In order to live comfortably in a private house, it must be well maintained. In winter, the issue of heating is added to these considerable expenses. That is why the owners of country cottages and dachas are asking the question "What kind of heating is more economical and will reduce costs?".

However, choosing one or another type of heating for their home, many people tend to make the same mistake. It consists in the fact that most owners of private houses tend to purchase cheaper equipment, without considering the economy of the system as a whole. However, both of these indicators are completely different things. Based on user feedback, a general principle can be traced here. It is concluded in the growth of heating costs in proportion to the decrease in the cost of the boiler. This news, of course, is not very good. But that's not all. It turns out that the most economical home heating, as such, does not exist. All this is nothing more than a myth that was invented by marketers. How effective will one or another type of heating be,will directly depend on the area of \u200b\u200bthe building, the region of residence, the owners' ideas about comfort and many other factors. That is why you should not believe that there is a system that will be the most economical, regardless of the circumstances. The majority of owners of private houses adhere to the same opinion.
The most economical heating should be calculated according to one of the existing methods for this. They allow you to determine the cost of a unit of kilocalories. However, in most cases, the owners of private houses are limited to approximate calculations, which, judging by the opinions of experts, should be done with the prospect of using the system for 5-10 years. Only in this case it will be possible to determine the difference between an economical system and cheap equipment. When making such calculations, it is necessary to take into account possible changes in prices for the selected type of fuel.
Where to choose?
In order to understand what it is, the most economical heating of the house, the owner of the dwelling is recommended to answer several important questions, namely:
- Will living in the house be permanent or only for a few seasons of the year?
- Which is more important - the quality of heating or its cost?
- How much do you plan to spend on equipment?
It is important to understand that no one can give a universal answer to the question of what is the most economical heating. The choice of the most optimal option will depend on the price of energy resources and fuel, costsfor the purchase and installation of equipment, as well as from other factors. In order to get the right answer, it is necessary to consider various types of such systems.
Heating Methods
How to heat a private house in the cold? Traditionally, autonomous systems are used for heating purposes in such dwellings. The source of energy in this case is natural or liquefied gas, solid or liquid fuels, as well as electricity. Let's consider each of these types in more detail.
Gas heating
If we consider the average prices for energy sources, the cheapest in Russia is natural gas. In addition, when using it, full automation of heating is possible. Having placed a gas boiler in the house, you only need to call specialists once a year for its preventive maintenance.

However, it is not always possible to say that this is the most economical heating. The implementation of such a heating system will be beneficial only to those owners of houses who live in a gasified area. If there is no highway nearby, then this fuel is unlikely to be the most profitable, because laying a gas pipeline to the house is quite high in cost.
The amount of the initial investment in the necessary equipment is also important. She is big. In addition, a gas heating system will require the arrangement of a chimney. Security must also be addressed.
Due to the high initial spending of money and the complexity of installing the system, the owners of private houses often refuse naturalgas. Many people are scared by the constant increase in tariffs for this type of fuel. Will it remain the same in the short term? This is a big question. That is why, judging by the feedback from the owners of private houses, they are already trying to organize the most economical heating of a private house, in which natural gas is not involved.
Solid fuel systems
How economical is home heating without natural gas? You can build it using a solid fuel boiler. For the operation of such a unit, you will need to stock up on coal or coke, briquette fuel or ordinary firewood. Which of these fuels will be a better option?

Coal will burn the longest. However, its cost is quite high. But at the same time, the heating system will be quite economical. You don't have to spend a lot of money to install it. The most common solid fuel boiler is not expensive at all. You can also make it yourself.
Economical heating of a private house is also possible with the use of pellet fuel, which is wood pellets. For him, you will need to purchase a boiler with a small bunker. Judging by the feedback from users, the operation of the heating system in this case becomes more convenient. The operation of pellet boilers occurs automatically, periodically requiring only the loading of new portions of fuel. But when using firewood, the operation of the system is inconvenient. Such boilers require very frequent loading. Installing will solve the problemsolid fuel units of long burning.
Using the oven
How economical will heating be for a private house? Considering the options for various systems, it is impossible to ignore the usual Russian stove, which has not lost its relevance today. Installing it in the house is not an easy job. That is why they trust it only to professionals. With proper installation, the oven can be guaranteed to operate for a long time.
The stove, like solid fuel boilers, runs on wood or coal. In order for them to last for a long time, harvesting should be done in advance. A lot of heat can be obtained by using dry hardwood logs such as oak and beech. It will be good to burn and pine, even wet. However, she will give little heat to the house.

The main thing that owners of stoves need to know is that they require maintenance. Periodically, you will need to clean the chimney and constantly remove the ashes. In order to keep the whole house warm all the time, you will need to put firewood in the stove constantly, but at the same time follow all safety measures to prevent a fire.
Fireplace heating
Such a system is similar to an oven. However, heating with a fireplace will not effectively heat the entire house. Such a structure is installed, as a rule, only for beauty. Its heat is only enough to warm the room in which it is located.

It is impossible to save on heating with a fireplace. Of course, it works on coals or wood, butquite a few of them are required. So they install fireplaces mainly for the soul.
Fluid Systems
What economical heating can be chosen for a private house? Liquid fuel systems are in third place after natural gas, as well as wood and coal. They use diesel fuel or used engine oil, because of which there will certainly be a characteristic smell in the house. Anyone who decides to equip their home with such a system should keep in mind that liquid fuel will have to build a special storage facility located away from residential buildings. This will result in additional costs.
Use of electricity
Is economic heating possible with this energy source? No. The thing is that cheap economical boilers for heating a private house simply do not exist. Most small-sized devices are unusually voracious. And it is impossible to correct the situation in this case, because 99% of the incoming electricity is converted into heat by such boilers.
You can find an alternative only if you can invest impressive sums of money in equipment. In economical home heating boilers powered by electricity, weather-dependent automation is used, as well as room temperature sensors. Such equipment is able to adapt to the outdoor and indoor atmosphere, independently adjusting the heating power.
Principles of economical heating
What will allow you to inexpensively create heat in the house? For this you will need:
- purchase an economical boiler for heating;
- insulate the home;
- use alternative heat sources.
The most profitable appliance used to heat a private house is a condensing boiler. Its installation should be considered if natural gas is available. Condensing boilers are highly efficient and transfer almost all heat to the heating system.
And if natural gas is not supplied to the house? In this case, it is necessary to purchase a solid fuel boiler. Having bought a firewood machine at the same time, you can provide yourself with inexpensive heat for the entire period of cold weather.
When installing a heating system, you will need to install radiators with high heat transfer. You will also need entrance doors with good thermal insulation, plastic windows, you need to insulate the outer walls. Such measures will reduce heating costs by reducing heat loss.
Alternative sources
For home heating can be used:
- warm floors;
- solar panels;
- heat pumps.
So, when installing solar panels, the free energy given to us by nature will be used. Such installations generate electricity used to operate heating equipment or to heat the coolant. The disadvantage of such devices is their high cost.
When using heat pumps, energy will be taken from the air, soil or water. Such devices take heat from the environment and transfer it to heated rooms. In this case, the sameprinciple, as in the refrigerator. For the heat pumps themselves to work, they will need to be connected to external sources of electricity. However, even with this in mind, such a heating system is quite economical. Nevertheless, the cost of such equipment is currently so high that it negates all its advantage.

An economical heating system for a private house in the absence of natural gas can be created using infrared film. Its work is carried out from electricity. When exposed to infrared radiation, the floors heat up and give off their heat to the rooms. Judging by the reviews of experts, such equipment is about 30% more economical than simple electric boilers.
Water heating
Today, this method of creating comfortable conditions in the cold season is considered quite effective. Despite the small amounts indicated on the heating bill, judging by the feedback from the owners of water systems, they had to initially spend a lot of money on installing pipes and equipment, installing a pump, tank and batteries.
How is space heated? The boiler supplies heat to the house. It must be purchased with a water heating function. Warm liquid goes through the pipes, getting into the radiators. After some time, the cooled water re-enters the boiler and heats up. The operation of such a system is carried out in a vicious circle. Sometimes, to increase its efficiency, it is necessary to install a pump that will forcefully supply liquid. The choice of the type of boiler for the water system will bedirectly dependent on the fuel used. And from its cost, you can calculate the efficiency of all heating.
Cottage heating
Many people come to a country house only in the warm season. However, today some dacha owners go there on their days off even in bad weather. And for such owners, the question of economical heating of the dacha certainly arises. You can solve it by applying a wide variety of electric heaters.
The problem of warming up a country house, which will definitely arise, can be solved with the help of various electric heaters. Why is it recommended to choose this option? Or maybe it is better to install water or gas heating? Based on the opinions of experts and reviews of summer residents, with irregular use of the structure, the installation of such systems will become impractical. In addition, not all dacha settlements have central gas supply lines. In this case, a more rational option would be heating with electricity. And although it may not be the cheapest, it is one step ahead of many other methods in terms of its effectiveness and environmental friendliness.

Economical electric heating for summer cottages is possible with the purchase of modern appliances. They will not only increase the temperature inside the premises to the desired value, but are also very convenient to use. Many models of such electrical appliances have a thermostat setting that allows you to maintain the set temperature in the room even when the owners are away.
On some modelsprovided with a timer. It can be programmed in advance. And then the device will turn on before the arrival of the owners and heat the room. These "smart" devices are controlled by sending SMS messages. With their help, the device can not only be turned on, but also turned off.
Convectors are the most popular among summer residents. Most often they are installed on the wall, and sometimes on the floor. Such a device works by applying the principle of air convection, providing uniform heating of the entire room. At the bottom of such a device there is a built-in heating element. It also heats the air that passes through it. The thermostat available on the appliance allows you to maintain a constant temperature in the house.
Used by summer residents and oil coolers. Oil is poured into the inner part of the housing of such devices, which, after turning on the unit, heats up due to the action of the heating element. After that, the surface temperature of the device rises, from which heat is transferred to the room. Fans are provided on some models to speed up heat transfer.
Often summer residents and infrared heaters get. They are usually installed on the ceiling. Such devices emit infrared waves that are absorbed by surrounding surfaces, in order to then be transformed into thermal energy, which is transferred to the air in the room. Such devices are used when there is no need to heat the entire room. Their action applies only to a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe premises. The capabilities that IR heaters have can significantly reduce the cost ofelectricity consumption.