Astragalus woolly-flowered: medicinal properties and cultivation in the garden

Astragalus woolly-flowered: medicinal properties and cultivation in the garden
Astragalus woolly-flowered: medicinal properties and cultivation in the garden

What do summer residents grow in their garden plots? It would seem that everything is simple: vegetables, fruits, flowers in the flower beds. In addition, plants that have medicinal properties deserve attention. They, taken from the wild, have become domesticated, settled in the beds and also have their own requirements for proper care.

Description of the plant

Curious grass - astragalus woolly-flowered. It grows abundantly in forest clearings, mounds. Found in old cemeteries. The perennial plant belongs to the legume family. It is not high, reaches only forty centimeters. It got its name due to the silky hairy leaves. The herbaceous bush has numerous erect stems and yellow flowers that form dense inflorescences. It blooms from May to June. Fruits - beans, appear in mid-summer. It would seem that a modest plant is woolly-flowered astragalus. The photo shows how inexpressive and simple it looks. But it has a lot of positive properties that have attracted the attention of gardeners.

astragalus woollyflora
astragalus woollyflora

Healing properties

In folk medicine, the plant received a well-deservedconfession. Almost all its parts have medicinal properties: stems, seeds, roots. Decoctions prepared from it are used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, as a diuretic. Helps astragalus woolly-flowered to normalize blood pressure. The harvesting of raw materials should be done during the flowering of the plant. Grass should be cut at a height of five to seven centimeters from the ground, care should be taken not to damage the roots. Cut stems are dried in a well-ventilated area.

herb astragalus woolly-flowered
herb astragalus woolly-flowered

Growing a plant

Since gardeners were able to get acquainted with the beneficial properties of the plant, they were interested in the ways in which you can breed Astragalus woolly-flowered in your area. It propagates by seeds. To increase germination, they should be scarified with sandpaper before planting. Heat treatment will also speed up their germination. To do this, dip the seeds in a gauze bag for twenty seconds in hot water, and then in cold water.

astragalus woollyflower photo
astragalus woollyflower photo

Ever since autumn, you should take care of choosing a site where woolly-flowered astragalus will grow, it is better to choose fertile soil for it, with an average composition of minerals. For sowing a medicinal plant, the earth must be dug up. Then add manure (2 kg), ammonium nitrate (20 grams), potassium s alt (10 g) and superphosphate (30 g) to it per square meter. In the spring they form holes or beds, seedslay to a depth of two and a half or three centimeters. When planting woolly-flowered astragalus, a distance of 10 to 20 cm should be observed between plants. Rows should be spaced at least forty-five centimeters apart. The plant requires good care. It develops rather slowly. As a top dressing, starting from the second year of life, ammonium nitrate (10 g) and granular superphosphate (20 g) are applied per meter. Diluted slurry is also suitable.
