What to do to make roses stand in a vase for a long time, or We extend the life of a beautiful flower

What to do to make roses stand in a vase for a long time, or We extend the life of a beautiful flower
What to do to make roses stand in a vase for a long time, or We extend the life of a beautiful flower

Rare woman does not like flowers. And roses are especially popular with the fair sex. These are very beautiful noble flowers, but there is one minus in them. How much are roses in a vase? Day 4, well, a maximum of a week. They wither very quickly, and today we will talk about what tricks you can use to make roses stand in a vase for a long time.

so that roses stand in a vase for a long time
so that roses stand in a vase for a long time
  1. Before putting the bouquet in a vase, remove the leaves that will be in the water, and cut the stems of roses a couple of centimeters. It is desirable to do this in warm water, but not under running water, and obliquely. This will prevent air from getting into the pores of the stem, which will help moisture to flow freely into the flower. This procedure is best done every day, as roses "drink" a lot of water.
  2. The vase should be taken so that about ½ of the stem is in the water.
  3. The best moisture for roses is rainwater. You can also use melted snow. Flowers more actively absorb boiled water, cooled to twenty degrees, than from the tap. The thing is that fresh tap water is saturatedoxygen. Its temperature varies depending on the season. In hot weather, it is better to use cold water, and in winter - warm. At the same time, it must be changed daily, and the vase should be washed thoroughly. The softer the stem, the less water required.
  4. To keep roses in a vase for a long time, florists advise not to cut the thorns from them. This is due to the fact that if the stem is damaged, bacteria quickly penetrate into the pores of the flower and, as a result, the bouquet will wither even earlier.
  5. During the day, the flowers should be sprayed with cool water.
  6. how much are roses in a vase
    how much are roses in a vase
  7. To keep roses in a vase for a long time, do not rush to put them in water in winter. Keep the flowers in the room for at least half an hour or an hour - this will help to avoid temperature differences and thereby prevent the petals from falling off quickly.
  8. It is better to put roses in cold water at night - this will refresh them. The main thing is to make sure that the buds are above the water. With proper care, the flowers will keep fresh for about two weeks.
  9. Probably everyone already knows the following: for roses to stand for a long time in a vase, you need to put one or two aspirin tablets in water. However, some advise replacing painkillers with sugar, vodka, s alt, manganese, citric acid, and even Sprite. As for professional florists, they argue that all these are myths, and none of the listed additives will extend the life of flowers. Experts advise using flower bait products, such as Kvitalin and Krizal.
  10. bouquet of roses in a vase photo
    bouquet of roses in a vase photo

    Toroses stood in a vase for a long time, it is recommended to place them separately from other bouquets. These flowers do not tolerate "neighbors" very well.

  11. If you come across a not very fresh flower, don't be discouraged. For "resuscitation" you will need hot water and some glucose. The stem will need to be crushed at the very bottom so that it absorbs as much moisture as possible, and placed briefly in water with the addition of glucose.
  12. There is also a remedy for fading flowers - you need to create a greenhouse effect. At home, this can be done with just a plastic bag. It must be firmly fixed and left overnight.

We hope our tips will help prolong the life of flowers that will please the eye for more than one week, because they are so beautiful. Just look at the bouquet of roses in the vase! The photo does not convey all their beauty and delicate aroma, but it's a pity …