Canadian spruce is an ornamental plant. Today it is actively used in landscape design. Spruce has become widespread among gardeners. This bonsai is used for decoration. This plant grows well in mid-latitudes.
Let's take a closer look at what Canadian spruce is, home care, and also talk about the characteristics of the plant.
Culture characteristics

Konica, Laurin, Alberta and Echiniformis varieties are widely used. Let's take a closer look at the first grade.
Konika is resistant to frost and can grow in any conditions familiar to spruces. Since it has a small size, it can be planted even in small areas. In height, spruce of this variety usually does not grow above 95 cm. However, under favorable conditions, the plant can stretch up to 2.5 m. Dwarf spruce has a dense crown in the shape of a cone. The needles of the plant have a bluish-green color. The root system is represented by a small weakly expressed tap root. Most roots are located close to the soil surface. Atearthwork should be carried out with great care.
Spruce grows rather slowly. On average, it adds only 30-40 mm in growth every year. There are specimens that grow in a year and by 100 mm. As a rule, these are five-year-old seedlings. The plant retains good growth until the age of 11-13 years. Then a year the tree adds only 20-23 mm. At the age of 20, the Canadian Konik spruce reaches an average height of 1.5 meters. The diameter of the crown at the base can reach 1 meter.
Home care

How does Canadian spruce Konik grow at home? The plant requires minimal care. Crown pruning is not carried out for this variety. In order for a tree to grow normally, it needs fertile soil and rainfall. However, in order to improve the tree's decorative characteristics, there are a few things you need to know about Canadian spruce care.
Main recommendations:
- In hot weather, the spruce crown must be irrigated with water. After that, after two days, it is recommended to slightly loosen the soil under the tree. It is also useful to feed the spruce with organic fertilizers.
- Before winter, it is advisable to prepare a mixture of soil and peat compost and spread it in a layer of 40-45 mm on the surface. In the spring, this mulch should be placed closer to the base of the tree.
- To prevent Canadian spruce from burning in the bright sun, it can be wrapped in a material that does not violate natural ventilation. Burlap is perfect for this purpose.
If in the spring the tree turned brown in parts, this isis not a sign of plant disease. Are the needles starting to lose color? This may be a reaction to the color of the sun. Even before the earth warms up, spruce begins the seasonal growing season. Due to the cold soil, the plant cannot get enough nutrients, and therefore acquires a brownish tint. When the soil warms up and the sap flow is restored, the plant will return to its normal color.
How to plant a Canadian spruce?

During the entire growth period, the plant in question can be transplanted. In this case, a number of important requirements must be observed, namely:
- Trees are best transplanted at a young age. In autumn and spring, the process is carried out with open roots. In the warm season, spruce is recommended to be replanted along with the adjacent land. This procedure is best done in rainy cloudy weather.
- During the first weeks after transplanting, the plant needs optimal watering. It is also better to protect the tree from the sun.
- It should be borne in mind that decorative coniferous trees do not tolerate waterlogging. This is also true for prolonged drought. In too wet soil, the roots of the plant may begin to die off. Any coniferous trees feel good in soils with low groundwater.
- Canadian spruce at home should be provided with a quality drainage system. The best conditions for growing Koniki are high humidity and occasional rainfall. It is advisable to plant a spruce nearby with garden plants. It will helpimprove the color of the needles, and also reduce the likelihood of fading in the sun.
- The soil for growing conifers should be sufficiently loose and water-intensive. In this case, excessive fertility will be more of a disadvantage than a virtue. Seedlings in such soil ripen worse and stretch more.
Canadian spruce can reproduce in several ways. For this purpose, as a rule, cuttings, seedlings or seeds are used. It is clear that from seeds the tree will grow longer. The most difficult way can be called growing from cuttings. For this purpose, a mature branch 100-110 mm long is usually taken. From below, the stalk must be treated with growth stimulants. They are planted in the ground to a depth of 20-30 mm. Normal soil is suitable for growing seedlings. Plants need watering immediately after planting.
Growing trees for sale

Today, Christmas trees are often grown for sale. This business option can bring a fairly large additional income for gardeners. However, Canadian spruce is not suitable for this purpose. Breeding this variety is considered unprofitable. It takes a long time to grow. It is also worth remembering that young plants need constant care: watering, fertilizing, loosening. The Christmas tree will be ready for sale only after 3-5 years.
Choosing seedlings
The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a cutting of Canadian spruce is its shape. It must match the class. Also pay attention to the color of the needles. He must beeven and quite rich. Often, Canadian spruce is sold already in pots with soil. Usually these seedlings have many roots. They should not form a tight lump. In addition, the earth in the container should not be too dry. Typically, the roots of a crop such as Canadian Konica spruce are wrapped in a net or moistened cloth. Transplantation must be done very carefully. It depends on how the tree will develop in the future.
Pests and diseases
Conifers are susceptible to various diseases and pests. A very common disease for Canadian spruce is tracheomycosis. This fungus infects the roots of the tree, causing them to lose their ability to transport nutrients. The disease usually affects young plants. The first symptoms are redness and shedding of needles. Trees affected by this disease cannot be cured. To prevent the spread of infection, diseased trees must be dug up with the ground and burned. Then the place where they grew is treated with a solution of copper sulfate. Coniferous plants often suffer from the so-called rust. As a result of this disease, growths of orange and yellow are formed on the tree. The needles may also fall off.
As for pests, here the number one enemy for the Canadian spruce is the bark beetle. These small insects can gnaw through a whole system of passages under the bark of a tree. They lay their eggs in them. A tree affected by this pest can no longer be saved.
Growing conditions

Onthe territory of private households is often found Canadian spruce Konik. Home care for this plant can not be called too complicated. One of the most important conditions for the proper development of a tree is the optimal choice of a place for planting. Trees are best planted in partial shade, protected from the wind. The tree does not need pruning, it already has an optimal shape. During a drought, it is necessary to irrigate the tree through the crown. What other procedures does Canadian spruce require? Home care without fail provides for regular loosening of the soil. This procedure ensures the saturation of the soil with oxygen. Caring for Canadian spruce is quite simple, it does not require any serious effort. All you need to do is protect it from the sun and maintain a comfortable level of humidity.
Many gardeners today grow a plant like Canadian spruce on their plots. Home care for this tree is quite simple. She looks nice and neat. Usually, representatives of the green flora are quite large, which does not allow them to be grown in a private economy. It is for this reason that gardeners and landscape designers prefer dwarf varieties. Canadian spruce is one of them. Photos of this plant can often be found on the covers of popular home economics magazines. Distinctive features of this variety are a compact, low-growing crown and beautiful coloring of needles. It is thanks to these characteristics that compact spruce is popular among owners of privatehouses and garden plots.
Konica Spruce Benefits

The main advantage of Canadian spruce is ease of care. In order for the coniferous beauty to grow well, the natural fertility of the soil and natural precipitation are sufficient. You can additionally feed the plant. In summer, it is recommended to wear organic fertilizer mixed with the ground in the root zone. To make the plant easier to endure the winter, it will be useful to mulch using compost and peat. In the spring, the mulch is embedded in the soil. Best of all, the plant tolerates transplantation at a young age. For the first time after processing, the Christmas tree must be protected from sun people.
Konica is widely used today in landscape design. It can be used both in a group with other plants, and in a single performance. Home grown Canadian spruce can often be seen on rooftops, decks and near homes. Due to its decorative form, the tree fits perfectly into large plant compositions. It will look good in combination with undersized evergreens. Also, a beautiful coniferous tree will look great against the background of the lawn.
Canadian spruce Konik today is very popular among gardeners and landscape designers. This is due to its aesthetic appearance and compact size. Such a beautiful plant will decorate any area. Breeders managed to bring out a huge number of varieties characterized by the color of the needles: from bluish to light green. The advantage of Canadian spruce is that it can also be used as a houseplant. Such a plant will look elegant in a pot as a Christmas tree. In this case, it is necessary to periodically spray spruce. In summer, a container or pot of spruce can be put outside next to other bushes and trees. In order for the Christmas tree to grow better, it is recommended to transplant it into a larger tub every year.

As it turned out, caring for Canadian spruce at home is not difficult at all. The most important thing is to give the plant proper care and then your yard will always look beautiful and original at any time of the year.