Growing flowers in greenhouses or pots began at the time when the Great geographical discoveries took place. Currently, millions of people around the world are engaged in the cultivation of indoor flowers.
Takka plant
Takka flower belongs to the Takkov family. India, Java, Thailand and Borneo are considered its homeland. To date, there are about 10 varieties of this plant.
Tacca has a very wide range of growth. Different species can grow both in areas with constant sunlight, and in places that are hidden from sunlight. In both the first and second cases, the flower actively develops and gives offspring. The preferences of different types of takka are so different that some plants can be found on the sea coast, while others are high in the mountains. Spreading all over the world, the takka flower has chosen Asia, South America, Australia, Africa and the Polynesian island as places of growth.
Some types of takka are suitable for home cultivation.
Description of the takka flower
Takka has tuberous creeping roots and largeglossy folded leaves, which are placed on long petioles with a ribbed surface. The height of the tacca can be up to 100 cm. Young parts of the plant tend to be covered with small hairs that disappear as the flower grows.
Takka attracts attention due to its color and structure of flowers. Reaching a certain age, the takka throws out flower arrows among the foliage, which carry umbrellas on their top. In one such umbrella there can be from 6 to 10 flowers. Some types of takka flowers in inflorescences have long bracts.
The fruits of this plant are usually berries. The exception was the plantain takka, the fruits of which are boxes. The plant throws out a lot of seeds. They are about 5mm long and brown, darker or lighter in color.
Varieties of homemade takka
There are several types of takka flower that can be grown at home. These include:
- Takku leontopetal, which is a herbaceous evergreen plant. Her leaves are pinnatifid.
- Takku wholeleaf or White bat. This is also a year-round green plant, but its leaves are broad and glossy.
- Takku Chantrier or Black Bat. It is very close to whole-leaved takka.
It will be discussed later.
Black Bat
In the wild, this type of tacca grows both in the savannah and in tropical forests. In the soil, it is also not picky, because it grows onsandy and rocky substrate, gravel, clay soil, limestone and even volcanic rock.
The Chantrier tacca flower is one of the most amazing plants. Its flowers are dark cherry or dark gray, which sometimes appear black. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the inflorescence, this takka is often compared with orchids or lilies. However, according to the botanical classification, there is nothing in common between them. These plants belong to a special family of Discoreans, the genus Tacca, with over 15 varieties.
The leaves of takki Chantrier are oval and can grow up to 60 cm in length. Oriental medicine considers this flower to be healing, and various medicines are made from its foliage.
Takka starts blooming in June and ends only in December.
The photo of the takka Chantrier flower is presented in the article.
This type of takka in the house should be placed at the western or eastern windows. If the flower stands near a south-facing window, it should create a shade that protects from direct sunlight. North-facing windows will not provide enough sunlight to fully grow and may result in it not blooming.
Home care The takka flower needs a special one. It must provide for the following conditions:
- It is necessary to provide the flower with optimal temperature conditions.
- Get the right soil and pot size.
- The pot must have a drainage system.
- Should be excludedindoors with such drafts, temperature changes, sudden changes in light and other stresses for the plant.
- Water the flower only with warm and clean water.
- In the spring and summer, spray takka and control indoor humidity.
The optimal temperature for a takka flower is considered to be a temperature not exceeding +25˚ and not lower than +16 ˚С.
Soil selection
For the takka flower Bat, compositions for bromeliads or orchids are suitable. You can also prepare the soil yourself.
The soil should be light and provide unhindered air access to the root system of the flower. To further improve aeration, crushed moss is added to the soil. In addition, you can enrich the soil with coconut fiber.
For self-preparation of soil, you can use the following components:
- 3 pieces of leaf ground;
- 5 pieces of peat;
- 2 parts perlite;
- 1 part prepared pounded pine bark.
It is important to remember that the components and the pot must be disinfected before planting the flower. Pine bark is soaked and dried to remove any remaining resin before being added to the soil.
Irrigation recommendations
According to the recommendations for care, the takka flower needs an optimal watering regime. This is an important condition, the observance of which will help the plant to develop correctly and harmoniously.
Takka needs a higherhumidity, but watering should be moderate. In order to check the level of soil moisture, you should press down the soil in the pot with two fingers, and if particles of soil remain on them, then it is too early to water the plant. If the fingers remain clean, then the plant must be watered.
In summer, the flower must be watered abundantly with boiled water. It is not forbidden to use settled water, however, in practice it was found that even if the water stands for 5 days, the expected result will not be - s alt and chlorine will remain in it, and this can cause significant harm to the plant. In autumn, watering is reduced, and in winter it is carried out very carefully. The soil should be allowed to dry by a third of the volume, while preventing drying and abundant moistening of the substrate. In no case should you fill in the takku, because you may not notice how its tuber begins to rot, and the plant can no longer be saved.
Feeding rules
You can start feeding the plant from spring until October-November. Tacca Flower Bat needs to be fed once every two weeks. Fertilizer should be floral, and before using, its concentration must be reduced to half that recommended by the manufacturer. For room taka, you can use top dressing designed for orchids. During active growth, the flower can be fertilized with any complex top dressing, only measures should be followed.
Takka feeding should be stopped during the winter season.
Transplant process
TakkaThe bat is a very sensitive plant. All stresses affect it, including transplantation, so the main advice is not to transplant the plant more than once every two to three years.
For transplantation, it is better to choose the time at which the flower grows actively, this is the beginning of May - the beginning of June. If the flower was transplanted later, the restoration of the plant will be more difficult. Takku that is in bloom or about to bloom should not be transplanted.
The size of the new pot should be larger than the previous one, and the soil should be nutritious and properly prepared. The transplant process is an excellent opportunity to inspect the root system for the presence of defects and diseases. If the flower is he althy, then its root can be divided for vegetative propagation.
Methods of reproduction
Two methods of reproduction are used for the takka Chantrier: vegetative and seed.
Vegetative propagation is simpler and has a higher success rate than seed propagation. Its essence is to divide the roots of the flower into parts, following a certain pattern, and then plant them. Each part of the root, rooted, will grow into a new full-fledged flower.
Separation of the roots is best done with a sharp knife, as this reduces the likelihood of injury to the living tissues of the flower. After separation, sections are recommended to be sprinkled with charcoal powder or another fungicide. In this state, they should lie for a day. During this time, they will dry out, and it will be possible to start seating them in separate pots.
Propagation by seeds is more complex and painstaking work. In order to successfully germinate seeds, the following conditions must be met:
- They should be harvested before they are fully ripe.
- The composition of the soil for seeds should be optimal.
- The temperature in the room with planted seeds should be between 28-30 ˚С.
- Do not allow fluctuations in temperature and humidity.
To collect seeds, you need to wait until the fruits of takka ripen, pick them, and only then remove the seeds. After that, they are washed and dried. For washing, it is best to use a weak disinfectant solution (for example, potassium permanganate).
The soil for seeds should be prepared at the rate of 50:50 - equally leafy soil and sand. They should be immersed in the prepared soil to a depth of 1 cm and ensure a constant temperature. The first shoots usually appear after six months. After they are strong enough, the sprouts can be planted in pots.
Main pest
Tacca Chantrier often suffers from red spider mites during hot periods.
They cannot be seen with the naked eye, however, it is possible to detect the presence of a light coating of cobwebs on the sheets. Since these mites love dry air, as a preventive measure, you can spray the flower every day with water at room temperature. Air humidity is very important, so it should be maintained in any way possible.