Designing a garden plot with your own hands is a creative matter

Designing a garden plot with your own hands is a creative matter
Designing a garden plot with your own hands is a creative matter

Designing a garden plot with your own hands is so exciting that sometimes it becomes even more important for the owners than getting a crop. After all, a garden is a place where a person rests with his soul in the bosom of nature.

do-it-yourself gardening
do-it-yourself gardening

Using uneven terrain in design

Of course, it is optimal that the design of the garden plot with your own hands does not spoil the natural design, but only emphasizes the peculiarity of the landscape. If, for example, nature has created bumps, hills and depressions in the ground on the site, or even the garden is located on the slope of a large hill, this inconvenience can be successfully beaten. You should not cut off the hills, artificially leveling the landscape - there is a possibility of damage to the upper soil layer. Due to such rough intervention, the owner may subsequently have to buy soil to lay out on top of the place where the mound used to be. Or you can simply arrange the hill in the form of a flower bed, planting flowers of the same height. Due to the elevation, the flower bed will turn out to be voluminous, all plants will be perfectly visible even from a distance. Making a garden plot with your own hands on a hillside involves stepped flower beds and beds, which can also be quite beautiful. And small ravines or depressions in the ground can be used for artificial reservoirs. By surrounding a pond or lake made with your own hands with stones, you can create a wonderful corner for relaxation.

Paths in the garden

decoration and design of garden plots
decoration and design of garden plots

Even the paths in the "paradise" can be different. Someone will like the paths lined with paving slabs, bricks, concreted or asph alted more. And someone likes the naturalistic corner of nature more. Then you can plant the paths with special grass, fill it with sand, or, by making it along the paths or fencing the resting places with curbs, cover the area with fine gravel, expanded clay. Making a garden plot with your own hands is a purely personal matter, so no one can dictate any special rules to the owner of the garden.

Garden figures - decoration and lighting fixtures

decorative gardening
decorative gardening

Today, special figures are widely used for garden design: animals, sculptures stylized as antiquity, fairy-tale characters. The decoration and design of garden plots with such elements is based on the individual taste of the owner and the general style of the garden. For example, sculptures that imitate works of art of past centuries in the form of ladies with jugs or sunbathing half-naked girls are quite suitable for garden stylized areas “underantiquity . Then you should think about what the lanterns in the garden, benches, fences will be like. Everything should “play in unison”, correspond to each other, complement. And for the garden plots where the kids will rest, the figures of fairy-tale characters and animals are appropriate. Decorative design of the garden plot can even become useful if the sculptures take on the role of stands for outdoor lighting fixtures, tables, benches. The tiger, lying near the table, can serve as an excellent sofa, and the dwarf will hold the lantern; a huge tortoise or a hippopotamus on its shell will hold a glass tabletop, and a stork standing on one leg can hold a street washstand in its beak. By the way, you can not only buy figurines, but also make them yourself from plastic clay, gypsum, and even from soaked and squeezed paper pulp, and then paint them.
