When and how to transplant anthurium at home?

When and how to transplant anthurium at home?
When and how to transplant anthurium at home?

Anthurium is one of the finest representatives of indoor plants. Its blooming form can be compared to the grace and charm of a flamingo. Decorative species with amazingly beautiful leaves are also interesting. But in order for the plant to please you with its appearance, you need to properly care for it. This is not only watering, top dressing, disease prevention, but also timely transplantation. With the last point, many flower growers have difficulty. Not everyone knows how to transplant anthurium correctly. Therefore, let's analyze this issue thoroughly.

Introducing the plant

First of all, let's introduce you to the hero of the story. Anthurium is one of the representatives of the aroid. In nature, it can be found in the tropics of South and Central America. In total, about 500 species of anthuriums are known.

Flower growers value them for a kind of flower, reminiscent of a fabulous sail. Someone prefers purely deciduous species. However, what we think of as a sail flower is not a petal! It's just a brightly pigmented coverlet. But himselfa flower is a small and very nondescript cob, which is protected by a "sail". As soon as it fades, the bright "petal" loses its amazing color, turning into an ordinary green leaf. I must say that anthurium flowers smell wonderful - each species has its own unique aroma.

anthurium how to transplant
anthurium how to transplant

The plant can reach a height of 70 cm. It has large hard green leaves covered with a matte thin film. Their shape can vary from heart-shaped to arrow-shaped. We must also remember that all parts of the plant are poisonous! Therefore, install it in a location out of the reach of small children and pets.

Popular Anthurium varieties

Hybrids are the most popular among home garden lovers. The most common is Andre's Anthurium. The reason is that the plant blooms almost all year round. Sheets-"sails" can be white, pink, red, burgundy. The scarlet Andre Dakota is different here.

Scherzer's anthurium is also widely known. Its "sails" are more rounded, their colors are white, orange, red, with bizarre specks. It also blooms profusely and often.

Among the leaf species, multidissected anthurium is common. Outwardly, it resembles a vine with “finger” leaves. Crystal anthurium is also popular, featuring heart-shaped leaves with white veins, resembling crystal in their pattern.

When do you need a transplant?

This procedure is mandatory for anthurium. If the plant is he althy, actively developing andblooms, then it needs to be transplanted into a wider container 2-3 times a year. Scheduled transplants are best done in winter-spring.

If the reasons (we will talk about them in detail later) require an immediate procedure, then it is performed at any time of the year. This applies to transplantation after purchase, in case of plant disease, use of unsuitable soil for it, etc.

transplant flowering anthurium
transplant flowering anthurium

Reason for transplant

Is it possible to transplant anthurium? Yes, and you need to do it periodically. Reasons for a transplant may be as follows:

  • The old pot becomes cramped for the overgrown plant. The roots intertwined the entire earthen room.
  • The substrate in the old "house" was chosen incorrectly, which affected the appearance of the anthurium.
  • You found rot or signs of other diseases on the root system.

How to transplant an anthurium flower? The procedure is carried out by transferring to a new "dwelling" with a piece of old soil and adding a new substrate. In some cases, the roots release the old soil and plant the plant in new soil.

Let's figure out how to make a transplant in each of the above cases.

Transplantation due to cramped pot

Do plant roots appear from drainage holes or on the surface of the soil? Anthurium needs to be transplanted urgently! The roots simply do not have enough space in the container, which is why they go outside in search of air, moisture and nutrition.

when can anthurium be transplanted
when can anthurium be transplanted

Howtransplant anthurium in this case:

  1. Water the plant generously before treatment. This softens the soil, making it easier to remove the earthen ball without damaging the roots.
  2. If the pot is plastic, you can lightly tap on its side surface. This will help the substrate separate from the inner walls.
  3. Holding the plant at the very base of the stem, slowly and smoothly begin to remove it and the pot. Help detach the earth lump from the walls with a spatula.
  4. Before transplanting, be sure to inspect the root system for signs of disease.
  5. We continue to analyze how to transplant anthurium at home. The new pot should be slightly wider than the old one. Ideally, if its diameter is equal to its height. Too wide a pot will slow down the flowering time of the plant.
  6. The bottom is sprinkled with a layer of drainage and new soil.
  7. In the middle of the pot, the root system is installed in an old earthy coma. On the sides, new earth is sprinkled. If necessary, it can also form the top layer.
  8. Water the plant again. Coat the substrate with sphagnum to retain moisture.

I must say that the plant quickly acclimatizes to a new "home" and soon after transplantation begins to delight with new leaves and even inflorescences.

Replant due to poor soil

If you made a mistake with the choice of substrate, then soon it will affect the state of the plant - it will slowly develop, lose its decorative effect, and be prone to disease. The way out of the situation is a change of "home" andsoil.

How to transplant anthurium at home? First of all, choose the right soil. A loose and very light substrate is needed that can perfectly pass water and oxygen through itself. Anthurium roots easily pass through such soil in search of food and moisture.

We prepare a suitable substrate as follows:

  1. The easiest way is to purchase special soil for anthurium in a specialized store.
  2. A good "recipe" is to mix equal parts coconut fiber, peat and crushed sphagnum.
  3. Add some crushed charcoal and soddy soil to the finished orchid soil.
  4. Collect the top layer of the substrate in the coniferous forest. But before use, it must be disinfected! To do this, it is enough to keep it in the freezer for at least a day.

How to transplant anthurium after preparing new soil? According to the same algorithm that we reflected above.

Transplant due to illness

How to tell if a plant is sick:

  • Spots began to appear on the leaves.
  • The plant began to wilt, wither.
  • Anthurium slowed down in growth, stopped blooming.

The reason may be in untimely watering or top dressing. If the restoration of the "diet" did not lead to a change in the situation, then the next step to recovery will be a transplant.

What are the causes of illness? Dense soil, lack / excess of moisture in the soil, the invasion of pests that brought infectious diseases with them.

flowering can be transplantedanthurium
flowering can be transplantedanthurium

Let's consider how to properly transplant anthurium at home:

  1. Water the plant generously before treatment.
  2. Holding the anthurium at the very base of the stem, remove the flower from the pot. Work smoothly and slowly, without excessive force, so as not to damage the root system and break the plant.
  3. Be sure to scrape off all the old soil from the roots!
  4. Now inspect the root system. If it has damage, traces of rot, then cut off all the affected areas to a he althy white matter. Sections should be treated with activated or charcoal powder.
  5. Then remove any dry, damaged, misshapen leaves. Pedicels with inflorescences are also cut off. All this reduces the load on the weakened flower.
  6. How to transplant an anthurium if it is affected by rot? Treat it with a fungicide.

After transplanting a diseased plant, continue to carefully monitor its condition so that if the disease returns, treat the soil, crown or root system with a "medicine" in time.

Transplant after purchase

When can I transplant anthurium? This is best done immediately after purchasing the plant. Flowers that are intended for sale are planted in small pots with a coconut or peat substrate. Sometimes the soil is saturated with long-acting fertilizers.

This plant is only enough food for two months. Therefore, there is a good chance that the substrate at the time of sale is already so scarce that if you delay transplanting, you can pushflower to imminent death.

How to transplant anthurium here? First of all, cut off all the pedicels - this will help the young plant to survive acclimatization more easily. Then it remains to remove it from the old pot and move it to a new one with fresh and nutritious soil.


Transplanting a flowering plant

Many are concerned about the question: "Can I transplant flowering anthurium?" Yes, if his condition does not allow delay in this matter. These are cases such as illness, choosing the wrong soil for him at the last transplant. And also when buying a flowering plant.

The procedure proceeds according to the standard scenario. But before transplanting a blooming anthurium, you must first cut off all the pedicels with inflorescences - opened and just tied. Why are we doing this? Acclimatization to a new home is a rather serious test for a flower. Therefore, it is important that he has the strength to get used to it, and to maintain his normal state. Flowering, on the other hand, takes a lot of energy from the plant.

Don't worry - the anthurium won't stay short for long. With the right transplant, he will quickly get used to the new conditions, after which he will give new leaves, shoots and inflorescences.

how to transplant anthurium at home
how to transplant anthurium at home

Proper care after transplant

We have sorted out step by step how to transplant anthurium at home. After the procedure, it is important to provide the plant with proper care:

  • Water the flower should only be when the top layer is completely drysubstrate.
  • Keep the plant out of direct sunlight.
  • Keep drafts in the room where the anthurium is located.
  • Since the fresh substrate is already full of nutrients, the first feeding after transplantation should be done no earlier than 2-3 months later. But if you hurry, then the introduced nutrients can burn the roots of the plant, which will affect its overall well-being.
  • In addition to transplantation, Anthurium also needs regular rejuvenation. To do this, cut off its top, leaving only the required number of internodes. It is then allowed to germinate in water or wet vermiculite.


We have already said that plants do not like direct light. But that doesn't mean it's shady. Anthurium is suitable for constant but diffused lighting. If the flower is constantly in the shade, you should not expect fast growth and abundant flowering from it.

He also doesn't like north windows. Best for him - western or eastern.


Anthurium refers to heat-loving representatives. In winter, the ideal temperature for it is not lower than 16 ° C, in summer it is about 28 ° C. Which, in principle, is observed in most apartments.

The plant does not tolerate drafts! Also, do not place it near heating appliances.

how to transplant anthurium
how to transplant anthurium


Here you have to try - the air in the apartment is often very dry for tropical anthurium. The easiest option is to purchase a humidifier. The most proven and economical -place the plant pot on a tray of wet sand or expanded clay.

Do not forget to periodically spray the area around the anthurium with a spray bottle. But it’s better not to get water on its leaves and “sails” - hard plumbing, it will leave an ugly whitish limescale on them.

By the way, the leaves must be periodically cleaned of dust with a damp sponge. You can also "bathe" the anthurium in the shower, but at the same time protecting the flowers from water. After bath procedures, dry the plant with a napkin.

Water and fertilize

Water should be abundant! Try not to overdry the plant. But the "swamp" in the substrate is also not needed. Water the anthurium only when the topsoil begins to dry out. The lower the temperature in the house, the less the plant needs moisture.

Periodically, while watering, do not forget about foliar top dressing. And in spring and summer, special fertilizers for aroids will be useful to anthurium. When diluting the solution, reduce the concentration indicated in the instructions by 2 times.

how to transplant an anthurium flower
how to transplant an anthurium flower

Now you know the basics of caring for a beautiful anthurium. The most important event here will be a timely transplant - both planned and due to emergencies. Don't forget to repot your plant in a new pot after purchasing it.
