Who grows vegetables: profession. What professions grow vegetables

Who grows vegetables: profession. What professions grow vegetables
Who grows vegetables: profession. What professions grow vegetables

There are many professions in the world, and everyone chooses the right one for himself. But you want something interesting. Not only a profitable occupation, but so that the soul rejoices. The professions of people who grow vegetables are considered the most suitable for spiritual satisfaction. Essentially an activity for fun, but many are so addicted that they get into the Book of Records with, for example, giant cabbage or square watermelons.

And then the question arises of what professions grow vegetables. This article will be devoted to.

Craft of the Ancients

In the ancient world, farming was vital. Time passes, but this activity has remained in the first place. The difference between the past and the present is that earlier it was agriculture, and now this occupation belongs to the science of agronomy. For many millennia, the inhabitants of our planet have studied and taught smallercultivate land, plant, grow and care for any crop that results in edible fruit. Who grows vegetables (the profession of an agronomist), without them it is impossible to imagine the development of agriculture. In addition, these specialists are interested in selecting useful and high-quality varieties (for example, apple trees, potatoes, wheat).

Who grows vegetables
Who grows vegetables

In ancient times, agriculture was the main occupation in people's lives. After all, if the farmer did not know how to plow, plant and harvest, then he was doomed to a short life. The work connected with the earth fed and gave strength to our ancestors. Eating natural food, they were tough and strong.

Who is an agronomist

There is a special category of people who are versed in the field of agriculture, agrochemistry, other sciences, and also those who grow vegetables. The profession of these people is an agronomist. The agronomist carries out full control on the territory of agriculture. The functions of this person are as follows:

  1. Preparation of the land. Seeding crops.
  2. Using special fertilizers.
  3. Control preparation and save seeds.
  4. Pest control.
  5. Control crop growth.
  6. Harvesting the finished crop.
Occupation of people who grow vegetables
Occupation of people who grow vegetables

As a rule, an agronomist works in the field, but in addition to this, his duties include drawing up a work plan, maintaining documentation and managing subordinates. A professional in his field will easily perform all the necessarywork that will be rewarded with a good harvest.

How to become an agronomist

What professions grow vegetables to achieve a good result? This is an agronomist, and in order to become one and get a high qualification, it is necessary to study in special institutions: technical schools, institutes. Such a person must have either a higher specialized or secondary specialized education. When entering an educational institution, you should know that most of the time will have to be spent in clean air, so it is desirable to have such qualities as:

  1. Stamina.
  2. Not allergic to any plant species.
  3. Excellent fitness.
  4. Powerful immunity.
  5. Fast learner.
  6. Carefulness.
  7. The ability to make decisions quickly and respond quickly to unexpected situations.
  8. What professions grow vegetables
    What professions grow vegetables

The person who holds this position is considered the most responsible in agriculture. It is on his shoulders that the difficult preparation of a work plan and daily monitoring of the activities of subordinates falls.

Another calling

What professions grow vegetables? They are called differently. A farmer is a specialist in the field of crop production. This kind of activity brings pure pleasure.

Who grows vegetables? The profession is called an agronomist, and the type of activity is farming. They are very similar. But you can only engage in farming with or without a higher education. When studying in specialinstitutions, in addition to plant growing and growing vegetables, it becomes possible to study poultry farming, dendrology, veterinary medicine, etc. Specialists with such an education are very much appreciated.

Farming is in-house

Villagers are those who grow vegetables. The profession of a farmer seems to be laid down from the inside. A true farmer has 3 main qualities:

  1. Stamina.
  2. Physical fitness.
  3. High level of efficiency.
What professions grow vegetables
What professions grow vegetables

This profession is quite difficult and time-consuming. The downside is that farming is often not a very profitable business, since investments can pay off for quite a long time. A farmer is a profession of people who grow vegetables, raise animals, take care of plants, etc. They know better than anyone that success may not be.

Profit depends on the weather. Sudden changes in temperature and heavy rainfall can affect crop development for good or bad. As for the business, it is desirable to have initial capital. Seeds for planting are a necessity, they must be paid for from personal funds. In addition, hired workers may be needed, whose work should also be encouraged in monetary terms.

Grow potatoes

To grow a vegetable, you need to know the characteristics of the selected specimen. For excellent results, high quality seed varieties should be used. Who grows vegetables? Even schoolchildren know the name of the profession - this is a farmer.

How to grow vegetables the right way
How to grow vegetables the right way

Very tasty and he althy vegetable - everyone's favorite potato. And in order not to harm it when planting potatoes, you should know some features:

  1. The soil should not be colder than 8⁰.
  2. Water periodically, but do not flood (potatoes can damage bacteria when transfused).

The method of planting a vegetable and its top dressing

There are several seating options:

  1. Comb.
  2. Smooth.
  3. Into the ridges.

How to grow vegetables, both gardeners and farmers know. You need to make a calculation. Having a certain area, you need to calculate how many potato seeds are needed. The ideal planting material is potatoes of small diameter. Planting very deep is undesirable. With deep planting, there is a possibility of infection of potatoes with various bacteria. Suitable depth is about 12 cm.

Feeding is a mandatory process that directly affects the quality and quantity of the crop. The professions of people who grow vegetables are very important. These people say with one voice that potatoes need fertilizer. To get a large and tasty potato, you can use for feeding:

Who grows vegetables the name of the profession
Who grows vegetables the name of the profession
  1. Manure.
  2. Eggshell (when sprouts appear).
  3. Ashes.
  4. Wood ash.

Do not forget to spud potatoes once a month, giving air to the tubers. In this simple way, you can feed yourself and loved ones annually. Potato is a he althy and tasty vegetable. Enoughfollow the rules of planting and top dressing to enjoy the harvest all winter.
