Heat-resistant grease is designed to protect various mechanisms during operation at high temperature values. It prevents wear of parts for a long time and is effective at temperatures of at least 150 degrees. Most of the equipment in industrial plants and enterprises does not require the use of such materials, so they are produced in limited quantities and, as a rule, by order.

Materials differ significantly from conventional lubricants, primarily in the raw materials used. It is much more expensive and includes special additives needed to increase heat resistance and synthetic oil-based thickeners. This is because conventional lubricants are ineffective in such conditions and are used up too quickly.
There are many varieties, among which the following are worth highlighting:
- Heat-resistant sodium grease is becoming less and less popular over time, as it is inferior in performance to modern options that can withstand a wider temperature range.
- Calcium complex materials are distinguished by reasonable cost and extensive distribution. Based on calcium soaps derived from fatty acids, they contain thickeners and disulfide, due to which they have increased adhesion and anti-friction characteristics.
- Silica gel high temperature bearing grease is suitable for various applications. It is cheaper than synthetic counterparts due to the oil base.
- Pigment formulations are made from special thickeners and are ideal for high speed electrical machine bearings.
- Polymer materials have outstanding anti-friction characteristics and are made from materials such as PTFE and polyurethane.
- Heat-resistant graphite grease is designed for low-speed elements and retains its previous characteristics at temperatures above 350 degrees. Distinctive features are minimal volatility, excellent EP and technical characteristics.
Today, there are more than 30 brands of heat-resistant lubricants that are constantly being improved and replaced obsolete products.

Use area
Heat-resistant silicone grease is indispensable in the ceramic, bakery, paper and energy industries, it also ensures the operation of bearings in the elements of vehicles and agricultural vehicles, tracked vehicles. It can be used in mechanisms and assemblies that are constantly exposed to moisture due to high water-resistant characteristics. Without these materials, it is impossible to imagine the operation of the locks of drying chambers, kilns, conveyor belts, fan and pump bearings.
Due to the use of compounds, the load on the rubbing surfaces is reduced, which increases the period of operation. At the same time, the presence of special additives and viscosity characteristics ensures a minimum consumption. To maintain the same characteristics, it is undesirable to mix compositions of various types, since each of them has a specific purpose and properties.

Heat Resistant Bearing Grease
The material is subdivided according to the field of operation, ingredients and consistency. The structure can be solid, plastic or liquid. The last two options are colloidal compositions containing a dispersed phase and various additives. Plastic type materials find their application in cables with a large number of strands, screw gears, hinges and various bearings. When using them, you should take into account several points that determine the effectiveness of operation:
- Possibility to mix multiple materials.
- Combination of lubricants and consumables.
- Application conditions (rate of work, load, temperature range).
High-temperature solid bearing grease acquires its properties after solvent evaporation and has a minimum value of dry friction. It consists of binders (resins), a thickener and a solvent. It may also contain carbon and graphite.
Materials by composition are classified into several types:
- Inorganic lubricants are made from highly dispersed materials that are stable at all temperatures. These include asbestos, graphite and silica gel materials.
- Heat-resistant soap grease contains s alts of carboxylic acids and is further subdivided into complex and simple, depending on the soap used. A separate variety is the material on a mixed basis. The soap anions used determine the type of material, which can be greasy or synthetic.
- Hydrocarbon based formulations contain thickeners in the form of synthetic and natural waxes, paraffin and ceresin.
- Organic heat-resistant grease is made from dispersed heat-resistant materials and can have a soot, pigment and polymer base.

Classification by purpose
There are many areas of application of compounds, in order to simplify the choice of one or another option, they were divided into several types according todestination:
- Cable wires provide corrosion protection and reduce wear.
- Sealing allows you to achieve the necessary sealing on movable and threaded connections, simplify the work with fittings and close gaps.
- Preservative prevents corrosion on steel elements during storage, transportation and operation.
- Anti-friction reduce friction of adjacent elements and overall wear.
The main purpose of bearings is the formation of movement in systems and mechanisms. But without proper care, it is impossible to ensure high-quality work and a long service life. High-temperature bearing grease is an indispensable material for full operation. A similar composition is designed specifically for work at high temperatures. When used in other conditions, it begins to thicken and crystallize.

How to choose
When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the loads on the mechanism, the materials used and the speed of rotation of the elements. The structure of the lubricant becomes too fluid when the set speed limit is exceeded. Because of this, it spreads around the edges, and excessive friction occurs on the parched interior of the part.
The speed limit for different mechanisms varies widely. Synthetic materials are optimally suited for units operating at high speed. Environmental factors must also be taken into account, in particular exposure to steam, acids anddust. For work in conditions of constant influence of solvents and acids, more resistant compounds are required.

What you need to know
The functions of lubricants include not only minimizing friction between contacting structural elements and the formation of a protective layer. They prevent the ingress of pollution from the environment, the formation of corrosion, provide cooling of the structure and heat distribution. This increases the life of the equipment and reduces the degree of damage under excessive loads.

Rolling bearings
This variety is indispensable for many types of equipment. Solid, liquid and plastic heat-resistant lubricants are suitable for them, which are selected individually, depending on the functional purpose of the mechanism. Also, not only the main criteria should be taken into account, but also the possibility of application in food production and the requirements for the cleanliness of the unit. In addition to the main functions, they must be environmentally friendly and provide a minimum level of noise during operation.
While any consistency can be used, liquid lubrication is the preferred choice due to its high frictional wear and heat dissipation characteristics. The oil structure has excellent penetrating properties, but is less economical due to the possible leakage of the composition. Plastic and synthetic materials are deprived of this shortcoming.heat resistant lubricants. They are more economical and their characteristics are not inferior to their oil counterparts.