Brick gazebo: types, projects, photos

Brick gazebo: types, projects, photos
Brick gazebo: types, projects, photos

When the most necessary buildings are built on the summer cottage, you can start building a gazebo in which the whole family will like to spend time. For its construction, wood, metal and brick are most often used. Of course, brick gazebos are expensive, but they last longer and do not need special care (wooden structures require periodic treatment with flame retardants and other compounds). Before erection, you need to draw up a working draft, select high-quality materials, purchase them, think over the design and decoration of the building. Before building a gazebo, you need to determine all its pros and cons.

Pros and cons

The brick building has many important advantages:

  • durability (will last many decades);
  • does not require special care (as discussed above);
  • beautiful appearance, which may vary depending on the type of brick used;
  • fire safety, allowing you to have a barbecue in the gazebo;
  • possibility to spend the night even in winter (applies to closed gazebos).

Disadvantages of a brick gazebo:

  • difficulties with laying, because only a professional bricklayer can lay bricks evenly and beautifully (an inexperienced builder will ruin everything);
  • high material cost;
  • it is not possible to move the building to another location.

Pavilion location

When choosing a place to build a future gazebo, you need to take into account the characteristics of the soil, the presence of other buildings, etc.

To begin with, the selected area is freed from trees and shrubs with large roots. If in the future it is planned to plant plants around the perimeter of the gazebo, then they should not have a branched root system (this affects the foundation).

On swampy soils, a pile foundation is installed under brick gazebos. If the terrain profile follows a curved line, it will have to be leveled (cut off excess soil and compact it).

The entrance to the building is best located on the leeward side.

The ideal option for roofing a brick gazebo (photo below) would be a light tile that goes with the necessary slope. It is better not to use a flat roof, otherwise snow and rainwater will accumulate on it.

Roof for gazebo
Roof for gazebo

A distance of 5 m is maintained between the gazebo with a barbecue and a residential building. Also, there should not be any water bodies nearby.

Types of brick gazebos

After choosing a place, you need to decide on the type of gazebo. They are open, semi-open and closed.

Open gazebo - a simple building, consisting offoundation and enclosing structures with a maximum height of 1 m. Very often they are decorated with lattice, forged elements. Climbing plants perfectly complement the composition.

Half-open brick gazebos, photos of which can be seen below, involve the laying of one or two load-bearing walls. As a result, it turns out to be open and at the same time well protected from the weather. Such a building can be equipped with a barbecue. Forged elements and plants look beautiful between the supporting structures.

Semi-open brick gazebo
Semi-open brick gazebo

Closed gazebos can be used at any time of the year (suitable for spending the night). So that it is not cold in them, you need to additionally sheathe the walls with insulation, put high-quality windows and heaters. Keep in mind that all these add-ons come at a significant cost.


The next stage of work is design. You can do everything on your own and get an absolutely unique design. Projects of brick gazebos can be drawn in programs such as AutoCad, Archicad, Corel Draw, etc. If there are difficulties using them, then you can sketch manually or seek help from professionals.

On paper, the gazebo should be presented from different sides: front, back, side. You should also display it in a section, indicating nodes and additional structures. Enlarged units for the device and fastening of the foundation, walls, truss structures and roofing material are included in a separate sheet. At the end, a specification is drawn up, which indicates all the structures, theirsizes and quantities. A photo of the brick gazebo project can be viewed below.

gazebo project
gazebo project

Still, to carry out design work, certain knowledge and skills are needed so that the building looks good against the background of other buildings, combined with wildlife. Finished projects can be found in the catalogs of construction companies on various websites.

Building the foundation

One of the most basic gazebo designs is its base. In most cases, a columnar, tape, monolithic or pile foundation is used. The choice of one or another option depends on the type of soil and its mobility (special firms can perform the calculation). If a brick gazebo is built with your own hands, then you can choose a shallow strip foundation.


Foundation for a brick gazebo
Foundation for a brick gazebo
  1. Surface marking. To begin with, stakes are installed in the corners of the future building, they will be beacons and show the outside of the foundation. Inside each corner, measure 300-400 mm and again install stakes with stretched twine.
  2. Digging a trench. With the help of installed beacons, they dig a hole to a depth that should be greater than the depth of soil freezing (depending on the region). For difficult areas with dense rocky soil, crowbars are used.
  3. Preparing the sand cushion. Sand is poured at the bottom of the trench, leveled and covered with plastic wrap, which will protect against air gaps.
  4. Foundation device. Formwork is mounted along the perimeter of the prepared pit (any boards will do), thenreinforcement is laid and concrete is poured (should protrude 250-300 mm above the ground). Even if the simplest brick gazebo is being built, you need to put metal pipes in the corners - they will serve as its future support. Before continuing work, you need to let the concrete dry for three to four days. If it suddenly rains, the foundation can be protected with a film.

Building walls

For the laying of enclosing structures, the brick laid in the project is used. It can be of any shape, size and color. The material is chosen depending on the design, purpose and preferences of the building owner. When buying a brick, you should check its compliance with all the requirements of GOST, as well as the availability of various certificates.

So, the foundation is ready to take the load. It is moistened and covered with a uniform layer of mortar (made from cement, sand and water in a ratio of 1:3:0.5). Brick laying is done in different ways - it depends on the type of brick gazebo.

The walls of an open-type building are laid out in half a brick. Each element is placed long side along the wall. Bricks are pressed end to end. Each subsequent row is laid on the mortar and the sutures are dressed.

Decorative enclosing structures may look like a lattice. To do this, laying is done so that the bricks do not press against each other.

A do-it-yourself closed gazebo made of bricks (photo can be seen in the article) is laid out in one brick. In the first row, the elements are arranged with the long side across the wall. In the second row they go already along -this feature will help keep the heat inside the building in frosty weather.

Erecting the walls of the gazebo
Erecting the walls of the gazebo

If the frame is made of metal pipes, then bricks are laid around them, which helps to form even and strong pillars. In the absence of load-bearing walls, you can strengthen the structure with beautiful wooden and metal elements.

Floor device

To get a durable and beautiful brick gazebo, you need to make a quality floor. It is made in many ways:

  • concrete screed is poured over the sand and gravel layer;
  • lay geotextiles and mount wooden logs sheathed with boards;
  • lay out paving slabs on a sandy base.

Concrete screed is considered the strongest and most durable, so consider this type of floor in more detail. To begin with, a fertile layer of soil is removed inside the building, sand with crushed stone is poured with a layer of 200 mm. Leveling and pouring with concrete mixture is carried out (its surface must be perfectly even). The finished structure is covered with polyethylene, which will protect against cracks. It can be removed after a week.

Roof installation

The roof of the gazebo can have any shape and be covered with any material - it all depends on the wishes of the site owner. Most often, it resembles a tent made of boards, covered with tiles, corrugated board, slate, etc.

To make a brick gazebo with any roof, you need:

  • in the center to install a temporary pole that will hold the entirestructure until it is fully secured;
  • attach to the top end of the rafter post;
  • mount cross braces at a small distance from each other (depending on the load on the roof);
  • nail the crate on top of the structure in increments of 350-400 mm;
  • lay waterproofing, roofing material and attach to the crate using roofing screws;
  • protect the joints with special overlays and ridge elements;
  • if necessary, insulate the gazebo - thermal insulation is located on the same level with the rafters and is protected by a windproof film.

Finishing the gazebo

The gazebo is built, you can start its interior and exterior decoration. If everything is successfully beaten, then amazing photos will turn out against its background. Beautiful brick gazebos are obtained if their appearance is combined with the surrounding buildings. Inside the building, you will have to lay the floor covering, plaster the walls, sheathe the ceiling, and, if necessary, mount a fireplace. Outside, finishing is carried out, weirs are attached and blind areas are poured.

Making a gazebo
Making a gazebo

To keep the floors beautiful for as long as possible, it is worth laying paving slabs. They are also laid out with stone, boards, cement-bonded particle boards. All walls are leveled and plastered on both sides (layer thickness - 10 mm). From the inside, they can be finished with tiles, plastic panels or clapboard. The front part is plastered and painted with water-based paint. Arbors used in winter must be insulated with polystyrene foam(thickness - 100 mm). In this case, the cut of the wall will look like this: wall, insulation, reinforcing mesh, glue-cement, putty, water-based paint.

Any building needs a blind area - it will protect the foundation from the accumulation of rainwater. Its optimal width is 500 mm, thickness is at least 100 mm. The structure is located below the floor level and slopes towards the street. To make a blind area, you need to prepare the formwork from boards or a metal profile. At its base there should be a sand cushion 100 mm thick.

Pavilions with barbecue

The photo of brick gazebos with barbecue shows that it is best to make them open or half-open. But many experts argue that with the right calculation, it is possible to build a closed building that will delight the owners all year round. The brazier can be either a light structure or laid out with bricks along with the main building.

Large-span gazebo with barbecue
Large-span gazebo with barbecue

Different foundations are suitable for a gazebo with barbecue facilities:

  • solid (a solid concrete pad is being poured);
  • tape (monolithic, prefabricated or precast-monolithic);
  • pile (more suitable for large buildings, as it can withstand heavy loads).

If the choice fell on a solid foundation, then in open gazebos it can serve as a floor. Closed buildings will additionally need a screed. A monolithic and precast-monolithic base requires a formwork device, inside which concrete is poured. The prefabricated foundation is laid outready-made blocks - the fastest way to build the foundation of a building. Piles are rarely used and only for overall structures. In addition, their use is costly in terms of materials and equipment used.

In principle, a gazebo with a barbecue is built in the same way as a regular one. However, there are a few caveats:

  • built-in brazier is built simultaneously with supporting structures (columns, walls);
  • independent construction is possible, but special attention is paid to the main components - the furnace and chimney (they must comply with all fire safety standards);
  • the inside of the furnace is laid out with refractory bricks;
  • if there is not a solid base under the building, then a foundation is calculated and mounted under the brazier.

Barbecues are not only brick, but also:

  • cast iron (strong, durable and great for capital buildings);
  • electric (safe, easy to use, allows you to cook without open flame);
  • metal (lightweight, durable, inexpensive, portable);
  • collapsible (simple, inexpensive, but easily deformed).

Pavilions made of bricks seem to many to be an ordinary country house for a family vacation. But they also protect well from sunlight, precipitation and wind. If you make all the walls load-bearing, insulate them and the ceiling, check the compliance of all structures with fire safety standards, arrange furniture, it will be possible to spend the night in it even in winter.
