What is a rasp? Under this definition, a special kind of file familiar to us all is known. The tool contains the most textured, sharp and rare notch of all the devices of this sample. Therefore, its working surface is extremely difficult to clog with small particles. Thus, a rasp on wood, other materials makes it possible to perform faster processing of workpieces.

What is a rasp and what is it used for? Such a tool is used to process a number of materials that have a rather pliable structure. First of all, it is wood, plastics, soft metals, leather, drywall, alabaster.
The file rasp contributes to the rapid, high-quality removal of large irregularities. Therefore, craftsmen operate the tool during the initial surface treatment. A rasp for wood is especially convenient, because the presence of a rare notch on its working plane does not allow chips to clog between the teeth of the tool.
Varieties of rasps depending on the size of the notches
According to quantitynotches on the work surface, the following rasps are distinguished:
- large - from 8 to 12 notches per cm2;
- medium - 12 to 18 notches per cm2;
- small - from 18 to 22 notches per cm2.

The standard tool is a flat rasp. It is used when it is necessary to trim blanks, remove burrs from the surface of metal or wooden products. Rasps of the presented form are made from the strongest tool steel.
What is a round rasp? Devices with a rounded working surface open up the possibility for processing all kinds of holes, uneven surfaces of non-solid materials. Often, these tools are used when performing plumbing work.
As for semi-circular rasps, the latter can be used when processing not only concave, but also flat workpieces. They are used when cleaning the surfaces of large diameter holes.
How to use a rasp correctly?

So we found out what a rasp is, what types of devices are available to craftsmen. Now let's look at the features of the correct use of the tool.
Before starting work, it is recommended to firmly hold the rasp by the handle. With the other hand, it is necessary to press its end to the surface of the material being processed. It is with such a setting of hands that reliable control over the instrument will be exercised.
In preparation forwhen working with a rasp, the workpiece must be firmly fixed in the clamp. Holding the tool with both hands, it is necessary to carry out its textured part along the workpiece. You need to move the rasp diagonally in relation to the wood fibers. This will make the surface to be treated as smooth as possible.
Instrument Care Tips
In the course of work, the corrugated surface of the rasp can become clogged with large chips, dust and sawdust. How to remove debris so as not to damage the instrument? It can be cleaned by lightly hitting a wooden surface. To tidy up the notches, it is enough to use a wide brush with short metal bristles. When exactly should you start cleaning your instrument? This should be done if the rasp has ceased to qualitatively remove layers of the processed material.
Another way to take care of your rasp involves working with plastic blanks. To remove synthetic chips and sawdust from under the notches of the tool will allow lowering it into a container filled with boiling water. As soon as the plastic particles soften and lag behind the notches of the rasp, it is necessary to wipe it with a piece of soft material and leave it to dry in the fresh air. To prevent the metal from rusting after the above steps, it is necessary to lubricate the tool with a small amount of vegetable or machine oil.
In the end

As you can see, a rasp is a rough version of a file. The operation of the tool is resorted to mainly when it is necessary to remove thick layers of material fromworkpiece surfaces. The tool is good primarily because, along with files, its notches do not clog with chips so quickly.