In life there are all sorts of embarrassing situations that have corresponding consequences. Sometimes it happens that there is a need for such knowledge that will help determine how to wash the sperm. Contamination with such a substance occurs quite rarely and under certain circumstances, so there is no public knowledge regarding the conditions for removing such stains.
Secrets and recommendations
Sperm is by nature a pure protein, so when choosing methods and substances for removing stains, you need to take into account a lot of nuances. To decide how to wash sperm without damaging textiles, you need to know a few secrets:
- Do not wash semen-stained fabrics in hot water. The ideal temperature will be 20-40 degrees.
- The easiest way to remove fresh stains is to use cold running water. Then the usual washing is done.
- In order not to increase the area of the stain, when washing, it is worth soaking the problem area with a sponge or non-coloring cloth.
It is worth starting cleaning right away - this will save time and effort, since the seminal fluid will not have time to penetrate very deep intotextile fibers.
Solving the problem on fabrics with different characteristics
The first question that arises in the presence of contamination concerns whether it is possible to wash semen from the fabric in principle. In the presence of semen stains of different age, it is worth considering not only the characteristics of the contamination itself, but also the type of fabric:
- Sperm is removed from woolen fabric as follows: rub the stain between each other, and then wash in cold water.
- When removing a dried stain from silk, you need to rub the stain between each other, and then treat the problem area with a special tool.
- On a colored fabric, first wet the stain, and then soak in s alt water. Brine proportions: 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water.
- Linen and cotton fabric is treated with a solution of ammonia, borax and water in a ratio of 1:1:1.
- Sperm can be removed from dense tissues with a concentrated cold soapy solution, which is then removed with plenty of water.

Before you start washing or cleaning, you should study the conditions for caring for this type of fabric.
Preparing stains before direct washing
Depending on what fabric the contamination is located on and in what condition it is, the conditions are determined regarding how to wash the sperm. But the preliminary preparation of textiles makes the task as simple as possible.
Dried spots should first be treated mechanically, namely, clean with a soft brush, rub the problem area itselfmyself. The strength, duration and intensity of such exposure depend on the quality of the textile.

Sometimes the stain needs to be pre-treated with some effective laundry or cleaning agent. It can be homemade substances or household chemicals. Before use, it is worth checking the effect of the product on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe fabric.
In the presence of old dirt, it is possible to soak textiles in a special solution. Often a brine or soap solution is used.
Household chemicals to help deal with pollution
When clothes, furniture upholstery or other textiles get dirty after intercourse, good housewives immediately start looking for how to remove sperm from soft surfaces. There are a number of household chemicals that can help deal with this pollution:
- Ordinary laundry soap is suitable for dealing with fresh and dried stains of this type. The problem area can be washed or made with a soap solution for prewash.
- Powders with a low pH level are also suitable for removing semen stains. This option is used in the machine wash process.
- Spots of this origin are not very noticeable on white things, but it’s still worth removing them. To combat stains on white textiles, regular bleach will do.
- Strong cleaning solutions include dishwashing detergent. It is undesirable to use such a tool in its pure form.
- Depending on featuresspecial stain removers can also be used.

It is undesirable to use any aggressive means to remove pollution. Such exposure can damage textiles.
The principle of doing the washing itself
Determining how to wash sperm from clothes is possible only after choosing the method of washing itself. The choice is small, as the work can be done in a washing machine or by hand.
If the work will be done manually, it is important to ensure that the impact does not occur only in one place. The water should be at room temperature until the base of the contamination is gone. Do not use brushes or washboards in the hand wash process.

In the washing machine, it is best to select a delicate wash when cleaning any type of fabric. It is worth monitoring the water temperature. It is advisable to set 20-30 degrees so that the protein does not curl. A soiled item should be washed separately from others so that sperm does not spread to clean clothes.
Folk remedies and ways to remove sperm stains
In the process of determining how to remove semen stains, folk remedies are used. Homemade cleaning products have a number of positive features: the effectiveness of many of them is quite high, the cost is low, the principle of preparation is simple, and the damage to the fabric is minimal.
Some recipes to help you figure out how to get cum off textiles:
- Just clean up the semen with regular gasoline, which is used to soak the stain. Then clean the area again with a solution of water and glycerin.
- Starch paste can remove stains from thick fabric and silk: 2 tablespoons of starch + 1 tablespoon of water. Remove the paste with a rubber trowel.
- A solution of water and vinegar works well on fabric where a fresh or old stain has formed.
- Problem pollution can be removed by a mixture of pancreatin, water and glycerin, which will be strengthened by a few drops of ammonia.
- If you dissolve a few tablespoons of dishwashing liquid in lukewarm water, you get a strong cleaner.

There are other options for preparing cleaning products, but with a more complex composition.