Plumbing comb: comfortable wiring

Plumbing comb: comfortable wiring
Plumbing comb: comfortable wiring

There are several schemes for laying pipelines: either by connecting plumbing fixtures in series using tees, or in parallel, using a comb.

sanitary comb with taps
sanitary comb with taps

Installation of pipes through a comb is convenient because plumbing fixtures are connected independently of each other. This is not only a very reliable connection, it also makes it possible to turn off a separate branch in the event of an accident, without disrupting the operation of the entire system, in order to replace or repair an individual device. A plumbing comb makes life easier for the owners of an apartment or house, and also creates convenient conditions for specialists to carry out repair work.

Benefits of parallel connection

In Soviet times, the wiring in heat and water supply systems was most often single-pipe with a tee connection. It was a less material-intensive and cheaper solution. But the disadvantages inherent in such wiring do not meet modern requirements for comfort and service.

Now more and more often collector wiring is used, which allowsconnect not only standard plumbing equipment, but also pools and underfloor heating, since the plumbing comb ensures uniform distribution of water to each “consumer” and adjustment of the hydraulic process in the system.

Combs are made for 2, 3 and 4 exits. If it is necessary to connect more devices, several collectors are selected, which in total will give the required number of outputs, and are connected in series with each other. This connection is very convenient when it becomes necessary to carry out repairs in the bathroom or in the kitchen. With a control valve or tap, you can shut off the flow of water to the desired outlet and safely replace the device.

Mounting the comb

plumbing comb
plumbing comb

According to the rules, the plumbing comb is mounted independently on hot and cold water (at the same time, for convenience, red and blue collectors are mounted in difference, respectively). They are placed on cold water pipes after filters and pressure reducers, which level out sudden pressure surges in the riser. With the help of special clamps, the combs can be fixed directly to the wall, or they can be mounted in a box. It becomes possible to connect heat meters to heating devices.

For ease of regulation, a plumbing comb with taps is installed. Most often, collectors are made of cast iron or bronze, stainless steel, less often titanium.

Pros and cons of installing a comb


  1. sanitary distribution combs price
    sanitary distribution combs price

    No temperature and pressure drops when several consumers are switched on at the same time.

  2. Ease of maintenance: each device is turned off separately, without stopping the operation of the entire system for repair, maintenance or replacement.


  1. Relative high cost in comparison with a single-pipe connection scheme. For good plumbing distribution combs, the price ranges from $120-150, and sometimes several are required, plus additional fittings and pipes.
  2. The collector itself takes up a lot of space if there are more than four connected devices.
