How to repel mosquitoes? Fumigators and mobile phones

How to repel mosquitoes? Fumigators and mobile phones
How to repel mosquitoes? Fumigators and mobile phones

Small but very harmful mosquitoes can spoil the rest of even the strongest person. Many suffer from them, but few know how to scare away mosquitoes and prevent them from biting themselves. No, everyone is familiar with special tools. But even some citizens use them incorrectly, causing damage to their he alth.

how to repel mosquitoes
how to repel mosquitoes

So how can you scare away mosquitoes without hurting yourself? In fact, there are only three ways: you can kill a mosquito, you can scare it away, and you can simply not let a mosquito into the room. With the latter method, everything is more or less clear: you can put a mosquito net. But this is not the only way to protect the premises.

How to repel mosquitoes? Fumigators

Hearing these words, many imagine vials of poisonous liquids. Partly it is. There are fumigators designed to destroy (kill) mosquitoes, and repellents that simply repel insects. The composition of the fumigators includes pyrethrins and pyrethroids, acting on the nervous system of annoying midges. In certain quantities, these poisons are harmless to humans, but cases of poisoning (overdose) still occur. Most often, fumigators are produced in the form of plates, spirals or aerosols. When heated, they release substances into the air that kill mosquitoes. It usually takes 60 minutes to clean a room or tent. There is an important caveat: fumigators can only be used in ventilated areas.

how to repel mosquitoes
how to repel mosquitoes

How to repel mosquitoes? Repellants

Repellants are created to repel insects. Their main danger: these funds can enter the bloodstream through the pores, causing severe poisoning. That is why such substances cannot be rubbed, they are produced as aerosols. True, there are repellents that can be applied to the skin: the concentration of harmful substances there is minimal. Pharmacies sell creams, lotions and ointments for mosquitoes, but they are not very effective.

How to repel mosquitoes? Plants

Mosquitoes are very sensitive to smells. They cannot stand the aroma of anise, cloves, basil, eucalyptus. Therefore, not toxic chemicals, but essential oils of these crops, can be poured into the vial from the fumigator. There are other plants against mosquitoes. Under the windows of the apartment, you can plant tomatoes or elderberry.

plants against mosquitoes
plants against mosquitoes

Mosquitoes won't even come close to this window. You can plant chamomile (pyrethrium), which smells strongly of cloves, under a window or on a balcony. To enhance the effect, the apartment can be decorated with dry bouquets of these plants. Oils or decoctions of these plants can be poured into aroma lamps or you can buy scented candles with fragrant extracts. In nature, you can scare away mosquitoes by throwing coniferous branches into the fire,bumps. If it is not possible to burn a fire all night, you can wash your face and exposed areas of the body with a strong decoction of wormwood: mosquitoes are also afraid of it.

How to repel mosquitoes? Tablet

The most modern way of defense is to use a tablet or mobile phone. From the Internet, you can download a special anti-mosquito program that makes sounds of a certain height. If you find the right pitch, then you can not be afraid of mosquitoes. By the way, electronic scarers can also be bought as an independent gadget.
