Drainage works: description, types, principles and recommendations

Drainage works: description, types, principles and recommendations
Drainage works: description, types, principles and recommendations

Drainage work is so easy to carry out that any home master can handle it without having certain skills and knowledge. The laying of this system is carried out at the design stage of a residential building, so that you do not have to dig up paths and lawns. To protect the adjacent territory of structures from atmospheric precipitation and groundwater, one of the existing methods can be used.

Types of drainage

drainage works
drainage works

If you decide to carry out drainage work, you should first familiarize yourself with the main varieties of drainage. This system can be closed or open type. The first variety includes two device methods: combined and simple. Combined involves the installation of drainage pipes and drainage channels. As for the open method, it is one of the simple and inexpensive options. For its arrangement, drainage ditches will be laid along the perimeter of the site.

Design Considerations

drainage work cost
drainage work cost

Drainage works quite oftenproduced by the owners of country and private houses on their own. At the first stage, it is necessary to carry out the design, according to which the individual elements of the sewerage system will be arranged. The distance between the drains will depend on the characteristics of the soil. So, the maximum distance for clay soils is 10 meters. If there is loam on the site, then this parameter increases to 20 meters. On sandy soils, the maximum distance between drains should be 50 meters. If you want to speed up the drainage of the territory, then the drains should be located as close as possible.

Description and principle of operation of the surface drainage system

work drainage system
work drainage system

Drainage work can be carried out on the basis of a surface system that protects the buildings and soil on the site from excess moisture generated due to snow melting and rainfall. If we are talking about a linear variety of the surface system, then it is a complex of open trays mounted with a slight slope to the draw-off point. The last is a storm well. In order for the appearance of the site not to be spoiled, the trays are covered with special plastic or metal gratings. This type of drainage is most commonly used where groundwater is low.

In order for the melt and rainwater disposal system to work as efficiently as possible, the scheme must include the presence of special devices called sand traps. Their main function is to hold small debris alongtype of tree seeds, leaves, as well as pebbles and sand. A point type of surface drainage system is water collectors, which are connected to each other by underground pipes. On the latter, water enters the sewer well. Such storm water inlets are installed under downpipes, as well as in low areas of the site. Their presence is mandatory under the water pipes, which are located on the street.

Description and principle of operation of the deep drainage system

If the groundwater in the area is deep, you can equip a deep drainage system that involves the use of perforated pipes. They are located underground and are called drains. Through the holes, water enters them, which reaches the collection point. The operation of the drainage pipe allows you to effectively drain the site, prolonging the life of buildings, while eliminating the washing away of the foundation by groundwater. To create a deep drainage system, it is necessary to lay pipes with a slope that will be directed to the place of water collection. Liquid can be discharged into a storm sewer well, storage well or drainage tunnel.

In order to control the functioning of the network, revision wells are included in its structure. Cleaning the system can be done independently, this is not such a difficult job: the drainage system is freed from debris through revision wells. In this case, a jet of water is injected into the pipes, the direction of which should be the opposite of the normal movement of the liquid.

Expert advice

drain pipe work
drain pipe work

Deep-type drainage systems must necessarily be located in an area where groundwater is located at a distance of 2.5 meters or less from the surface of the earth. This also applies to clay soils, as well as soils that do not cope well with water filtration. It is also possible to equip a deep drainage system in low-lying areas, it is especially important to make such a system around the perimeter of the house and other buildings, which will eliminate the destructive effect of water on the foundation.

Working principle of surface drainage pump

principle of operation of the drainage pump
principle of operation of the drainage pump

If you decide to purchase the appropriate equipment for arranging the system, then you should know the principle of operation of the drainage pump. The surface version of these units is installed at the edge of the drain pit, a hose is lowered to the bottom of the tank, through which waste is pumped out. To ensure the operation of the pump in automatic mode, a float mechanism is supplied to the switching lever, which is necessary in order to monitor the water level in the pit. As soon as the drains rise above a certain mark, the float will rise with it, including the device.

The drainage pump provides for an inlet pipe through which liquid is sucked from the sewage pit. There is also an outlet pipe in the device, it is brought out of the limits. Water should not be allowed to enter the engine, otherwise the device will fail, so the pump must have time to pump drains faster than their level rises inpit.

For reference

The operation of the drainage pump will be effective if the equipment is connected to the sewer system using nozzles. For this reason, when installing equipment, you must know the diameter of the sewer pipe to the nearest millimeter. The main advantage of the drainage pumps described above is their mobility, since the device can be easily moved to the required place, and in the event of a breakdown, repairs are carried out quite easily and quickly.

drain pump operation
drain pump operation

The principle of operation of a submersible drainage pump

Drainage work, the cost of which may seem quite high to some owners of private houses, you can do yourself. In addition, the system may include a submersible pump, the principle of which is the same as that of equipment with an external location, but the design is somewhat different. The equipment should be lowered into the pit, which is filled with sewage, after which water is sucked in by the pump itself through a hole in the bottom. This part of the unit is protected by a honeycomb filter, which prevents large particles and stones from entering the pump impeller, which could cause a quick breakdown of the unit after start-up.

Cost of work from specialists

Drainage work, the cost of which is 2900 rubles per linear meter, is carried out today by many organizations. The mentioned amount is requested if the depth of laying the elements does not exceed 1.5 meters.
