Which wallpaper to choose for the hallway: designer tips

Which wallpaper to choose for the hallway: designer tips
Which wallpaper to choose for the hallway: designer tips

Sometimes, when making repairs in an apartment, people think about decorating the hallway last. But this, as a rule, not too spacious room is the face of the house, and it needs no less attention than the rest of the rooms in the house. In order for the entrance hall to become cozy, modern and comfortable for residents and guests, it is necessary to correctly select the finishing materials, and this must be done taking into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the height of its ceilings, and the illumination.

Today, based on the advice of designers, we will tell you which wallpaper to choose for the hallway and corridor, which canvases to use when non-professionals are doing repairs, and what color is most harmonious in such a room.

how to choose wallpaper for the hallway
how to choose wallpaper for the hallway

Types of wallpapers

The entrance hall is an intermediate zone between non-residential and residential space. At first glance, the small area of the hallway in standard apartments, which, as a rule, ranges from two to four square meters, does not allow fantasy to run wild. But this is a delusion: designers claim that even a very small room can be decorated in style. And the best helpers in solving this problem will be wallpapers, provided that you know how to choose them correctly.

In the hallway and hallway, wallpaper has special requirements. This room is the least protected from dust and street dirt, so it is advisable to give preference to durable and versatile materials. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of different types of canvases that are presented on the Russian market.

Paper wallpapers

The simplest and oldest type of wallpaper, which was used before the advent of new, better and more durable varieties. Paper canvases are an environmentally friendly material, famous for its breathability and ease of use. Another advantage is the affordable price, especially in comparison with other types.

But it must be admitted that these canvases will not last you for a long time: they are not very durable, they are not resistant to moisture and mechanical damage, the maximum service life is limited to 10 years (at best). If you don't know what wallpaper to choose for the hallway in the apartment, listen to the designers' recommendations: you should use this option only if you are limited in finances, and redecoration needs to be done urgently.

vinyl wallpapers
vinyl wallpapers

Vinyl wallpaper

The modern market offers a wide range of wallpaper for the hallway. Which is better to choose? Professional decorators believe that vinyl wallpaper is more durable and reliable than paper wallpaper. This is a dense two-layer coating, in which the PVC layer plays an important role,applied to the base (non-woven, paper). It protects the canvas from moisture, from mechanical damage, bright sunlight. Vinyl wallpapers today are made with micropores that improve breathability and even allow them to be washed when needed.

The advantages of such a coating, no doubt, include a long service life - up to 20 years. It would seem quite obvious which wallpaper to choose for the hallway. But do not rush: this material is not completely harmless due to the synthetic compounds present in it, and environmentally friendly. But since you choose wallpaper for the hallway, this drawback can be considered insignificant, especially if the room is often ventilated.

Non-woven wallpaper

From the name of these wallpapers it becomes clear that their basis is interlining - a material made on the basis of cellulose fibers. It is often referred to as "improved paper". And not in vain: paper-like interlining is resistant to moisture and mechanical damage, passes air well, and successfully masks unevenness on the surface of the walls.

This option is suitable for people who decide which wallpaper to choose for the hallway, so that they can often change the interior. The fact is that this material is often used for painting. If desired, it can be done several times. The relief of such canvases provides great opportunities for design fantasies. But it is she who collects dust and can be damaged by careless handling. When choosing these canvases, it should be noted that in addition to the costs ofmaterial, you will have to invest in special glue and paint.

Textile wallpaper

Even in the era of Classicism in the houses of noble families, the walls were beautifully decorated with textured fabrics. Now such a luxurious interior can be created using textile wallpapers. True, it must be admitted that pleasure is not cheap. Such canvases are distinguished by excellent external characteristics, and with their help you can easily create a cozy atmosphere in the room. But the beauty of this material, unfortunately, is overshadowed by its impracticality when used in the hallway - it collects dust and needs special care. According to the designers, such wallpapers will become an unnecessary luxury, although it is necessary to take into account the style of the apartment as a whole.

textile wallpaper
textile wallpaper

Glass wallpaper

This material has recently appeared on the construction market. After applying the canvases to the walls, they can be painted in any color. This is a very durable coating that is easy to clean. But it also has one drawback - you will need a solvent to dismantle it.

wallpaper for the corridor and hallway
wallpaper for the corridor and hallway

Liquid wallpaper

Interesting and well proven material. This is a dry mixture that is diluted with water and then applied to the walls with a spatula. Dust does not accumulate on such wallpaper, they serve as additional sound insulation. Experts believe that this is a great option for hallways and corridors. It is undesirable to wash them, but if necessary, the contaminated area can be quite easily dismantled: cut it out and stick a “patch” that will merge withmain cover.

Which wallpaper is easier to glue?

For people planning repairs, the question of which wallpaper to choose for the hallway is not the only one, especially if they are going to glue the selected canvases on their own without involving specialists. Of course, in this case it is important to know which wallpaper is easier to glue on the walls.

Paper canvases can tear when wet, and on the wall they are difficult to correct. It is most convenient for novice "finishers" to glue non-woven and vinyl wallpapers. They do not tear when wet, they can be easily corrected directly on the wall without fear of breaks. Incorrectly glued canvas can be easily removed. Such wallpapers are produced quite wide, which allows you to paste over the room as quickly as possible.

which wallpaper is easier to glue
which wallpaper is easier to glue

Stylistic choices

We will assume that you have decided on the answer to the question of which wallpaper to choose for the hallway. You can see photos of some of them in this article. Designers recommend in an apartment (or house), choosing a certain interior style, to create a holistic image. Below we will present you the main styles that will look most interesting in the hallway.

Timeless classic

She is always associated with luxury and nobility, sophistication and color restraint. Both monochromatic canvases and decorated ones can be used - with heraldic, floral and other patterns. Particular attention should be paid to the type of wallpaper. Textiles are ideal for the classic style, but we mentioned the impracticality of suchmaterial. It is better to replace textile wallpapers with non-woven ones with different reliefs. They fit perfectly into a spacious room.

Modern style wallpapers

This is a rather vague concept, which means restraint, functionality, lack of excess details, purity of color and smoothness of lines. At the same time, the pattern can be very different: realistic photo wallpapers, geometric patterns or monotony. Such canvases will not only decorate the interior, but will also be able to radically transform the space depending on practical purposes: a bright pattern on one of the walls will create the necessary accent, and vertical stripes will raise low ceilings.


Effective style to impress your guests. Give preference to pastel, warm tones of wallpaper that seem slightly “burnt out” under the sun. The pattern traditional for this style is a check or a small flower.

Which color of wallpaper to choose for the hallway?

Probably no one will argue that the color of the wallpaper plays an important role in the interior. It is the color that sets the atmosphere and mood in the room, and in addition, it is able to visually transform the room. What do stylists and interior designers recommend to us?

White wallpapers

Someone will immediately reject this option, citing the fact that the white color is a kind of magnet for dust and dirt. Yes, this color is short-lived and impractical. But let's look at the white wallpaper from the other side - they create a feeling of spaciousness and comfort in the hallway, and dark furniture and decor against this background lookmore attractive and bright.

Black wallpapers

Many owners categorically refuse to use black, considering it too gloomy, evoking sad thoughts. In addition, it narrows the space. Yes, when thinking about which wallpaper to choose for a small hallway, this option should be abandoned. But in a spacious room, black wallpaper looks mature and stylish, especially in combination with the right furniture.

Blue wallpapers

Unobtrusive and at the same time a deep color that fills the room with cleanliness and freshness. According to the designers, blue wallpaper is a versatile option that can be used to decorate both small and large areas. Against the background of such a coating, wooden furniture will look great.

Gray wallpapers

When deciding which wallpaper to choose for the hallway, many do not consider gray. They consider it boring and faceless. Such statements are unjustified: there are a great many shades of gray. Designers are sure that even using only them, you can create a refined and stylish interior. And how harmoniously gray is combined with other colors! Choose the most pleasant shade for you, diversify it with a pattern, and you can create an interesting design.

gray wallpaper
gray wallpaper

Small hallway

Unfortunately, the original and interesting design of this room is sometimes limited by its too small area. Indeed, it is not easy to decorate a room of two or three square meters, especially if it has an irregular shape. It's often the wrong choice.material can not only spoil the interior, but also emphasize all its shortcomings. Nevertheless, experienced designers know which wallpaper to choose for a small hallway. The photos that they post in various publications dedicated to the arrangement and design of housing clearly demonstrate that even the most modest entrance hall can be cozy and attractive.

Experts recommend abandoning wall coverings in dark colors. Give preference to pastel light shades that visually expand the space and fill it with light. When decorating a small hallway, you can use matte surfaces that do not have reliefs. Avoid fabrics with complex patterns. If you really want to diversify the interior with an ornament - look at the wallpaper with a small, better geometric pattern, paste over one or two walls with them, and leave the rest plain.

narrow hallway
narrow hallway

Which wallpaper to choose for a narrow hallway? This question is of interest to many owners of apartments in houses of old construction. To "push" the walls, experts in the field of interior design recommend using light, glossy materials. Place a large mirror on the longest wall. This will help visually expand the space.
