Wallpaper in the nursery and their effect on the mood of the child

Wallpaper in the nursery and their effect on the mood of the child
Wallpaper in the nursery and their effect on the mood of the child

All parents dream of their child living in comfortable conditions, so that his room would be the best place for him to relax, play, meet friends.

wallpaper in the nursery
wallpaper in the nursery

To create the interior of a children's room the way you dream, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. And you should start with wallpaper. The most important factor in their selection is environmental friendliness.

The best choice is paper canvases. They do not have synthetic additives, they “breathe” well, and their price is quite acceptable. Thanks to this, they can be changed more often if the interior of the room starts to bother.

Vinyl wallpaper in the nursery is undesirable. Despite their obvious beauty, they are not cheap, and children can damage them very quickly, in which case you will need urgent, unplanned repairs.

Experts consider liquid wallpaper in the nursery to be the best option. They are not too cheap, but they can serve you for years. With any contamination, you can always repaint them yourself in a different color.

Special attention will be required when choosing the shade of the wallpaper and the pattern on them. Psychologists are sure that these should be gentle and calm tones. Do not experiment with bright green or red. Such bright colors can irritate the child.

wallpaper for baby girl's room
wallpaper for baby girl's room

If he has already formed hobbies and inclinations, then it is much easier to make such a choice in the nursery. Which wallpaper to prefer will tell you the preferences of the owner of the room. It can be a photo wallpaper with his favorite character. For boys, drawings and images related to their favorite sport, cars are great.

Wallpaper for a girl's children's room is somewhat more difficult to choose. They love flowers, and cartoon characters, and fairy princesses, and charming little animals. Therefore, it is better to consult with your little princess in this matter, of course, if she is not too small yet.

It is absolutely wrong to glue wallpaper in the nursery against the will of the child. Even an adult is prone to make mistakes, and if the child "does not accept" his room, then he will not want to be there. Listen to the wishes of the children, if necessary, slightly correct them - and then the repair in the nursery will be a pleasant event for you and your child.

in the nursery what wallpaper
in the nursery what wallpaper

Usually the wallpaper in the nursery is divided into age categories:

  • for babies;
  • for preschoolers;
  • for students;
  • for teenagers.

Depending on the age, the wallpaper pattern is selected. True, you can choose canvases withouthim, or rather with an unpainted pattern. Have you ever heard of coloring wallpapers? Children love to draw on the walls, but drawing from the finished drawing is so boring…

Designers offer to use this wonderful idea for decorating a nursery. Moreover, such wallpaper can be pasted over not the entire room, but one wall, or even only part of it. You can use colored pencils, felt-tip pens and even paints. These wallpapers today can be found in many kindergartens, in the children's rooms of large supermarkets, and children's art studios. Color them together with your child - this activity will bring you very close.
