Among the most common plants that are used to decorate an aquarium, Echinodorus Magribinets is especially popular. Its presence allows you to complete the ecosystem in the aquarium. This plant is characterized by attractive appearance, unpretentiousness and excellent adaptation. The plant can quickly get used to other environmental conditions, light, water. For this reason, Echinodorus Magribinets is especially popular with aquarists.

Echinodorus is an amazing plant
To date, there are more than 50 species of this plant. Thanks to the active work of modern horticulture, varieties of echinodorus were born, which received international certificates of hybrid species. A photo with the names of aquarium plants already indicates the attractiveness of this hybrid.
This amazing plant is native to both Africa and South America. These species, of course, have some external differences, but they are practicallyinvisible. They are mainly distinguished by the presence of essential oils in the tissues. They are present in the South American form.
In the wild, this plant can vary in size. You can find species from a few centimeters to 1.5 m in height.
This plant has a special structure. Some of its species lack a rhizome. Others may have both a cone-shaped and a horizontal rhizome.

These rhizomes differ from each other in the method of growth. The horizontal arrangement of the rhizome is characteristic of creeping species. The root diameter can be from 5 to 25 mm, depending on the size of the plant itself.
Echinodorus Maghrebian
This species can be safely called the most sophisticated and harmonious of all representatives. So, let's proceed to the description of Echinodorus Magribinets - this is a hybrid that was grown under artificial conditions. In 2001, breeder Igor Filippov was able to grow this amazing plant. However, he did not record which plants he pollinated. Therefore, it still remains a mystery what species of Echinodorus were the parents of this plant. Surprisingly, European breeders could not get such an attractive plant as a result of their activities. Besides, it is undemanding. Echinodorus will grow well in a variety of aquariums.

The average size of Echinodorus Magribinets is up to 35 cm in height and up to 30 cm in diameter. Young leaves are dark pink. As you grow olderthey change color to a richer brown hue.
The sheet plate is covered with clearly visible veins. The surface is glossy matte, hard to the touch. The edges of the leaves are wavy, and the tips are slightly wrapped. Leaves reach 20 cm in length. All petioles on a bush are green, up to 10 cm long. The plant grows long enough.
In 1, 5-2 years the bush becomes mature. It often produces peduncles as thick as a match. It has up to 8 babies. If the plant has enough nutrients, all the babies can be saved.
Signs of improper cultivation
According to breeders, this plant is not demanding and unpretentious. But the content of Echinodorus Magribinets does not tolerate gross errors that may arise due to improper care. The main condition for normal growth is regular soil washing and water replacement. Photos with the names of aquarium plants attract beauty and simplicity at the same time.

Otherwise, the aquarium ecosystem will quickly begin to age. These are unsuitable conditions for growth. The first signs indicating the incorrect development of the plant include:
- stop growth;
- ejection of needle-shaped leaves;
- shrinks bush vegetation.
These signs indicate unsatisfactory growing conditions. It is urgent to eliminate the cause of what is happening, otherwise the plant may die altogether.
Causes of "malaise" of the plant
Cause of unsatisfactoryplant condition may become root rot. To resuscitate Echinodorus, you should carefully dig out its root and carefully examine it. He althy roots should be white.
Roots that have begun to rot become darker and translucent. Experts recommend completely getting rid of them by carefully cutting off all the affected areas with a sharp knife. Places of cuts must be processed along the edges, well crushed with birch charcoal.
Cutting the roots, pay attention to the tool. It should be thin and well sharpened.

The plant is then planted in well-washed soil. At the same time, the surviving pieces of roots do not need to be buried completely. They should be half in the soil. In this case, the cut point should remain above the ground surface. Thus, the process of decay will not resume.
To provoke the growth of a plant, it is necessary to “wake up” the kidneys. For this, it is enough that the parts of the rhizome are well lit.
Features of plant content
Growing echinodorus, you should also pay attention to the following features:
- About 25% of the total water needs to be changed every week.
- Water temperature should be between +18 and +26 °C. Hardness - up to 10 units. A neutral pH balance is recommended.
- Good lighting.
- The soil should consist of fine gravel and sand, which should be siphoned monthly.
- Water must be saturatedCO2. If there is not enough carbon dioxide, then calcium from the water will settle on the surface of the leaves. This is harmful to the aquarium ecosystem, and to the plant.
- With this plant, there must be ancistrus and snails in the aquarium. They clean the leaves, they can even cope with calcium deposits.
- Be sure to make root feeding.
- In spring every year the plant needs to be transplanted and renewed.
- At the same time, fragments of the rhizome with awakened buds or new growth points are separated.

Plant propagation
Many novice aquarists are interested in how to propagate Echinodorus Magribinets at home? This plant is propagated by daughter bushes. They appear in sufficient numbers at the root area of an adult mother bush.

In addition, under ideal growing conditions, the plant often blooms. On a thin peduncle, up to 8 daughter bushes are often located. They can be transplanted to grow a new, attractive and strong plant.
To get babies, you can pull the plant out of the ground and leave it to float on the surface of the water. After a few weeks, you will see the resulting daughter plants in large numbers on the root system.
Echinodorus Magribinets is an amazing, attractive plant that will suit all aquariums. It is undemanding, unpretentious, multiplies rapidly. This isa great decoration for your fish kingdom.