What needs to be done to make the tree stand for a long time

What needs to be done to make the tree stand for a long time
What needs to be done to make the tree stand for a long time

December is the time for New Year's Eve chores. And one of the most enjoyable moments in the festive fuss is buying and decorating a Christmas tree. A living tree brings the aroma of the holiday into the house. Even the forest beauty, not yet dressed up, cheers everyone up. Of course, I want the tree to stand for a long time and please everyone with its appearance. So that the needles do not crumble after a couple of days, you need to follow the following tips.

to make the tree stand for a long time
to make the tree stand for a long time

What to look for when choosing

Everything starts with a purchase. In order for the tree to stand for a long time, it is important to choose a freshly cut tree. Or at least well preserved. The fact is that the harvesting season begins in October, and the markets open in December, at the earliest - at the end of November. However, there are signs that will help identify a fresh tree:

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the color of the needles: it should be bright, green. A yellow tint indicates that the tree was cut down a long time ago, and it has already begun to dry out; gray color - for soreness. In both cases, the tree will not last long, and there will be practically no smell either.
  • Another test for needles is sustainability. You can lightly knock on a treeearth. Another option is to squeeze the twig in your hand and see if the needles remain in your palm. If the needles began to fall, it means that the tree was cut down a long time ago.
  • Fresh needles are fragrant, it's easy to check if you rub it in your fingers. Old dry needles will not smell.
  • The next step is to inspect the trunk. It must be clean, free of mold, fungus and damage. A good sign if the trunk is also covered with needles and they do not crumble.
  • If a brown border appears on the saw cut, then the tree has been on the market for a long time.
  • make the Christmas tree last longer
    make the Christmas tree last longer
  • You also need to pay attention to the branches. They can tell a lot to the attentive buyer. The branches should bend easily without breaking. It is better to use the lower shoots for testing, as they begin to dry first.
  • The branches should be spaced fairly often and evenly for the tree to be fluffy.

Even before buying, you need to decide on the optimal height so that you do not have to trim the top of your head. If the vertical shoot breaks, then the tree begins to die.

When choosing, it is important to know which tree stands longer without shedding its needles. Fir begins to crumble after 2 weeks in warmth. Pine - after 12-14 days. Spruce costs the least - no more than 10 days.

Before installation

It is best to bring the forest beauty home in your hands. She will suffer the least from this type of transportation. But it is not forbidden to transport it on the roof of a car or in a bus or tram. Just make sure she doesn't get hurt.transportation.

Do not immediately bring the tree into a warm room. In order for the tree to stand for a long time, you need to let it stand for a couple of days on a glazed balcony or in the hallway. The temperature difference should be as smooth as possible. And then she will have to stand for at least a day in the room where the place is prepared for her.

which tree lasts longer
which tree lasts longer

How to install correctly

The trunk will need to be cut again to open the tarry channels. You should also remove the bark to a height of 15-20 cm. If necessary, cut off the lower branches. All this will provide access to water.

When installing in a stand, the butt should be wrapped with rags so that you can water the Christmas tree in this way.

The Christmas tree stays longer in a bucket of sand. The barrel should go into it by 20 cm, but not touch the bottom. However, not everyone has the opportunity to stock up on sand, so the tree can be placed simply in the water. At the same time, you need to fix it well so that the whole structure does not tip over.

how long does a living tree last
how long does a living tree last

The tree should stand away from heating devices: radiators, heaters, etc.

He althy Supplements

To make the Christmas tree stand longer, you need to water the tree every day or moisten the rags in the stand. This must also be done according to certain rules:

  • Settled water should be used to allow the chlorine to evaporate and the particles that form the precipitate to settle.
  • You can make a solution with chalk, sugar, citric acid or aspirin. Food supplements improve nutritionChristmas trees.
  • It is also useful to put pieces of copper wire or coins in the bucket. Metal disinfects water, prevents the appearance of fungus.
  • To make the tree stand for a long time, you need to make sure that there is enough water. A Christmas tree can drink from 0.5 to 3 liters per day - depending on the size.
  • You can periodically spray the needles with water from a spray bottle.
  • the tree lasts longer
    the tree lasts longer

Alternative options

If you want the Christmas tree to please not only on holidays, then you can buy a seedling and plant it on the site. Then the fluffy beauty will always be at hand, the annual problem of finding her will disappear. However, if the plant will stand at home in a pot, you need to ask the seller how to care for it and how long a live Christmas tree lasts. Trees do not like dry and stuffy apartment climate, so 2-3 weeks is the maximum for them. It is better to keep them on the balcony or rotate the location.

Also, some stores provide a "tree for hire" service. The plant is rented and returned after the holidays.

Why is the tree still alive?

Despite the wide range of artificial beauties, many people still prefer natural ones. Coniferous aroma is incomparable with anything, only he alone is able to create a festive mood. Also, essential oils are very useful for the body, they kill harmful bacteria.

make the Christmas tree last longer
make the Christmas tree last longer

Also, Christmas tree needles can be used after the holiday, for example, take a pine bath orprepare a pine mask. For many, the New Year holidays are the only way to stock up on raw materials.
