Carrot fly. Pest control methods

Carrot fly. Pest control methods
Carrot fly. Pest control methods

Carrots are one of the he althiest and most delicious vegetables. Fresh salads with this product strengthen the immune system, improve eyesight and help against various diseases. With the advent of warm spring days, homeowners go out to the garden to sow carrots, but growing large, strong and juicy fruits, it turns out, is not so easy. Here you will have to face the fact that, for example, the seeds will not germinate at all, the sprouts will appear, but they will immediately begin to dry out, and the adult vegetable may turn out to be stiff or rotten. What to do in such a case to reap a good harvest?

carrot fly control methods
carrot fly control methods

The main danger for our orange beauty is the carrot fly. The methods of dealing with it are quite simple, but first you need to decide what a pest is. A black fly the size of half a centimeter, with transparent wings, does not eat carrots, but its larvae are very dangerous for the root crop. She sets them aside for the winter, so if you sow seeds in cold ground, they may not hatch, butthe seedlings that appear will be overgrown with a pest.

First of all, you need to try a folk remedy for carrot flies, because chemicals have a negative effect not only on insects, but also on people. When digging up a bed, you should never bring in fresh manure, it attracts not only a pest known to us, but also a bear, and it will be very problematic to grow a crop on such a site. Experimentally, it turned out that the carrot fly cannot tolerate the onion smell. The methods of struggle in this case are to plant carrots mixed with onions, for example, through a row.

how to get rid of carrot flies
how to get rid of carrot flies

Vegetable is best planted in open, well-blown, sunny areas. In very humid places, the carrot fly prefers to lay larvae. Control methods in this case are mulching with peat, since it repels the pest. It is recommended during the laying period, and this happens in spring and August, to powder the aisles with tobacco dust, dry mustard or naphthalene.

The carrot fly is very afraid of the pungent odor. The methods of struggle consist in laying out tops of tomatoes, yarrow, and wormwood in the aisles. Of course, they do not kill the pest, but they disorientate it, and it flies away from the garden with nothing. In no case should you leave a torn root crop on the site, as its smell attracts a fly.

carrot fly remedy
carrot fly remedy

You can also spray the beds with your own prepared decoctions and infusions. In this case, you can use garlic, onion, pine extract,stems and leaves of a tomato, that is, everything that has a pungent odor. If it is not clear how to get rid of a carrot fly, or none of the folk methods helps, then you should resort to chemical treatment of the beds. Such drugs as "Match", "Aktara", "Arivo" and others are very effective.

Spraying should always be carried out in warm weather at temperatures above +20 ° C in the evening or in the morning. Processing is recommended during the breeding season of the larvae, as well as when thinning rows with carrots. From time to time you need to monitor the condition of the plants, if for no reason they turn yellow and dry out, then it's time to fight the fly.
