How long do roses last? Secrets of professionals

How long do roses last? Secrets of professionals
How long do roses last? Secrets of professionals

All women, of course, love to receive flowers as a gift. Each of the ladies has her favorites among flowers, but still, bouquets of roses are most often given. These magnificent flowers are a symbol of love and passion, admiration and beauty. However, often, when they come home with a bouquet, women ask themselves how long to keep roses? How to make majestic buds please our eyes for as long as possible? Each family probably has its own secrets on how to keep roses alive, but there are generally recognized methods. Let's talk about them.

how long to keep roses
how long to keep roses

Step one. Choosing roses

Before you think about how long to keep roses, you need to choose them correctly. In this case, you should not trust the sellers, make your own decision. When choosing roses, pay attention to the lower green leaves. In recently plucked flowers, these leaves fit snugly to the bud, but in flowers they do notthe first freshness, these leaves are lowered down. If you want the bouquet to please the eye not only during the first days, choose flowers that have not yet fully opened. When choosing a flower, pay attention to the leaves. If they are bright, green - take it boldly. And finally, pay attention to the variety. Not all varieties are pleased with durability. But varieties "Avalange" or "Raffaello" are ideal for a bouquet.

how to save live roses
how to save live roses

Step two. Coming home

The first thing many women do when they come home is to rush to put the received bouquet into the water. And here lies the first mistake. It is best to soak a kitchen towel, completely wrap the bouquet with it and leave for a couple of hours to adapt. During this time, you will have time to have dinner and calmly prepare a vase for flowers. The main requirement for her is cleanliness. The water must also be clean. Distilled water is excellent, if you doubt its purity, add one tablet of activated charcoal. Also, add an aspirin tablet and a spoonful of sugar to the water. This is the foundation of the answer to the question: "How long to keep roses?" But let's move on.

Step three. How to save roses

In order for roses to keep their freshness longer, they will require daily care, namely:

  1. Before putting the bouquet into the water for the first time, the flowers are prepared as follows: under running water, cut the stems a couple of centimeters, cut the thorns and leaves by 2/3 of the length of the stem. By the way, the names are so the stem of the rose must be covered with water, so choosefairly tall vases.
  2. Choose a place for a vase. Avoid drafts and direct sunlight. Roses don't like this.
  3. It is very important to change the water daily by cutting and rinsing the flower stems under running water. Do not forget to rinse the vase too, otherwise there will be no sense in changing the water.
how to save roses
how to save roses

Valuable tips

And finally, a couple of tips from experts on how long to keep roses. Florists believe that roses cannot get along in one vase with any other flowers. Therefore, no matter how beautiful the decorated bouquet is, it is better to divide it. Some flower growers believe that replacing the water in the vase will help stop the wilting that has begun; water at room temperature must be replaced with hot water. And most importantly, in order for the bouquet to live as long as possible, give it with love!
