Built-in biofireplaces increasingly began to appear in small private and country houses, city apartments. Universal and easy-to-install designs help diversify the interior, create warmth, comfort and a special atmosphere in the house. They do not require chimney equipment and the construction of a special foundation. Such fireplaces can be built into walls, furniture.

Design elements
The main elements of the built-in biofireplace:
- Case. It is made of high quality metal, and can also have a glass structure. This allows it to withstand a large thermal impact on the wall, without side effects.
- Firebox. It will store fuel in the amount necessary for combustion. As a rule, this element has a different capacity, which allows it to be used to store different amounts of fuel.
- Protective screen. Often made entirely ofglass. This element serves to create a complete protection against fuel splashes and combustion products, has high strength and reliability.
- Control panel. An indispensable piece of equipment for expensive devices, but most low-end models are not equipped with this panel.
- Burner. The most important and constructive element. It is the burner that performs the main function, since it provides a full cycle of operation of the device.
Fuel for bio-fireplaces
For safety in the apartment, a special fuel is used - bioethanol. His invention made it possible to place a fireplace in an ordinary city apartment. When this substance burns, a real fire is formed, but no sparks, soot or smoke are emitted.
Biofireplace does not require a chimney. The apartment can not be equipped with an expensive exhaust system. The only thing you need to protect yourself is not to buy fuel on the market, where there are a lot of fakes. Means for a biofireplace must be bought in large retail chains, from well-known manufacturers.
The firebox is filled only in a cooled state, when the burner and the entire system have completely cooled down. It is best to do this before turning on the device directly.

Working principle
The built-in bio-fireplace for an apartment produces a flame by burning fumes, not by burning bioethanol. But in any case, the fuel is located in an insulated firebox, so it is not dangerous. These appliances are suitable for families with small children and pets.
As a rule, modern fireplaces are equipped withseveral sensors that monitor the operation and safety of the device. They control the intensity of combustion, ambient temperature, carbon dioxide emissions and adjust the operation of the device.
In case of unforeseen breakdowns, the entire system is turned off. The built-in biofireplaces are controlled from the remote control. Their work can be compared to burning candles, fireplaces also emit little carbon dioxide. However, they do dry out the air a bit, as they use oxygen to burn.
For the constant operation of the device, it is necessary to install a good climate control system. For rare use, it is not necessary to buy expensive ventilation equipment.
Do not consider the built-in biofireplace as a heating device. Although some heat is generated during combustion, it is not enough to fully heat the apartment.
Built into the wall
This method allows you to place fireboxes anywhere in the room and even in several rooms at the same time. Often, biofireplaces are placed along the walls in restaurants, cafes, hotels, clubs and bars. This design option attracts the attention of visitors, makes the interior stylish and elegant.
The wall-mounted biofireplace can have a different shape. It comes in the classic rectangular design, as well as square or round. Such models are ideally combined with such a direction as hi-tech and minimalism. Triangular bio-fireplaces are suitable for high-tech living rooms.

Built into furniture
Heating devices are installed in bar counters and pedestals, tables and chests of drawers, inside ready-made building blocks. It all depends on individual preferences, because such installation is done only on an individual order.
To install a solid structure, a recess of at least 20 cm is required. A protective box is installed in it, which will not allow the heating furnace to damage the walls of the furniture. The minimum distance to the floor must be at least 20 cm. In height, the distance to the walls must also be at least 20 cm, otherwise overheating of the environment during operation is inevitable.

When placing the heating device in a new place, it is necessary to leave free space between the open part of the furnace and curtains, furniture, household appliances.
The design of bio-fireplaces built into furniture does not always oblige you to design a minimalist interior. Their cladding and decoration can match a wide variety of interior design styles: from classic and country to baroque and modern. Installing such a device will add freshness and novelty to the familiar look of the interior.