The warm cucumber bed is a great way to grow vegetables in cold climates

The warm cucumber bed is a great way to grow vegetables in cold climates
The warm cucumber bed is a great way to grow vegetables in cold climates

Cucumbers are one of the most common vegetables. They were grown by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. A lot of experience has been accumulated over the years. Combined with modern technology, old landing methods give very good results. Cucumbers are quite heat-loving plants, but methods for growing them in cold regions have long been invented. To do this, equip special beds for cucumbers. There are several types, each of which has its own characteristics.

garden for cucumbers
garden for cucumbers

For regions with a cold climate, growing cucumbers on a high manure bed is better than others. To do this, a bed one meter wide is organized in the greenhouse, the length is at your discretion. Fresh manure (preferably cow manure, but you can add a little horse manure) is laid on the bottom of the beds, 25 centimeters (not less) of fertile loose soil are poured on top. Abundantly watered. The cucumber bed is ready. You can plant seeds. Note that it is not always necessary to germinate them. If in doubt about germination - plant twoin one hole. There should be four plants per square meter. If you have grown two, then the weaker one will have to be cut off. The bed is covered with a film or covering material of a light color. Inside the bed, due to the decomposition of manure, the temperature rises significantly. In such conditions, shoots appear already for 3-5 days. In order not to burn the plants, the greenhouse must be opened during daylight hours, but watch the temperature. Under the film, it should be between 18-30oC. The heating lasts for a month, then the temperature begins to gradually decrease. When calculating the time of laying such a bed, take this into account.

warm garden for cucumbers
warm garden for cucumbers

For slightly warmer regions, a composted cucumber bed will do. It can also be a good solution if you can't find fresh manure. In a high bed 1 meter wide, plant and food residues are laid. Fallen leaves, last year's tops, vegetable or fruit peels, everything that usually goes into a compost pit will do. It is advisable to put a little manure on top, but if it is not there, it’s not scary, you can use special tools to speed up the formation of compost (for example, Baikal EM-1). Now you need to pour 20 centimeters of fertile soil. In such a bed for cucumbers, it is recommended to plant already germinated seeds or young plants directly in peat cups or on tablets. Further cultivation of cucumbers is no different from growing in open ground. You just need to monitor the temperature inside the greenhouse, removing the covering material (if any) in a warmtime of day.

agricultural technology of cucumbers
agricultural technology of cucumbers

Another warm bed for cucumbers is straw. But you need to cook it in the fall. The width of the beds is standard - 1 meter, the length - according to your desire. They dig a groove 80 cm wide, 15-20 cm deep, lay straw next to it, cover the bed with a film. Leave until spring. When the snow melts, a dense non-woven material is laid over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe groove. Straw lying nearby is tied into bundles and laid on the bottom so that it rises 40 cm above ground level. That's it! Straw bed for cucumbers is ready. It must be moistened with plenty of warm water and compacted. Now, to accelerate the decomposition of the masses, it must be watered with a solution of mullein or one of the preparations for the accelerated formation of compost. Then the bed should be covered with a film. In a week the temperature should be 40-45oC. If the heating is insufficient, you need to remove the film and pierce the straw with a pitchfork several times. A week after reaching the required temperature, the covering material is removed, deepenings are made with a thick stake, into which (up to the first real leaves) cucumber seedlings are buried. Plants are sprinkled with humus or peat, watered abundantly. Above the bed, arcs are installed, covered with a non-woven permeable fabric. Plants need to be watered and ventilated more often than usual, otherwise there is a threat of burning them. Otherwise, agricultural technology is ordinary.
