Cleistocactus Strauss is very popular with succulent lovers. This plant is distinguished by its unpretentious nature and stunningly beautiful appearance. You will learn how to provide proper care for Strauss Cleistocactus at home from our material.
Cleistocactus Strauss, the photo of which is presented in the article, belongs to the family of South American cacti. In its natural environment, this succulent grows massively in the foothills of the Andes, in the rocky and hilly areas of Uruguay, Peru, Bolivia and western Argentina.

The plant reaches up to 3 meters in height and about 15 cm in diameter. The trunk has 20-30 ribs with numerous areoles. From each of them comes a bunch of light spines, so that the stem seems to be covered with a whitish coating. Because of this feature, Cleistocactus is also called the "silver candle".
This species is classified as a multi-flowered cactus. The flowering period begins in August, but the buds are released only when they reach at least 45 cm in height.cleistocactus.
Home care
The plant, like most succulents, is quite unpretentious. And caring for it includes the following agrotechnical measures:
- watering;
- feeding;
- transplant;
- disease and pest prevention.
It is also important to maintain a comfortable temperature, humidity and lighting in the room where Cleistocactus is grown.

Cleistocactus Strauss belongs to heat-loving plants, and +22…+26 degrees will be comfortable for him. In summer, the culture will endure hotter conditions. But in winter it is desirable to transfer the plant to a room with + 14 … + 16 ° C. For example, at this time you can take the pot out onto a glazed balcony or loggia. But it is important that the flower is in no case exposed to drafts or sudden changes in temperature. In winter, the plant is gaining strength for a new vegetation, and any failure will adversely affect its viability.
Cleistocactus Strauss is a very photophilous plant. And for normal development, he needs good lighting. Therefore, it is better to grow succulents near the south or east window. At the same time, you can not shade the plant at noon, because the numerous spines of the cactus are its natural protection against burns.

With the advent of winter or when growing in a darker place, it is desirable to provide the pet with additional illuminationphytolamp. Otherwise, the plant will suffer from a lack of light, which will affect not only its attractiveness, but also its ability to bloom.
Cleistocactus does not need high humidity. But in a very dry and hot room, pests can attack it. To avoid this, periodically spray the spines with warm water from a spray bottle in the summer. And also to increase the humidity, you can put the pot in a container with wet expanded clay or moss. But in this case, you need to make sure that the water does not reach the drainage hole. Otherwise, the roots will “suffocate.”
Cleistocactus Strauss, like most succulents, belongs to drought-resistant plants. And he needs regular watering only in spring and summer, during the active growing season. During this period, it is desirable to keep the soil moist, but not wet. Keep in mind that stagnation of moisture has a detrimental effect on the roots of the succulent, so do not overdo it with watering.

With the arrival of autumn, gradually reduce moisture. In winter, reduce watering to a minimum. Literally a teaspoon of water once a month is enough for a cactus. At this time, the plant begins a dormant period, so it is better not to disturb it. When watering a cactus in winter, move it to a warm room, and return to cool conditions when the liquid is completely absorbed.
Cleistocactus, photos of which are presented in the material, grow on depleted soils. Therefore, they may well develop fully without fertilizers. But if you want to wait for the buds frompets, then feed the crops from late May to early September once a month. To do this, use special liquid fertilizers designed for succulents.
Young Cleistocactus Strauss is desirable to replant annually. It is enough for adult specimens to hold this event every 2-3 years. The procedure should be started in the spring, then the plant will more easily endure the stress of the transplant, and may even bloom in the summer.
Before the event, it is important to prepare a suitable substrate and a new pot. As for the flowerpot, give preference to stable, but not too deep containers. Their diameter should be no more than 2-3 cm larger than the previous ones.

Cleistocactus is suitable for store mix intended for succulents. If you want to make your own substrate, then mix the following ingredients:
- 4 pieces of sand;
- 2 pieces of sod land;
- 2 pieces of leaf soil;
- 1 piece of peat.
Be sure to disinfect the mixture before planting, otherwise the plant will suffer from pests and microorganisms that live in the soil. For disinfection, hold the substrate over steam or heat in the oven.
How to transplant a plant
Before the event, put on thick mittens so as not to injure your hands on the sharp needles of the plant. Carry out the procedure itself in this way:
- At the bottom of the new pot, pour a layer of drainage 3 centimeters thick. For these purposes, use expanded clay or brick chips. Backfill drainagelayer of prepared substrate.
- Retrieve the cactus from the old pot. Gently shake off the soil and inspect the roots of the plant. Rinse the plant if necessary. But in this case, before transplanting, it must be dried for 2-3 days.
- Remove rotten and weakened shoots, and also shorten roots that are too long. Sprinkle the cuts with charcoal.
- Put the plant in a pot and fill the voids with soil. Make sure the root collar is just below the soil level.
- Fix the flower with a top layer of drainage to support it.
Do not water the cactus at first. And when he settles down, give him the usual care.

Cactus seed propagation
Cleistocactus Strauss is propagated in many ways, and the method of growing from seeds is not popular with flower growers, because this is a long process. Nevertheless, thanks to him, rare varieties can be grown. It is advisable to hold the event in the spring, then the plants will have enough natural light, and besides, they will not suffer from the heat.
How to grow cleistocactus from seeds:
- Prepare the peat-sand mixture and fill it with a suitable container. Lightly moisten the soil.
- Spread the seeds evenly over the surface, keeping a distance of 2-3 cm. Sprinkle them with soil, 0.5-1 cm thick.
- Cover the landing with film or glass and place in a room with diffused light and a temperature of at least +20 °C.
- Sprinkle daily until sprouts appearcrops with warm water from a spray bottle. When the seedlings break through, remove the film, and gradually reduce watering to 2-3, and then once a week.
- When the plants are strong enough, dive them into small individual pots.
Give regular care to young cacti in the future.
Tip propagation
This way you can update or reanimate your home cactus.
How to run an event:
- Cut off the top of the plant with a sharp knife. The cut part must be at least 10 cm.
- Slightly “grind” the bottom cut, giving it the shape of a pencil. Why is this needed? When dry, soft tissues will be drawn into the stem. And if the cut is left even, then in a few days it will take the form of a concave funnel, and it is unlikely to give roots.
- Sprinkle the cut with charcoal, and dry the cactus for 3-4 days.
- Plant the plant in a pot with suitable soil, do not bury the stem, but support the flower with sticks for stability. It is not necessary to water the cactus at this time.
- When the plant forms roots, remove the support and give the plant normal care.
Reproduction by babies
Side shoots no less than 20 cm long are suitable for reproduction. They are broken off by hand and dried for a week. Then, the planting material is rooted in small pots filled with a substrate with the same composition as for adult plants (more on the soil in the "Transplanting" chapter). Before the babies take root, they need to provide support.

Diseases and pests
With proper care, Strauss' Cleistocactus almost never gets sick. But if you violate the irrigation regime, and often waterlog the soil, then the roots of the plant can rot. In this case, even a transplant will not help the cactus. And the only way to save a flower is by pruning and growing from the top.
In some cases, intensive growth of children and lateral processes causes drying and death of the central stem. If you notice such a situation, then immediately cut off the shoot, and sprinkle the place with crushed charcoal. This will save at least the side shoots.
When grown in a too dry and hot room, the cactus can be attacked by pests. Most often, the plant affects the spider mite and mealybug. If you notice parasites, then immediately treat the succulent with an insecticide, for example, Aktara or Aktelik. Otherwise, a large colony of insects will quickly destroy the tropical beauty.
Providing proper care for Strauss Cleistocactus at home is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow the recommendations for growing, and create comfortable conditions for the plant. And it will surely thank you with its fast growth and attractive appearance.