Use furniture tie only in production. Traditional fasteners are not advised to use in this case. The special screed is characterized by special properties that allow you to hide fasteners and greatly facilitate the assembly of furniture in general.
Several types of furniture ties are used in production. Consider their features and applications.

Eccentric brace
This type of fastening is used in the factory production of furniture, because it involves a rather complicated process of drilling holes. The furniture eccentric coupler consists of an eccentric and a hairpin. Each of these parts is inserted into different parts.
The main advantage of this fastening method is its concealment. It does not spoil the appearance of the furniture. In addition, this method of fastening allows you to repeatedly assemble and disassemble furniture. This information is relevant for people who are used to moving frequently.
Eccentric furniture coupler allows you to connect various parts at any angle.
Mounting Features
It is rather difficult to use this method in the manufacture of furniture on your own. Holes notit is only difficult to drill, but it is also impossible to further correct the joints during the assembly of parts. The main difficulty in drilling is the manufacture of a hole for the eccentric. This is a blind hole that requires the use of a Forstner drill. For a standard eccentric, a 1.5 cm drill must be used.
To make a hole for the eccentric, it is necessary to correctly mark the part. After the Forstner drill, holes are made for the eccentric. At the end of the part for the rod, a hole is made with a drill with a diameter of 8 mm. The parts are interconnected and fixed by turning the eccentric 180 degrees clockwise.

The sampling depth should be about 12 mm. And the thickness of the chipboard panel is 16 mm. Only 4mm of undrilled wall thickness remains. The difficulty of self-installing furniture ties lies in the risk of drilling through the part. To do this, when drilling holes for the eccentric, drills with a depth limit are used.
Furniture screed confirmat is the most common type. Popularity is due to ease of use. Compared to other types, it is much easier and faster to assemble furniture with a confirmation. Especially if you have to prepare holes for fasteners yourself. This fastener allows you to connect two parts together at an angle of 90 degrees.
For a reliable connection of the parts to each other, it is necessary to drill 2 holes in them. In one part, the hole should beequal to the diameter of the confirmate head. At the end of the second part, a second hole is made with a diameter corresponding to the thread of the part.
It is often necessary to use 5 and 6 mm drills for this procedure. In order not to replace components, you can purchase a combination drill in stores, which allows you to drill different holes at the same time.
Confirmat is a universal type of furniture tie, which has its own application features and disadvantages.

Be sure to use a dowel with a confirmation. This is a special wooden rod. Its length is up to 30 mm, and its diameter is 6 mm. The dowel acts as a guide that does not allow parts to move during tightening. This connection method allows you to achieve high accuracy when connecting.
This tie method allows you to disassemble and assemble furniture several times. But remember that the chipboard material does not tolerate such manipulations. Often, after the first disassembly, the furniture screed does not hold the parts well.
Confirmation must be carefully wrapped. It is better to perform this procedure manually or set the minimum speed on the screwdriver. Otherwise, the thread of the fastener will act as a drill, which will finally break the already prepared hole.
To “drown” the hat in the body of the part, you should use the key. Perform actions should be carefully, slowly, because the thread may break. In some cases, it is necessary to additionally make a tsik. Confirmat is a fastener thatremains visible after application. Therefore, you must first purchase special stickers or plugs that will securely hide the fastener head.
Intersectional coupler
This fastener consists of a nut and a screw that can pull together 2 sections of furniture. Often they are used in cabinets. In this case, up to 4 intersection furniture screeds are used. Install them near the corners of the parts to be joined. Often, furniture is made from chipboard. Depending on the thickness of the material, different sizes of fasteners are used.

For the manufacture of cabinets from a standard chipboard sheet 26 mm thick, an intersection furniture screed 32 mm in size is used. If the cabinet is made of thicker material, use fasteners up to 50 mm.
Special types of ties
Unique connecting fasteners are often used to create exclusive furniture. Fasteners for countertops have become widespread among special types of screeds. Its main purpose is to connect the two halves of the dining table planes.
Two C-shaped and a hairpin are placed in the lower plane of the tabletop. To do this, a cylindrical recess is drilled in it. It is also necessary to mill the groove. You will need at least 2 cable ties per table.
Furniture corners
This fastener does not guarantee a secure connection. Therefore, it is used to fasten parts that are expected to have a minimum load. Often these are decorative.elements, for example, mezzanine shelves or the plinth of a wardrobe.
Use both plastic and metal components. The former are by far the most popular. They have a more attractive appearance, are not inferior to their metal counterparts in terms of strength and allow you to hide fasteners.

Furniture corners are fixed with self-tapping screws to two mating parts. Fasteners are hidden by snapping the cover.
There are a large number of these fasteners. Conventionally, they can be divided into 2 groups:
- for glass;
- for chipboard.
Each of these groups can be divided into the following types:
- fixed;
- without fixation.
Shelf holders for laminated chipboard are used to securely fasten shelves in a cabinet. Fixation is provided by an eccentric. It consists of the fastener itself and the stem.
The shelf holder is installed in the body of the shelf, and the screw is installed in the wall of the cabinet. To do this, holes are drilled in the wall and in the shelf of the cabinet. Often these are standard sizes. Using a Forstner drill, holes are made in the shelf for the holder. A hole in the wall - using a drill for wood. Make sure the shelf supports are 2cm from the front and back of the shelf.
The shelf holder is installed in the prepared holes with a rubber hammer. This will ensure that it is securely fixed inside.

Shelf holders with fixationcharacterized by an eccentric mechanism that ensures a strong connection between the cabinet wall and the shelf. In addition, they act as an additional reinforcement of the structure, increase its rigidity.
Shelf holders for glass are fixed with self-tapping screws 16 mm long to the cabinet wall. The distance from the fastener to the rear or front end is at least 5 cm.
Locked glass shelf holders are equipped with a special screw that securely fixes the glass and prevents it from falling out. Fasteners without fixation are presented in the form of a corner or a rod.
The above-described fastening and tie fittings are the most common in the manufacture of modern furniture. To ensure reliable fixation, rigidity and strength of the finished product, it is necessary to correctly mark up and strictly follow the sequence of assembly work.