Carrot is one of the most beloved, traditional vegetables on our table. At each dacha, the owners try to grow beautiful, he althy and large carrots, but, alas, this does not always work out. Why? Carrots, planting and caring for them do not require special skills, but require knowledge and skills.

Preparing seeds for planting
The easiest way to buy seeds in stores. It is seeds that propagate carrots. In packages, they are already processed and ready for planting in the soil, but if you are not sure about the manufacturer or, for example, plant your own seeds, then they need additional processing. What is it for? Carrots, planting and caring for them, their growth and results are possible only if the seeds are he althy. By processing them, you thereby reduce the risk of diseases, which increases growth and fertility. So, carrot seeds are poured into a bag (preferably from flax, but ordinary matter is also possible) and grind. After that, together with the bag, it is necessary to lower it into a container with hot water (50-70 degrees). Cover the top with a lid and leave for twenty minutes. Then, for the same timeyou need to place the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate (pinkish tint). Do not remove the seeds from the bag, but rinse them under running water. After the procedures, you need to put them in a warm place, dry them and mix them with calcined sand.
Choose a place
For good fertility, you need to find a place where not only there is a lot of sun, but also where there is good breathability. Humidity - moderate; the soil is loose and sandy. Try to plant carrots away from bodies of water, and also avoid clay soil. If, however, the land is not suitable, you can fertilize it. For example, form a bed and fill it with a mixture of sand, leafy soil and peat. Avoid planting sites that have previously been laced with manure. Gardeners recommend sowing carrots after greens, cucumbers, potatoes or beans. It is undesirable to plant in the place where the lettuce was sown, as you may encounter white rot disease.

Sowing carrots
This vegetable is very tasty - carrots. Planting and caring for her is not difficult. After you have chosen a place, you need to decide on the time. There are late and early varieties. Accordingly, they must be sown at the allotted time. Winter varieties are planted in autumn, and medium varieties are sown in spring. Thus, you will save carrots from the external environment and pests. Good "neighbors" for carrots are onions, garlic, chives, sage, coriander. These products will protect against parasites. Before planting, it is necessary to make grooves (5 cm deep) at a distance of twenty centimeters between each other. If athe soil is moist, it does not need to be watered before planting. After that, sow carrots in a row, cover with loose soil.

Carrots are not too picky in care. Planting and caring for it requires only timely thinning (4-5 cm between fruits) and watering. Pluck weeds in time, fertilize carrots with wood ash. Make sure the soil does not dry out, but is not too wet either. Thus, you will grow a wonderful root crop that will delight you with its taste all winter!