Gas-generating furnaces are a good alternative to boilers

Gas-generating furnaces are a good alternative to boilers
Gas-generating furnaces are a good alternative to boilers
Gas-generating furnaces
Gas-generating furnaces

If you appear in your country house periodically, then in the cold season you will inevitably face the question of quickly heating the room without consuming electricity, gas, as well as waiting for the wood stove to warm up. Gas-generating stoves are capable of quickly and economically heating a room. It is worth describing them in more detail.

When we sit by the fireplace, we become warm due to the thermal radiation of an open fire. Gas-generating furnaces heat the air flow, which is then transferred to the room. There is no burning with an open flame, in this case, the process of pyrolysis is observed. This process is understood as the thermal decomposition of combustible materials in the absence of oxygen: substances smolder without a flame, like coals, transforming into a mixture of combustible gases. Although this whole description may seem complicated and incomprehensible, the long-burning gas-fired furnace has a fairly simple device. It consists of two chambersequipped with dampers, chimney and air outlet pipes. In the first chamber, which is called the gasification chamber, the hard combustible mixture is converted into a mixture of combustible gases. In the second, which is called the afterburner, this mixture is burned in the usual manner, as in the burner of a conventional stove. Air pipes pass through the afterburner. In them, air is drawn in through the lower holes, where it heats up rapidly, and then exits into the room through the upper holes.

Long burning gas furnace
Long burning gas furnace

It turns out that gas-generating stoves make their own fuel - gas, and then burn it themselves, heating the air, which is then supplied to the room. As fuel materials here you can use brown coal, wooden chocks, wood chips, peat briquettes, sawdust, cardboard, wood chips, that is, any solid combustible materials. It is not necessary to feed gas-generating large pieces of coal-anthracite into the furnace, as it burns at a very high temperature, from which the furnace can simply overheat. Logs of any type of wood are ideal, as they are environmentally friendly, cheap, give a good gas output, and also leave little to no ash.

Gas furnace reviews
Gas furnace reviews

Gas-fired ovens that you'll love the reviews are easy enough to melt. Fuel is placed in the chamber and set on fire. After the flame flares up, you can close the door, and then cover more than half of the air damper. The thermal efficiency of such a deviceis as high as possible and reaches 80%, that is, 4/5 of all material is converted into heat here, while in a conventional wood-burning stove this figure is 5-7%, and everything else just flies into the chimney. Depending on the design of the stove, it is able to work on one load of firewood for 5-12 hours, that is, there is no need to constantly be on duty near the stove as a stoker. The device itself is almost not heated. It takes no more than half an hour from the start of the furnace to the complete warming up of the room, which is an indicator of high efficiency.
