Homemade sawmill: manufacturing options

Homemade sawmill: manufacturing options
Homemade sawmill: manufacturing options

Wood is considered the most popular material for any field of human activity. Therefore, every inhabitant of a small village or town knows that it is very difficult to carry out construction work without woodworking equipment. Despite the fact that the modern construction market is filled with various models of woodworking machines, a diligent owner always thinks about a home-made sawmill and options for making it on his site.

Types of woodworking devices

Depending on the cutting tool used, sawmills are divided into several types:

  • disc;
  • tape;
  • tire;
  • chainsaw devices.

The choice of a home-made sawmill depends entirely on the wishes of the owner, the nature of the planned woodworking operations and, of course, on the possibility of material costs for the installation of such equipment.

Features and varieties of sawmills

Due to their high productivity, it is disk machines that have gained the highest distribution, in addition, such devices significantly increase the standard possibilities for processing wood products.

Disc corner homemade sawmill
Disc corner homemade sawmill

The main purpose of home-made sawmills is high-quality and fast sawing of any type of wood. At the same time, models of this type, depending on the nature of the work performed and the design features of the unit, can be divided into the following types:

  1. Angle sawmill containing both one and two saw blades. This device is capable of cutting in two directions and does not have an idle mode. In large industrial enterprises, due to high productivity, it is double-disk machines that are most often used. At home, you can create a functional home-made sawmill with your own hands, which will significantly reduce material costs for equipment.
  2. The horizontal sawmill is considered the most popular because of its relatively small dimensions, so it can be moved to various objects. The high quality of wood processing is achieved due to the high speed of disk rotation, which almost completely eliminates damage to the material and the formation of various cavities on the surface. Sawing is carried out in two directions due to the lack of idling in the unit.
Homemade sawmill disc type
Homemade sawmill disc type

The choice of the required structure depends on the desired woodworking functions and the scope of its application.

Design of the disk unit

The process of creating a homemade sawmill is quite simple, and even with minimal skills and experience it is easy to implement such a unit on your ownplot.

Sawmill contains:

  • motor designed to rotate the disc;
  • cutting disc attachment;
  • frame with carriage to move the motor.

If the movement of the carriage is carried out both along and across the table, then it is possible to cut wood both vertically and horizontally.

Double disc factory sawmill
Double disc factory sawmill

Device bed

After you have collected the necessary material: construction goats, boards, a motor, metal plates and fasteners, you can start assembling a homemade sawmill.

The main steps are as follows:

  1. The load-bearing frame is assembled by joining the prefabricated trestles with boards.
  2. Next, metal plates that are pre-twisted together must be securely attached to the base.
  3. Then you need to install a movable carriage with a motor.

The plates must be fastened with a small gap through which a groove must be made. Particular attention should be paid to ensure that the saw does not touch the walls of the base. The next step is to install the cutting disc.

Disc making

The easiest and most reliable option would be to purchase a cutting disc at any hardware store. But if there is a suitable workpiece, then you can turn it into a saw blade yourself. You just need to take responsibility for the parameters of such a product. The workpiece must be at least 3 mm thick and about 500 mm in diameter.

Sawing angle needs to be createdabout 30 degrees, and the return stroke should not exceed 15 degrees. The teeth must be made from carbide inserts or drills.

The disc is mounted under the frame, while the end of the shaft must be placed in the middle of the hole.

Tire sawmill device

The main purpose of a home-made tire sawmill is to carry out longitudinal sawing of wood to produce timber, edged and unedged boards, battens. Of course, home-made structures are made mainly for processing small batches of lumber, as well as obtaining non-standard blanks of a special size.

This design does not require a lot of space for installation, so it is easy to place it on a limited plot of land. There are stationary machines that run on electricity. As well as self-made sawmills with a gasoline engine, which are easily moved to any place where wood is processed.

Tire sawmill with gasoline engine
Tire sawmill with gasoline engine

The sawmill consists of the following parts:

  • support frame;
  • log stops;
  • mobile trolley;
  • motor;
  • carriages;
  • chainsaw and bar.

Self-made bus device

The frame of the sawmill is best made from two steel channels 14 cm high and up to 8 m long. The blanks must have an ideal straight shape for the device to work without failure. You can use rails for these purposes.

To strengthen the structure, every 1.5 meters it is necessary to install from a metal pipespecial ties. To give even more rigidity to the frame, the braces should be placed along the length and well fixed.

The mobile trolley is made of 4-6 mm thick steel plate. The length of the plate will depend on the overall size of the electric motor used. When the trolley is ready, it is necessary to select the clamping plates and gaskets. They are designed to allow the device to easily move the entire device. To eliminate the transverse play, you will need to fix the stop angle to the trolley. The free movement of the trolley is carried out on bearings or rollers.

An aluminum profile with two belts is pressed onto the drive shaft of the engine. When the engine power is turned on, the force from it is transmitted to a pulley located on the sawing arm. Pulleys with a diameter of 80 mm can be used from a walk-behind tractor. Power is transmitted to the saw chain through the sprocket, shaft and driven pulley.

Band sawmill

Basically, a band-type sawmill is designed for sawing logs of various diameters into edged or unedged boards, but more powerful home-made sawmills are great for creating timber. The design of the band sawmill is valued by prudent owners for the ability to minimize the loss of timber during its processing. A rather narrow saw cut seam reduces the loss of logs for sawdust.

Homemade band sawmill
Homemade band sawmill

When deciding to make a homemade band sawmill with your own hands, you need to decide exactly which option is preferable. There are two main types:

  1. Option with a movable trolley that moves along the guides during sawing.
  2. The fixed placement of the cutting tool has a big disadvantage. To move the log during the cutting process, the dimensions of the entire sawmill will have to be doubled, which is not always rational at home.

It must be taken into account that the band-type sawmill has a large weight and dimensions, so it is desirable to install the structure on the foundation.

Production Features

In principle, the process of manufacturing the supporting frame of a band sawmill is very similar to the tire device.

The difference from the tire sawmill is that the wood is cut by a movable cutting band, which is driven by an electric motor. The belt is fixed on the driving and driven pulleys and moves strictly horizontally.

Cutting band for sawmill
Cutting band for sawmill

To obtain a quality cut, you must constantly monitor the tension of the cutting blade. For this purpose, a special spring-screw mechanism is arranged. On the pulleys, the cutting belt is secured by two locks, which must have a high degree of security.

Chainsaw sawmill

The nature of the action of such a sawmill is like a tire-type device. But the main feature of a homemade sawmill from a chainsaw is that the tool does not lose its main original purpose. With a chainsaw, you can do any construction work or use the saw as a cutting mechanism for a sawing device.

Basehomemade gasoline sawmill must be securely fixed to eliminate the effect of vibration. Vibrations are capable of creating a carrier frame on which a chainsaw is installed.

Chainsaw home sawmill
Chainsaw home sawmill

Parts of the base are installed level and always parallel so that the saw arm does not have free play. Then a rail track is attached to the base.

A long frame is installed inside the rail structure to secure the processed log in a stable position. The fastening of the log is done partial or end, so that the tire with the chain can cut.

The movable part is where the saw is mounted. On the platform, the saw is held by special clamps.

Of course, a self-made sawmill has less functional qualities than factory-made equipment, but a professional tool has a very high cost. Therefore, many thrifty owners are trying to make a cutting device with their own hands.
