After the long winter months, it is very nice to admire the primroses. The snow has just melted, the sun is still almost not warm, and gardeners are already enjoying the first spring glades, among which crocuses are actively blooming. Planting and caring for these flowers is a pleasure, because they are a garden decoration, a medicine, a dye, and a spice (saffron). Here it is so diverse - crocus.

These flowers are bulbous perennial plants belonging to the Iris family. Their height does not exceed 25 cm. Mostly early spring makes goblet white, lilac, yellow or blue buds wake up and bloom. But some species still prefer to bloom in autumn. Close to 100 species of these flowers exist in nature.
These plants bloom early. The flowering period usually lasts about a week, and then, closer to the middle of summer, the leaves fade, and the plant begins a dormant period. Their growing season is quite short. But this period of time gives them the opportunity to live their lives. This is how crocuses are made. Planting and caring for them in the future have some features, but still nothing complicated about

For the successful cultivation of crocuses, you need to select strong and he althy bulbs. It is better to choose a sunny place for landing. You can plant flowers in partial shade, but then they will be small. Crocuses do not tolerate the slightest stagnant water, which must be considered when choosing their location. Preference is given to loose, light and fertile land. Before planting, it is advisable to fertilize the soil with compost or manure, and then dig up. Crocuses that bloom in spring are planted in autumn, and autumn-flowering species are planted in late summer. Large bulbs are planted in recesses up to 10 cm, and small ones - 4-5 cm. There should be a distance of at least 3 cm between them.
Crocuses (which should be properly planted and cared for) require attention after sprouting. When green sprouts appear, loosen the soil and water regularly. During the flowering period, moisture is very necessary for flowers. It is also necessary to fertilize crocuses for high-quality and longer flowering. The first time this is done before the start of growth, the second - during the formation of buds, the third - as they fade. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are used for top dressing. Phosphorus is needed for flowering, and potassium is needed for the formation and development of he althy bulbs. It is undesirable to grow crocuses in one place for more than 4 years.

If the crocus gets decent care, then there will be no problems with reproduction. The mother bulb dies off after flowering, and “children” form in its place - they bloom in a season. You can propagate crocuses and seeds, but then flowering will have to wait about3 years old.
Crocuses are quite hardy plants, they can withstand up to -18 degrees. But it is recommended to cover them for the winter with dry grass, foliage or spruce branches.
Also, crocuses are resistant to pests and diseases. To protect them from rot, it is necessary to avoid excess moisture in the soil.
Poor lighting and soil poverty do not scare crocuses. Planting and caring for them, however, are required to be complete. Their peculiarity is that they are wonderfully suitable for distillation at home. In a favorable environment, you can get beautiful flowers already for the New Year or for the holiday of March 8.