Asparagus crescent: types of varieties, description, care, disease, photo

Asparagus crescent: types of varieties, description, care, disease, photo
Asparagus crescent: types of varieties, description, care, disease, photo

Asparagus sickle is a very attractive houseplant that looks very much like a wild fern. It is for this reason that these two cultures are quite often confused with each other. To grow sickle-shaped asparagus at home, a number of certain rules must be observed. The plant itself is very unpretentious in care, so growing asparagus will not be troublesome even for beginners in the field of floriculture.

Asparagus in a pot
Asparagus in a pot

General description of asparagus sickle

This variety is usually classified as an ornamental variety. The shoots of the plant are decorated with elongated leaves with small teeth and hooks. In its natural habitat, sickle-shaped asparagus, with the help of these hooks, clings to nearby trees, due to which it stretches upwards. ThesePlants can reach over 1m in height, so they can be tied up to create an attractive green wall display. It is worth noting that crescent asparagus is very unpretentious in care, as this species is quite hardy and can grow at an air temperature of 10 degrees.

The root system hardens over time, and looks like a radish root. Asparagus sickle-shaped flowering is accompanied by a very pleasant smell. In place of white inflorescences, small brown fruits form over time.

asparagus branches
asparagus branches

Features of care and maintenance

When growing this type of asparagus, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room where it is kept. In winter, asparagus needs cool air, and this is very problematic during the heating season. This feature is the only difficulty regarding the care and maintenance of sickle asparagus. Care at home requires an air temperature of 10 degrees or more. If the temperature drops below this limit, the plant will die.

Caring for sickle asparagus at home requires regular and abundant watering. During this procedure, do not allow stagnation of moisture in the pot. It is also necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out. In the hot season, it is recommended to rinse the crown of the plant under a cold shower.

As for fertilizer, the culture should be fed only during the period of active growth, 2 times a month. For this, special complexfertilizer intended for deciduous houseplants.

It is also worth remembering that after pruning, a green pet may stop growing. However, this is absolutely normal, as new shoots begin to grow, making the crown of the asparagus even denser.

Asparagus in a pot
Asparagus in a pot

The plant must be protected from direct sunlight on the leaves. If this is not done, then the tough foliage may become stained from burns, after which it will begin to fall off. Poor lighting and dry air can also lead to this problem.

Methods of reproduction

Reproduction of sickle asparagus at home can be done in several ways. Each of these methods has its own characteristics. You should familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

Growing from seeds

The strongest grow those plants that were grown from seeds. It is best to use your own seeds for this, and not those that were purchased at the store. As a rule, on a houseplant, seeds begin to ripen between January and March. They must be planted in well-moistened soil, which should consist of equal proportions of peat and sand.

After sowing, the container must be removed to a warm, fairly well-lit place, and it must be covered with a transparent plastic film on top. If a layer of condensate forms under the film, then the greenhouse must be periodically ventilated. The substrate in the container with crops should be constantly slightly damp. Therefore, it is necessaryregularly monitor soil moisture levels.

asparagus bush
asparagus bush

As a rule, a month after sowing, the first borings appear. When their height is about 10 cm, the sprouts should be transplanted into disposable plastic containers. In a permanent place, in pots, already grown young plants should be transplanted with the onset of June.

Cutting method

It is necessary to grow sickle-shaped asparagus from cuttings in early spring. It is at this time that the plant is quite strong after hibernation. To propagate asparagus by cuttings, it is necessary to cut the cuttings, the length of which should be at least 10 cm. It is necessary to germinate the cut cuttings not in water, but in moistened coarse-grained river sand. Thanks to this, the most powerful root system in young plants can be formed.

The container with cuttings must be covered with a transparent plastic film, and then removed to a bright room where the air temperature is from 20 to 22 degrees. Twice a day, such a greenhouse must be ventilated, and also ensure that the sand in the container is constantly moistened. As a rule, in a month a root system should form on these cuttings. After that, young plants can be planted in a permanent place in separate pots.

asparagus in hand
asparagus in hand

Rhizome division

The easiest method of propagating asparagus sickle is considered to be the division of the rhizome. In this way, plants can be propagated every time duringtransplants. For this, the rhizomes must be carefully divided into several parts so that each of them has at least one stem with leaves. After that, each part is planted separately in a new pot.

Possible problems

Speaking about what problems may arise during the cultivation of asparagus at home, first of all, it is necessary to note various pests. Most often, this plant is attacked by spider mites and aphids. To overcome these pests, the plant must be treated with special means, but before that, you must carefully read the instructions, and do not neglect proper care.

Shedding and yellowing of leaves is mainly provoked by high air temperature or excessive dryness. In this case, the plant is removed as far as possible from the heaters, the amount of spraying is increased, and if possible, the temperature is reduced.

If sunburn appears on the leaves, then the flower must be removed from direct sunlight.

Asparagus vulgaris
Asparagus vulgaris

If the leaves turn pale, then the reason for this is not enough light in the room.

If the flower fades, then the reason for this may be an excess of moisture in the soil. Because of this, the root system may also begin to rot. In this case, just give the soil time to dry. If no change has occurred, then the flower should be transplanted into new soil, removing all rotten roots.

Other ornamental varieties of asparagus

There are also many other varieties of ornamental asparagus that are quite picky to care for. These varieties include the following:

  1. Asparagus vulgaris. The plant has smooth and straight stems, the maximum length of which can be one and a half meters. The plant blooms with beautiful white flowers, after which red round berries form in their place.
  2. Asparagus pinnate. The branches of this variety are somewhat similar to a small Christmas tree. High shoots form a small bush, which during the flowering period forms small yellowish flowers on itself. After that, dark blue berries appear in place of the inflorescences.
  3. Asparagus Meyer. The shoots of this variety are strewn with a large number of leaves in the form of needles, which is why the branches look very similar to the fluffy tail of some animal. During the flowering period, small white inflorescences are formed. The fruits after flowering look like small red berries with a black seed inside.
Asparagus on the windowsill
Asparagus on the windowsill

In conclusion, it is worth noting that crescent asparagus is a very unpretentious indoor plant, and those people who have just started growing indoor flowers can easily grow it.
