Save the beauty for the summer. How to cover climbing roses for the winter

Save the beauty for the summer. How to cover climbing roses for the winter
Save the beauty for the summer. How to cover climbing roses for the winter

If the rose is the queen of flowers, then its climbing variety is a romantic princess. It is widely used in vertical gardening, delighting with juicy foliage and blooming fragrant buds throughout the summer. It is easy to hide buildings, decorate small architectural forms and complex structures with it. Of course, all this splendor can only be achieved by choosing reliable varieties suitable for this climate.

Climbing Rose Care

climbing rose care for the winter
climbing rose care for the winter

For the winter, the lashes that have grown over the season must be carefully covered. In order for the flowers to successfully survive the cold period, the shoots must mature and be ready for a long season of frost and thaw.

During the season, the lashes are tied up, shaped, and provided with support. During the growing season, climbing roses usually produce powerful annual shoots reaching 2-3 meters. Usually they do not bloom in the first year. If the lashes have time to mature well by the end of the season and are successfully preserved during hibernation, then roses bloom very profusely. Moreover, the peduncle grows only from the upper bud of last year's shoot. If the rose is very cold or hardened, then there will be no flowering.

How to save a climbing rose in winter to see the long-awaited flowering? Before shelter, it is advised to cut only the tops of immature shoots and old lower branches. All corrective pruning is best left for spring. To avoid a bacterial burn, it is necessary to treat the bush with a Bordeaux mixture.

How to cover climbing roses for the winter

how to save a climbing rose in winter
how to save a climbing rose in winter

This group of roses needs not only hilling, but also reliable protection of shoots. There are two ways to winter.

First - covering the lashes right on the support is a very unreliable method that can only be used in the southern regions. Its advantage is that you do not have to suffer with the removal of prickly long shoots.

The bush is highly spudded, and the upper part is completely covered with spruce branches, securing it with twine. Further, the structure is wrapped in two layers of lutrasil. How to cover climbing roses for the winter, the gardener himself must decide, based on the characteristics of the climate and the winter hardiness of the variety. But when wintering on a support, the whips can not only freeze, they are also burned and dried by the winds. In the spring they have to be cut almost to the root, and you can not wait for summer flowering.

The second way is to remove from the support. Sometimes it is very difficult to do this, so there are collapsible structures that are laid on the ground along with lashes. The main feature of how to cover climbing roses for the winter is that not only the roots, but also all the lashes and entire shoots should be protected.

Basemulched with peat or dry earth. The bending of the shoots to the ground must be done before frost, until the branches have lost their plasticity. Whereas it is finally necessary to cover climbing roses for the winter only with the onset of stable cold weather. Therefore, it is better to break the process into two stages:

  • By mid-autumn, the lashes are removed from the support, all leaves are removed. If the bush is very dense, and there are more than 10-12 shoots in it, old and weak lashes can be removed. Bushes with fewer shoots are not pruned. The lashes are tied in a sheaf, and carefully bent to the place where a layer of spruce branches has been laid in advance, and fixed in this position until the cold weather.
  • how to cover climbing roses for the winter
    how to cover climbing roses for the winter
  • When the temperature is set to -5-7 0С, the bush is completely closed with spruce branches, and covered with agrofibre from above.

In the spring, the shelter is dismantled in reverse order.
