Bath has become an integral part of a country house. People choose projects suitable for themselves and most often erect two-story buildings. There are options for building a bathhouse with an attic, where, as a rule, there is a rest room. The selected designs require the mandatory presence of a ladder. At the design stage, people get confused. Many do not know how to make a ladder with their own hands. This process is quite painstaking. But you can make an effort and make the stairs to the bathhouse with your own hands.

How to choose the right type of stairs?
When building a bath, you should think in advance what type of stairs to choose. They differ in design. There are several options:
- Single-flight stairs are considered the easiest to manufacture. They are practical to use. To install this type of stairs, you need a lot of space. Therefore, it is not suitable for every bath.
- Ladders shaped like a letterG, mounted along the wall.
- There are U-shaped structures. They are rarely chosen for installation, since it is necessary to equip the mine first.
- Spiral staircases are often found in cottages, as well as in baths. The angles of this design vary from 260 to 360 degrees. Installation of parts is counterclockwise.
If you need a compact staircase, then you should opt for small buildings.
Position options
You need to remember that you can arrange the stairs in different ways:
- Outwardly. The entrance to the premises will be located from the street. This arrangement is chosen for a quick passage to the attic, bypassing the sauna.
- Internal method allows installation from any room. After that, you can walk the stairs all year.
- There are transitional ways to build stairs when it leads from a separate building to a house.
Factors influencing choice
Before installing the stairs, you need to consider how it will fit into the interior. The design should be made in the same style as the entire space around. There must be a harmonious transition from one floor to another.
When choosing, you should know what budget the owner of the bath is ready to allocate for the construction of stairs. It is best to choose an ergonomic option, in which the stairs will be not only beautiful, but also comfortable.
It is worth consulting with the architect what type of construction is suitable for a particular building.
How to choose material for assembly?
On the construction market is representeda wide range of materials suitable for assembling the stairs to the bath. It is acceptable to use wood or metal. Some people choose stone stairs. For those who prefer solid structures for centuries, concrete can be used.
Most often choose stairs made of wood. Steps can be open or closed. The staircase in the bathhouse to the 2nd floor with a closed march has a distinctive feature. Here the gaps between the steps are hidden.
When it becomes necessary to add a turn of a wooden staircase, you must first make a special platform. It should be in the shape of a square, some prefer a rectangle.
What should be the entrance stairs?
A small sauna staircase is most often designed for entry. The material is chosen the same from which the bath itself was built.
For the correct installation of the entrance stairs, you need to lay a pile foundation. There are people who prefer a columnar type of foundation. The most economical option is to install a pile foundation. It can be done quickly and does not require any additional cost.
Piles should be mounted deeper than the ground freezing level. In this case, the stairs and the porch will not deform over time. A deeply laid foundation is often found in our time. There is also a shallow type. In this case, the pillars are dug into the ground to a depth of 55 centimeters. When a platform appears, it is fixed with special beams to the bathhouse.
Often they make the entrance to the second floor of the bathhouse from the street. It is worth considering carefully whatrequirements must be met when erecting stairs:
- It is important to remember about the angle of inclination, it should not exceed 50 degrees.
- The width of the steps can vary from 30 to 36 centimeters.
- The height of each step is allowed from 16 to 21 centimeters.
- Steps can be up to 100 centimeters long. Most often, an average length of 75 centimeters is chosen.
Which is better - an internal or external staircase at the entrance to the attic?
Many are wondering what type of stairs to choose. They always hesitate with the option of an external lift, from the street.
When people build a bath in a private house, they often choose the external option for building stairs. The plus side of getting up from the street is that you can sit on the veranda. Another advantage of the desired type of stairs is that the temperature will not leave the sauna at the moment the door is opened.
What should I consider when installing stairs?
There are a number of recommendations from installation professionals:
- The descent as well as the ascent must be safe. The ladder must first of all be reliable. The safest is the classic installation with steps of standard width.
- To save space in the bath, the exit to the stairs is made near the free wall.
- When the attic or attic is rarely used, you can put a compact ladder in the bath, which has a folding design. This is a smart decision.
- The spiral staircase in the bathhouse is not recommended. It is not practical for continuous use. After visiting the baththe pressure rises, and the spiral staircase can easily make you dizzy. Therefore, to avoid falls, it is better to choose standard options. It is permissible to put a spiral staircase only in order to save space.

How to calculate the right size?
In order to calculate which staircase is suitable for a particular case, you need to find out what is the distance between the floors of the first floor and the attic in the bath. A value equal to the height of the floors and the thickness of the building materials that were used on the second floor is added to the height of the ceilings.
You need to understand what is the appropriate slope of the bath. It can be from 22 to 38 degrees. A higher angle requires less installation space.
To calculate the required number of steps, you need to know the distance between the floors of two floors, and then divide the resulting value by the base height of the steps. It is equal to 16 centimeters. The resulting number can be rounded.
For example, the height between the floor of the first and second floors of the bath is 285 centimeters. The height of the step is 16 centimeters. Then 285 is divided by 16, it turns out 17.8 centimeters. This value can be rounded up to 18 centimeters. It turns out that there will be 18 steps in the desired staircase.

To understand what will be the allowable lifting step, you need to divide 285 by 18. In total, the allowable step height will be 15.8 centimeters. This value is calculated for a person with average height, as well as fortall people.
To check whether the calculation was made correctly, you need to multiply the height of the step by two, add the width of the selected step to the resulting value. You should get a number that is in the range from 590 to 655 millimeters. If the indicator fits the selected standards, then the calculations are correct. If you get a number that does not fit the established framework, then you need to correct the elements of the stairs in the bath. The standard staircase is one meter wide.

How to make a ladder for a bath on stringers?
When the calculations are over, you can start working on the stairs. To install wooden stairs to the bath, you will need to make a small ledge from a wooden profile. You should first practice the skills of a carpenter. This work has its own template:
- The stencil of the future step is made from cardboard. The size is immediately set, as well as the slope of the future structure.
- For the manufacture of stringers you will need dense wood.
- In order for the stringer to be connected to the overlap, markings are made for the step stencil.
- Protrusions are made along the entire length of the marking, which you can clean yourself. For this job you will need any grinding tool.
- To make the fixation to the beam better, another recess is made where metal supports are installed.
- To fix the beam, you will need to buy an anchor, they are installed at a certain angle. They securely fix the result of the work.
- Steps should be sanded as often as possible.

To fix the risers, wood glue is needed. It is important to fix the remaining parts with self-tapping screws.
The final step will be the installation of railings. Handrails can withstand the angle of the building. Some make a visor on street stairs. The ladder must be safe in all weather, otherwise it is easy to fall in rainy weather.
It is important to treat the resulting staircase with varnish or other protective agent. Some choose drying oil for such purposes. Professionals do not advise saving on wood preservatives.
Do I need to paint?
Many do not know how to paint the stairs in the bath. There are supporters of natural wood, without coatings. Such an opinion is erroneous. The staircase needs protection, otherwise decay processes will begin over time. Humidity is always high in the bath, mold and fungus may appear.
Wooden stairs to the bathhouse need a protective coating. Best of all, they are protected by special varnishes for wood, as well as drying oil. Ordinary coloring enamel has less protective functions than varnish. If you have to choose between no coating and paint, it is better to choose paint. You can pick up a woody shade, and it will practically not be noticeable. Layers should be applied thinly to allow them to dry.
In our time, special wood impregnations have appeared that have protective functions. You can use this novelty in the construction market. This kind of coating will not change coloryour stairs. There are series that give a light woody shade. Recently, people have chosen the colors "walnut" and "amber oak" more often than others.

Spiral staircase: pros and cons
The spiral staircase in the bath attracts people with its appearance. It seems that such a design is very light and compact. A spiral staircase adds originality to the bath interior. It has a number of advantages:
- Compactness is the main advantage of this type of stairs. It will be ideal for rooms with a small area.
- A spiral staircase is cheaper than a marching staircase.
- It is fairly easy to install even with basic installation skills.
- The distance from the wall for the stairs in the bath may not be very large.

There are also some features that many will consider disadvantages:
- It is good to install screw structures in places where there is little traffic of people. You need to rise measuredly and calmly so as not to fall.
- Since the steps are small in width, there is a risk of stumbling when descending.
- Be sure to install handrails that will ensure safe movement.
So, we found out how you can build a ladder with your own hands in the bath. As you can see, there are several design options.