Mysterious Korean spruce: planting and care

Mysterious Korean spruce: planting and care
Mysterious Korean spruce: planting and care

Korean spruce is a beautiful coniferous tree belonging to the pine family. Like any spruce, it has bumps (called female strobili) and small bumps (male strobili). Spruce never blooms, but is always decorated with cones. It is generally accepted that they have a standard brown color. But today you will be pleasantly surprised by the refutation of this misconception.

Korean spruce
Korean spruce

Description of Korean spruce

There are more than 40 forest representatives in the spruce genus. In forest zones and on the sites of our citizens, European and ordinary spruces are most often found, and in Siberia - Siberian spruce. The variety of spruce in a particular area depends on the climatic features of the strip. For example, Korean spruce is the most widespread in the Far East. But all of them are perfectly adapted to changes in our climate, and are also resistant to winter cold.

The first descriptions of this species of spruce appeared in 1919 thanks to the Japanese botanist Takenoshin Nakai. He studied the plant worldKorean Peninsula and substantiated that the Korean spruce is a species of the pine family, distinguishing it from the Siberian spruce. This is where she got her name.

This type of conifer has a bluish color of needles with pointed tops. The shape of the spruce is presented in the form of a pyramid up to 30 meters high and up to 40 meters in diameter. For a year, the forest beauty grows up to 30 centimeters. The cones of the Korean spruce are oval, up to 10 centimeters long with replaceable scales. The needles are square and up to 2 centimeters long.

spruce korean description
spruce korean description

Preparing a landing pit for spruce

Spruce adapts and can grow on any soil, but the most comfortable for it is well-fertilized soil with plenty of humus. In arid soil, it begins to die, as it needs moisture. The site for Korean spruce should be determined in a well-lit area, without the risk of flooding.

The planting hole should be located at a distance of at least three meters from other plantings, including between spruce trees of this species. Planting depth depends on the root system of the seedling, but usually it is in the range of 50-70 centimeters. In the landing pit, it is required to lay drainage on the bottom (broken brick, crushed stone no more than 15-20 centimeters high). And above the drainage layer, it is necessary to place a mixture of nitrogenous fertilizers with the addition of phosphorus and potassium. Thus, it will ensure the tree grows and develops in the best possible way. It is necessary to fill the root system with a soil mixture of soddy and leafy soil in a volume 2 times more than peat and sand.

Planting Korean spruce

To protect the roots of spruce seedlings from drying out, it is necessary to cover them with a clay mash or a damp cloth during transportation. Landing is best done with an earthen clod. The level of the neck of the seedling should be at ground level, and since spruce does not tolerate dense soil, the neck should not be tamped too tightly.

spruce Korean planting and care
spruce Korean planting and care

Caring for coniferous beauty

Korean spruce is unpretentious in care. Additional feeding (with the exception of planting a tree) is not required throughout her life. And she lives for a very long time: the peak of maturity falls on 30 years, and in natural habitat her maximum age can reach 300 years.

In the hot season, watering should be done once a week with a volume of water from 1 full bucket. Mature trees can be watered less frequently: once every 2 weeks. But it is required to pay attention that the frequency and volume of watering depend on the condition of the soil and the age of the spruce.

If the Korean spruce on your site is a hedge, then pruning can be done according to your design ideas. In other cases, pruning is required only for dry and old branches. Thus, Korean spruce, planting and caring for which is not a troublesome business, is suitable for gardeners of any skill level.

Tree Feature

Coniferous tree harmoniously exists both in a single state and in a group: together with birch, velvet, coniferous and deciduous trees. It has good noise absorption. Korean spruce - verydecorative tree that can ennoble the territory of any site. And the point is not only in the beauty of its needles, the scope of the branches and splendor, but also in the special shades of cones. The most common color, like most coniferous representatives, is a brown tint. But there is a Korean spruce with blue cones. Moreover, they have shades from blue to blue, with smooth scales with white, orange, yellow or blue "aprons". Of course, such a delightful beauty of the cones will be a wonderful addition to the coniferous tree and your garden.

Korean spruce with blue cones
Korean spruce with blue cones

Korean spruce is very resistant to temperature fluctuations, until the most severe frosts and sunshine does not burn under the rays of the active sun. But she is powerless against pests and diseases. The most dangerous enemies for her are bark beetles, beetles, leafworms, barbel beetles and silkworm caterpillars that feed on spruce needles. To avoid the death of a tree, it is necessary to regularly inspect it for these pests.
