 W, and the frequency is 1500 rpm.

Model CS 23-355 from Metabo

assembly saw makita
assembly saw makita

A mid-range variant that is also suitable for professional use. The design includes a vise that allows you to adjust the cutting angle without unnecessary manipulation. In addition, the operator can adjust the spark shield according to the current working conditions. In terms of operating possibilities, the Metabo mounting saw is quite versatile, since with itsusing it, you can cut both standard rolled metal and non-standard structural elements. Stepless adjustment of machining parameters allows you to perform operations with steel profiles, bars and pipes.

The company's developers did a good job on the tasks of improving reliability. In particular, a ventilation system is provided to cool the operation of the power unit, which eliminates the risk of overheating. Convenient and reliable fastening of workpieces is provided by quick-clamping vise with stepless adjustment of the processing angle. In addition, the Metabo tool features a simplified carbon brush access mechanism.

Cutting saw Dew alt D 28715

dew alt mounting saw
dew alt mounting saw

Dew alt offers a good option for professional cutting. This version already has a power potential of 2200 W, which makes it possible to easily cut square, rectangular and round metal products. In addition to the standard straight cut, 90 degree angled cuts are also allowed. The device also provides engine and user protection, modern electronic filling for power control and ergonomic design mechanisms for quick disk replacement. The features that the mounting saw in modification D 28715 has include soft start, protection against abrasive particles and keyless correction of the disc position. As the owners of the tool note, the working gears are made of high-strength material, which significantly extends the operational life of the model.

Model 2414 NB fromMakita

The device is designed for processing not only metal products, but also PVC. In order to ensure the safety of work operations, the developers have provided a limiter in the form of an anti-spark screen in the design, which protects the device from contact with the cutting zone. A rugged casing is provided to protect the operator himself. The model is also distinguished by the inclusion of ergonomic solutions. For example, a quick change of equipment is carried out using a shaft locking mechanism. The main handle can be supplemented with an auxiliary grip - this is especially appropriate when working with wide and high-strength materials. In terms of production potential, Makita's 2414 NB hacksaw has a power of 2000 W, providing a speed of 3800 rpm. This force allows you to work with discs with a diameter of 355 mm. At the same time, the processing depth reaches 115 mm, and the width - 240 mm.

metabo mounting saw
metabo mounting saw


Using a specialized tool for working with specific materials is not always justified. For example, in solving simple serial operations, a multifunctional device still turns out to be more effective, since it allows you to save time on the selection of equipment. In turn, a mounting saw for metal has a significant advantage over universal tools. The cutting machine performs high-quality cutting, requiring minimal effort from the user. Moreover, such saws in some versions allow you to cope with hard plastics, leaving the sameclean edges. True, such a tool is not suitable for high-quality processing of lumber - this is just the case when it is more profitable to use multifunctional circular models.
