As the reviews of search magnets show, these devices are becoming a very popular topic. And this applies not only to romantics and treasure seekers, but also to quite presentable and we althy people. Some of them see an opportunity for profit, others are simply addicted to the process in the hope of finding a rare or unique thing. Such a “hunt” can be compared to fishing, in which people are also attracted by the intrigue of expecting an unsurpassed catch.

It is worth noting that the search magnets, reviews of which are presented in the article, come in two varieties: single-sided and double-sided. Between themselves, they differ in the number of working faces. In the first case, to fix the element, a standard fastening is used in the form of an eyebolt screwed into the central part of the plane in the non-working area. The second option is to weld a rope retainer to the body.
In double-sided fixtures, fastener bolts can be screwed into the “edge” (side surface). This modification clearly has advantages, therefore, its costhigher. The one-sided version can only be used with vertical lowering. Optimal work areas are from a bridge, boat or in old wells. Many seekers cast the tool from the shoreline, and only a two-way variant is suitable for this purpose. The working washer falls with its edge to the bottom, after which the device is guided along the bottom with a cable. A model with one active side is ineffective in this mode of operation.
Selection criteria
Double-sided search magnets have appeared in mass access not so long ago, and their prices have dropped significantly. The introduction of innovative technologies made it possible to reduce the cost of the production process of elements. Since attachments vary in size, cost, and attraction efficiency, it is not so easy for a beginner to choose the right model, taking into account the peculiarities of its further use.
As already mentioned, magnets are divided into two types. When choosing a search analog, you should take into account a few more nuances and characteristics. Regardless of the region of study and the ultimate goal, reviews of search magnets indicate that they must have an attraction of at least 100 kilograms. This is not as much as it might seem. The fact is that a device designed for 100 kg is capable of holding the indicated weight in a state of ideal conditions. For example, lifting a smooth metal part strictly vertically upwards.

If the angle of application of force is slightly changed during operation, the device will move off the surface. Thus, even a 400 kg search magnet is able to drag no more than half of the calculated mass along the bottom. Given that there are a lot of algae, sand and other foreign objects at the bottom of the reservoir, the unit will actually be able to pull out 10 times less in weight.
You also need to remember the intensity and strength of the current. Breaking away from the bottom, the object vibrates and breaks off if the water pressure is strong enough. In this regard, experts recommend using devices with a force of 200-400 kg to search for metal "artifacts". If the magnet is used to search for scrap metal, regardless of its historical value, the force of the tool must be at least 600 kg. Although such a unit itself weighs more than a kilogram, it is able to “fish out” mountains of scrap metal, including the remains of vehicles and aircraft.
Those who decide to mine certain finds, the search magnet will need to be equipped with a special cable. It is not worth saving in this direction, because the indicated equipment will be inexpensive, and the loss of even a budget modification will not cause pleasant emotions. As a rule, climbing cables and their analogues are used as a rope. Such devices are protected from abrasion, have a strong middle core, which prevents the rope from breaking at the most inopportune moment. The length of the rope is chosen according to personal preferences, usually it does not exceed 20 meters.

Physically throwing a rather heavy disc is unlikely to succeed, even for a well-trained person. You will also need to purchasegloves made of durable material, because it is easy to get hurt on the items of equipment and the resulting finds. In addition, a special bag for the "catch" will not interfere. Metal products raised from the bottom are often corroded by rust, covered with algae, and have a rather unpleasant odor. In this regard, transporting them in a bag or a regular backpack is not advisable. Another point worth paying attention to is tying the rope with a simple but reliable knot.
Maintenance and care
Quality double-sided search magnet does not require special care. The material for the manufacture of such a device are alloys of iron, boron, neodymium with a stainless coating. It is in a housing with anti-corrosion coating. The essence of care is wiping the element with a dry rag, cleaning it from metal chips that collect in hard-to-reach places, which are not so many.
In itself, the device in question is durable and reliable. The loss of the power parameter is no more than one percent in 10 years. The magnet must not be subjected to shock and thermal heating. For example, 80 degrees is enough to completely level the properties of the tool, after which it turns into a regular blank. If searches are accompanied by video filming, it should be borne in mind that magnetic waves adversely affect all electronic devices, including mobile phones and tablets. After each use, the integrity of the rope and the reliability of the knot must be checked.

What and where are they found?
Breviews of search magnets clearly state that precious and non-ferrous metals cannot be found with it, since they are not magnetized. Therefore, only iron and some alloys can be found. Often "pathfinders" find keys, locks, coins, knives and other "little things". Among the antiques, horseshoes, ancient tools, and forged items are most valued.
Often, search engines come across ammunition and weapons, both from the Second World War and the dashing 90s. It is better not to play around with such "stuff" by returning it back, or by calling the appropriate special services. Regardless of the purpose of the search (scrap metal, artifacts, or all together), the best "catch" will be in crowded places. It turns out that pedestrian and automobile bridges belong to successful places. Most often, it is here that citizens lose or deliberately throw away valuables and other products. In the area of ancient crossings, the probability of finding valuable things is higher than near modern structures.
Super Strength Search Magnet
Devices under this brand are produced by the Moscow NPK "Supersystem". The assortment includes options that differ in the principle of operation, material of manufacture, load capacity.
One of the most popular modifications is the F-300 version. The design includes a neodymium working part and a steel frame. The body is equipped with a threaded through hole, which serves to conveniently press the element from the iron surface through the eyebolt, which is included in the kit along with the nut.
Super Strength Search Magnets are designed to detect and liftsteel objects from reservoirs, caves, wells, excavations. Judging by the reviews, this design is suitable for searching for scrap metal. The lifting force under optimal conditions is several hundred kilograms. The device in question pays off in several trips, even if you are only looking for ferrous metal. The F-300 model is capable of holding up to 420 kilograms, the body coating is zinc, the weight of the device is 1.9 kg.

Triton search magnet
These devices are popular with tens of thousands of search engines in many countries. The advantages of the unit include the compliance of the indicated power with the declared characteristics, unlike most Chinese counterparts. The design of the best search magnets is standard:
- bowl-shaped metal body;
- neodymium working part;
- eyebolt with nut.
The introduction of iron and boron impurities makes it possible to enhance the properties of the knot and give it additional strength. The working element is securely fastened in a steel cup on epoxy resin, and the protective anti-corrosion coating has a zinc coating.
An obligatory structural detail is an eyebolt, oriented to separate the magnet from the metal object. In addition, the specified screw serves to fix the cable. The part is mounted in a special through hole.
The purpose of one- and two-sided search magnets "Triton":
- protection of wells and reservoirs from iron inclusions;
- searcharchaeological, historical and valuable artifacts;
- checking sand or soil for metal objects;
- scrap sorting;
- search for lost objects on beaches and in water.

Magnets from Nepra
Nepra has been producing various search equipment since 2009. The profile direction is search one- and two-sided magnets and related equipment. Single elements have a simple design, they are optimally suited for work in mines, wells and swamps. Versions with two working faces are designed for manipulations from boats and the coastal zone of various water bodies.
The table below shows the comparative parameters of some types of Nepra search magnets.
Name | Type | Cohesive force, kg | Weight, kg | Magnet material | Working temperature, °C | Diameter, mm | Dimensions, mm |
2F-600 | Double-sided | 600 | 3, 3 | NdFeb | Up to +60 | 125 | 160/145/125 |
2F-120 | - | 120 | 0, 6 | - | - | 67 | 85/85/120 |
2F-300 | - | 300 | 1, 6 | - | - | 95 | 135/120/125 |
2F-400 | - | 400 | 2, 0 | - | - | 105 | 135/120/125 |
F-80 | Single sided | 80 | 0, 2 | - | - | 48 | 85/85/120 |
F-200 | - | 200 | 0, 57 | - | - | 75 | 85/85/120 |
F-600 | - | 600 | 2, 28 | nickel | - | 125 | 160/145/125 |

Since the double-sided search magnet belongs to the category of high-risk tools, certain rules must be observed during its operation and storage:
- It is forbidden to stick fingers and other parts of the body between the metal and the magnet. This is fraught with soft tissue injury.
- To prevent electronic devices (watches,telephones and other gadgets) out of order, keep them at least 250 millimeters away from the working device.
- When heated above 80 degrees, the unit completely loses its properties.
- The magnet is transported in wooden boxes with a wall thickness of 10 mm on the sides and 20 mm on the bottom.
- Natural loss of performance is 1-3 percent over 10 years.
- The device is stored in a special case or a package with thickened walls and a bottom lined with foam, rubber, boards.
Many consumers are interested in the question, how much does a search magnet cost? Its price depends on the configuration of the model, configuration and manufacturer. A two-section new device will cost from 2.5-3 thousand rubles.