Comfortable and stylish catwalk beds

Comfortable and stylish catwalk beds
Comfortable and stylish catwalk beds

Do you dare to call the bedroom a primitive place to relax? But what about the pleasure of lying a little longer in the morning in a cozy bed, reading a book before going to bed in the evening, daydreaming, or just letting go, finally, of all daytime worries? How many pleasant hours we spend here, it is not surprising that there is a desire to give the bedroom a unique, stylish look. If you do not have the opportunity to place a standard bed in the room, but you really want to have a spacious and comfortable "rookery", then installing a podium will solve several problems at once.

beds podiums
beds podiums

A podium bed with drawers can replace a closet, and a rather spacious closet. Inside the sections there is enough space for linen and bedding. The surface of the podium can be used as a bedside table or a small table. Now lovers of breakfast in bed do not have to worry about where to attach a cup of coffee and a tray of buns.

Another plus that catwalk beds can boast of is the ability to visually change the geometry of the room. For example, an elongated room, which manyperceived as a pencil case, slightly shortened by dividing into tiers. A round elevation looks interesting in a square room.

bed podium photo
bed podium photo

The height of the catwalk beds is quite different: it varies depending on individual needs. For interiors in Asian style, it is recommended to install a low base that looks elegant and unusual. A standard podium is 25 or 30 centimeters in height. For elevations of more than 50 centimeters, you will have to make additional steps to make it easier to climb onto a bed. There are not so many ready-made models in stores, usually such designs are made to order. The designer, developing the project, takes into account the features of the layout of your bedroom.

There is no such interior in which the podium bed would not fit. Photos clearly demonstrate this amazing ability to blend harmoniously with any style. Hi-tech, pop art, oriental, classic - only the details change, the design remains unchanged.

podium bed with drawers
podium bed with drawers

It is clear that the cost of such beds significantly affects the family wallet. Therefore, many try to manage on their own. Undoubtedly, a man who is not deprived of creative inclinations and practical skills can easily make the necessary base, and, with a little more effort, will also cope with the assembly of retractable sections.

When constructing podium beds, stock up on material: durable natural wood timber, plywood sheets, chipboard boards that will be used for sheathingframe. You can not do without reliable fasteners and tools. The frame of the elevation consists of racks (vertically fixed bars) and horizontal couplers, which are bars laid transversely and longitudinally. The structure is supported by metal corners. From above, the frame is sheathed with plywood sheets. Boxes are collected separately. They are equipped with rollers that allow you to freely roll out the sections from the niches. Then the podium beds are decorated. There are many options: stain, varnish, sheathing with colored chipboard or carpet.

Having decided on a radical change in the image of the bedroom, many no longer imagine how they managed without a podium, which turns out to be much more comfortable than the usual bed.
