Despite the fact that Acrokona (spruce) is considered quite an ordinary coniferous tree, it definitely deserves attention. For starters, it is low, so that your site will not clutter up. By the 30th anniversary, the tree will reach a maximum height of four meters, so you should not be afraid of much shading. At the same time, the very appearance that Acrocon (spruce) has is very cozy and non-standard. And most importantly - it retains its green needles all year round, so that in winter your site will look alive and smart.

What promises Acrokona (spruce)
This is a great plant for a small area. Despite the fact that Akrokron is a spruce, it does not quite correspond to the usual ideas about a coniferous tree. For starters, it has slightly hanging branches, giving the impression of some disheveledness. Further, it grows extremely slowly and never reaches gigantic sizes. But the main advantage that canto boast of Acrocona (spruce) is her elegance at certain moments of her life. In spring, it is decorated with an abundance of cones that have a scarlet color. As it matures, it fades somewhat, but remains attractively brown until it falls off.
Acrocon spruce: planting and care
Unlike many conifers, this tree is quite demanding. Akrokona is a spruce that needs sufficient lighting, but at the same time in some shade. Without the sun, the tree will be pale and slow down the already weak growth. In bright light, it will begin to “burn out” and suffer from burns of our luminary.
Picky Acrocona (spruce) and soils. Neutral and alkaline are not suitable for her, fertility should be above average, salinity is categorically unacceptable. As well as waterlogging: with excessive, and even more so constant humidity, Acrocona (spruce) dies within a month.
But the frost resistance of this tree is on top. Even at -40, only seedlings that are not protected from the cold by their owners die.
Caring for a Christmas tree is quite primitive. In the summer heat, it needs to be watered, with signs of damage to spruce aphids, immediately take action, before a harsh winter - impose "newcomers" with spruce branches. Otherwise, just leave the tree alone. It's self-sufficient enough to cost you the least amount of hassle.

And from the branch you can get a tree
Buying a seedling is a risky thing. Who knows how honest the seller is. Therefore, it is better to manage on your own. To do this, you need to look after a he althy specimen of spruce and cut it off.a branch close to the crown. Then remove the needles from the bottom, and put the tip in a very weak solution of potassium permanganate. After the process is placed in a mixture of sand and soil for coniferous plants, and wrapped in polyethylene on top or covered with a cut water bottle. In the spring, a Christmas tree can be planted, and in a couple of years Acrokona (spruce) will delight you with its timid needles.