Homemade sauna stoves: design features

Homemade sauna stoves: design features
Homemade sauna stoves: design features

Today, the building materials market is filled with a wide variety of types of stoves. Some use wood as fuel, some use gas, others run on liquid fuel. In addition, more expensive models also have certain additional features. However, all this is not particularly important and necessary. The main thing is that the equipment copes with its main task. And for this, a homemade sauna stove is perfect.

First types of stoves

Here it is worth saying a little about what the first types of this device were. In ancient times there was an expression "to wash in black." This expression came from the fact that the first home-made sauna stoves did not have a chimney. All carbon monoxide was removed from the bath through the door. Despite this shortcoming, the rest of the devices were very practical. They were made from environmentally friendly clay bricks. This material is characterized by a high level of fire resistance. The oven itself looked like a domed hearth.

Vertical pipe oven
Vertical pipe oven

Requirements for ovens

Over timehomemade sauna stoves became more and more popular and acquired new elements, for example, a chimney. To date, there are already formed concepts and requirements that the furnace must meet in order for it to be successfully operated.

  • The first is the availability of sufficient thermal power, as well as the possibility of its regulation. It is very important to note here that this parameter is highly dependent on the type of material that was used to build the building. A homemade sauna stove with the same power can be great for a timber object, but be completely unsuitable for a frame building.
  • The presence of a heat accumulator and a steam generator is considered quite important. These devices are necessary in order to be able to change the mode of heat and moisture.
  • There should be practically no materials in the room whose temperature, when heated, will exceed 150 degrees Celsius.
Homemade oven
Homemade oven

Oven type

Currently, there are two fundamentally different types of oven. You need to choose one of them before you start making a homemade sauna stove.

The first option is called a "hot" bath. The temperature of the walls of such a bath can reach 100 degrees. The advantage of this type of oven and bath is that it is fairly easy to heat up in a short period of time. This option is perfect for those objects that are used occasionally, and not on an ongoing basis. However, such devices also have disadvantages. They're pretty simpleheat up too much, which easily turns the bath into a sauna.

The second option is a "cold" type of oven. The process of kindling such a device is longer than in the first case, but the walls will not heat up too much. The maximum temperature will be 50 degrees, which means that it will be impossible to get burned about them. The process of heating the room with a "cold" stove is longer, since the heating takes place as follows. Special channels absorb the cold air of the floor, which then passes through the furnace, heats up and is released through the top already warmed up. Thanks to this, it is possible to regulate the temperature inside the building.

Homemade metal sauna stove
Homemade metal sauna stove

Metal oven type

A fairly common type is a homemade sauna stove with a tank. The view that will be described below will also be distinguished by the presence of a built-in heater in the upper part of the stove. The flame will heat the heater from all sides, which will significantly increase the efficiency of the device. Naturally, the dimensions are a completely individual matter. They will depend on two criteria: the size of the bath and the number of people washing. An object of medium size will be described as an example.

A homemade metal sauna stove will have the following parameters:

  • Dimensions of the external heater. Width - 50 cm, length - 50 cm, height - 80 cm.
  • Dimensions of the internal heater. Width and length - 40 cm each, height - 50 cm. It is important to note here that the distance between the walls of the outer and inner heatersshould be 5 cm all around.
  • The oven itself will have such dimensions. Width - 50 cm, length - 90 cm, height - 50 cm. The length of the equipment can be changed at your discretion. For example, if you shorten it to the size of a heater, that is, up to 50 cm, then the water tank will be mounted on separate stops. If you increase the length, then the volume of the tank will also increase.
  • Liquid tank. Width - 40 cm, length - 50 cm, height - 60 cm. 120 liters of water will be placed in the tank. This is usually enough to wash 3-4 people.
Sauna stove pipe
Sauna stove pipe

Preparatory work

Since a homemade iron sauna stove is made of a material prone to incandescence, it must be hardened before assembling the device. After all the necessary details have been cut out, they must be heated in any way to a state where the metal turns red. When this moment comes, you can begin to slowly cool the material. It often happens that after the procedure for the release of raw materials, it warps. It's not a problem. You can return the shape with a hammer. It is also worth re-measuring all the sheets. If some are too far out of scope, then you need to cut them again to the desired dimensions. This is a very important point, as it will eliminate the possibility of metal warping during the operation of the furnace.

Homemade iron sauna stove
Homemade iron sauna stove

Some features of the metal furnace

Features of homemade iron bath stoves are that the metal will heat up very soon, whichprovide rapid heating of the room. However, the metal also cools very quickly. If firewood is used as fuel, then they will burn out very quickly. All this leads to the fact that it will be necessary to add new portions of fuel quite often to ensure a consistently high temperature in the room. Rapid combustion is also due to the fact that a grate is often made inside the device. This part is made of sheet metal with many holes. Such an element significantly increases traction, due to which the air flow is too large, which causes the rapid combustion of the tree. The way out of this situation is quite simple - no need to make a grate.

It is necessary to seal the firebox door as much as possible, and also make several holes that will be closed with a sheet of metal. Thus, it will be possible to adjust the air supply.

Sauna heating stove
Sauna heating stove

Assembly instructions

Homemade iron sauna heaters are made according to the following principle.

The first stage is the preparation of raw materials. You need to buy sheet metal. The thicker the better, but too thick material is very expensive, and therefore it is better to focus on numbers such as 1.5-2 mm.

The second stage is the drawing up of a drawing or sketch of the furnace, which will indicate all the dimensions. This will help not to make mistakes in further work, and will also show exactly how much sheet metal is needed to manufacture the device.

The third step is cutting. All dimensions are transferred from the sketch to the metal and all parts are cut out. Highlyit is important to observe a few simple conditions. Any angle must be 90 degrees, opposite walls must be as identical as possible. The burrs that remain after working with the grinder must be removed.

Homemade metal stove for a bath
Homemade metal stove for a bath


Naturally, you will have to use a welding machine to connect the parts of a homemade iron sauna stove.

The first stage. Two sidewalls are placed on the edge at a right angle, which is very important. They get caught up with each other. Here it is very important to correctly adjust the current strength, since the arc should not overheat the metal, otherwise there will be an uneven and fragile seam. Each grip should be a few millimeters. Such tacks will be enough for 4-5 pieces for each corner. During welding, it is important to control the position of the sheets, as they will be taken to the side when the seam is formed.

Second stage. Two pre-welded corners are put together, the corners are checked, if everything is in order, then opposite sides of the furnace can be grabbed. The result is a box to which you need to add a bottom and a roof.

Third stage. Naturally, the next step is to fix the bottom and roof. This is done in the same way as the assembly of the box.

The fourth stage. After the box with a welded bottom and roof is assembled, you can start cutting out the door at the heater. For these works, you can use a grinder or welding. When the work is completed, the sheet of metal is knocked out with a hammer and removed to the side.

The fifth step. Need to make some holesin the outer heater below. Pipes will be inserted into them, on which the internal heater will stand. It is important to note here that the holes must be horizontal, at the same level.

Pipe selection

A fairly common option is a homemade stove for a bath from a pipe. The main requirement for a pipe that will be used as a furnace is to ensure uniform and fast heating. At the same time, the thickness must be sufficient to successfully withstand high temperatures for a long period of time. The most optimal dimensions for such raw materials are considered to be a diameter of 0.5 to 0.55 mm and a thickness of 8 to 12 mm. Here it is worth adding that the diameter of the material will affect the amount of fuel required for kindling. Therefore, for home-made wood-burning stoves for a bath, it is very important to choose the right pipe diameter.

The design of the furnace from the pipe

Before starting work, it is important to decide on the design of the furnace. The thing is that they can be both horizontal and vertical. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The vertical version is different in that it takes up quite a bit of space on the floor. Therefore, it is most often used in rooms with limited space.

If you use the horizontal option, it will be possible to position the stove in such a way that the firebox will be placed in the dressing room. In the steam room itself, only the part responsible for vaporization will be located - the heater.

Horizontal oven option

The first thing you needto do is to cut the firebox. A piece of pipe of the desired size is removed. Most often, a sufficient length will be 0.7-0.9 m.

Next is the process of assembling grates from metal frames and rods. They are welded parallel to the frame at a distance of about 50 mm from each other.

Inside the existing firebox, prepared grates are mounted. If already finished products were originally purchased, they can be welded onto the corners inside the furnace. From the top side, it is imperative to cut a hole 15-20 cm in diameter. A very important point. It is best to position the hole at least 15 cm from the back wall. Thus, the gases will not immediately be removed from the device, but will take part in heat exchange for some time. This is very important, especially for homemade sauna stoves in Yekaterinburg, for example, where the temperature drops quite low in winter.
