The question "how to remove a chandelier from the ceiling" becomes especially relevant at times when an outdated ceiling lamp needs to be replaced with a new one or its body must be washed from accumulated dust and dirt.
In most cases, the chandelier is washed without removing it from the ceiling. But sometimes it is impossible to do without dismantling.
How to unhook a chandelier

Advice from masters on the topic: "How to remove a chandelier with a decorative dome from the ceiling" usually begins with a warning about the need to de-energize that part of the home in which the chandelier is suspended.
The specialist, for whom the procedure described below is familiar, can work without de-energizing the lamp, while for a beginner this step is mandatory.
But back to talking about how to remove the chandelier from the ceiling. First you need to unscrew the side screw that holds the mount that supports the decorative dome of the ceiling light.
Now that the dome is not fixed, it is easy to lower it down, exposing the connecting element with wires: the blue wire is "0", the brown one is "phase".
After the wiring that supplies electricity is disconnected from the ceiling light, it can be removed from the hook, "recessed" in the ceiling. Now just a few words about how to do without dismantling.
How to wash a chandelier without removing it from the ceiling. Options
You can clean the chandelier in two ways - dry and wet. The dry method is suitable for cases where there is very little dust on the surface to be cleaned. But if the lamp is very dirty, then wet cleaning is indispensable.
If the hostess, who has never had to clean a dirty chandelier before, chooses the dry method, she does not have to remove the chandelier from the ceiling. Simply turn off the lamp and wipe all parts with a dry cloth.
How to clean a crystal chandelier?

Specialists working with crystal recommend cleaning such a surface by wearing cloth gloves. Then there will be no marks left on the fragile surface.
To wash a crystal chandelier, the lamp, previously disconnected from the source of electric current, must be removed from the ceiling and soaked in warm water for thirty minutes. After this time, in a basin of water, where the chandelier “soaks”, a special detergent or glass cleaner is diluted, which is used to wash contaminated places.
Another way to clean the pollutedcrystal chandelier
You can clean the crystal parts with an alcohol solution (100 grams of alcohol is diluted in five liters of water). After rinsing the frame and pendants in running water, the chandelier is assembled and returned back to the hook.
Here are two more tips on how to clean a crystal chandelier with pendants:
- In three liters of water, dilute half a glass of mustard powder, half a glass of vinegar and the same amount of alcohol. The chandelier, taken from the ceiling, is simply lowered along with the pendants into the resulting detergent. After letting the water drain, the pendants are wiped dry with a dry and soft cloth.
- Ten potatoes are boiled "in uniform" in three liters of water. The chandelier, taken from the ceiling, is lowered into a chilled potato solution and, after holding for some time, is immersed in a rinse aid prepared by oneself: two tablespoons of ammonia and a tablespoon of vinegar are dissolved in a container with two liters of cold water. As in the previous tip, allow the remnants of the product to drain from the pendants, and then wipe them dry with a dry cloth.
How to clean frosted glass ceiling light
To follow the recommendation below, you do not need to remove the lamp from the ceiling. Cleaning consists in treating the contaminated surface first with starch and then with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (or vinegar).
Starch, diluted in water, must cover the entire surface of the lamp. In the absence of starch, you can use potatoes: cutting off part of the peel and exposing the starchy part of the potato, they rub the surface of the lamp with it. As soon as the "body"potatoes will absorb dirt from the lamp, the used part is cut off, exposing a fresh portion of starch.
A lamp treated with starch should be left alone for a while so that the starch absorbs dirt. And after a few minutes, armed with a soft cloth dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate or vinegar, they wash off the starch layer. The lamp washed from dirt is wiped dry with a dry cloth.
How to clean a fabric lamp without removing it from the ceiling
Having previously cleaned the lamp of dust with a stiff brush, the fabric surface is treated with a special solution that each housewife can prepare on her own. It will take half a tablespoon of ammonia, a tablespoon of water and the same amount of boric acid. The resulting slurry is applied to the lampshade and left for a while.
After armed with a stiff brush, the cleaning agent is swept from the surface of the lamp and coated with homemade antistatic. A tablespoon of vinegar is mixed with six tablespoons of water and a teaspoon of soda. Anti-static agent is applied with a soft brush.
How to clean a crystal chandelier without removing it from the ceiling

Turning off the electricity supply and after laying rags or old newspapers on the floor under the lamp, remove all parts that can be easily detached. In the case of a crystal chandelier decorated with pendants, all pendants will have to be removed.
Removed parts are washed by choosing one ofmethods of cleaning crystal, set out above, and those that could not be removed from the ceiling, washed with warm water and wiped dry.
How to remove the chandelier from the ceiling yourself? FAQ

Removing a chandelier is much easier than installing it. However, experts do not recommend starting dismantling without disabling the safety plugs.
How do I remove a cross bar chandelier from the ceiling?
To remove the chandelier, which is attached to the stretch ceiling with a cross-shaped bar, you first need to free the lamp from all fragile parts, such as shades, pendants and decorative ornaments. Then experts recommend to act as follows:
- Unscrew the cap, which is secured with a locking screw or central nut, and carefully pull it towards you.
- In the exposed hole you can see the mounting system - a cruciform (or rectangular) bar.
- First of all, disconnect the hangers, which are screwed to the ceiling with self-tapping screws. After that, you can pull out the structure through the hole formed in the stretch ceiling cover.
- After disconnecting the wires, they are temporarily insulated with electrical tape.
How to remove a chandelier-plate from the ceiling?
First, unscrew the bolts with which the plate is attached to the base of the lamp. Only after that you can start dismantling.
Often, disposable fastener tools are used to install the lighting fixture, which are not recommended to be removed. The reason is the fragility and high cost of fastening tools.
Before you start disconnecting the wires, it is necessary, armed with an indicator screwdriver, to make sure that they are not energized.
How to remove a chandelier from a stretch ceiling?

First you need to arm yourself with a set of tools: screwdrivers (indicator, Phillips and two flat ones), electrical tape, pliers and a knife.
Dismantling a round or square lamp begins with removing the light bulb from the socket. To perform this procedure, you must free the lamp from the protective grill (or glass).
If you pry the trim strip from the outer edge with a flat screwdriver or a knife, a gap is formed. It is fixed with a second flat screwdriver.
By pulling the lamp towards you so that the fingers of your hand fit into the opened gap, you can feel the fixing latches. If they are pressed tightly against the lamp body, the latter can be partially removed. To completely remove the lamp, it is necessary to unscrew the screws that secure the lamp to the terminal strip.
How to remove a chandelier hook from the ceiling? First you need to check if there are parts on the mount that may prevent dismantling. After that, you need to act, following the sequence:
remove protective cap;
putting your hand into the opened hole, feel for the hook by which the chandelier is attached to the concrete base;
hook togetherwith wiring pull out;
remove sections of bare wires from insulating tape;
remove the tape by separating the wires
How to remove an LED chandelier from the ceiling? To remove a small light bulb from a stretch ceiling, experts advise:

- Holding the ring that secures the light bulb to the ceiling, gently pull the light down with your other hand until the fixtures are exposed.
- Maximum squeezing the "antennae"-mounts with your fingers, the lamp is taken out of the bowels of the ceiling.
How to remove the cover from the round lamp-plate

In most cases, the glass cover is attached with three brackets. To remove it, you need to pull one of them - the one in which the spring is enclosed, not forgetting to hold the cover with your hand. When pulling the bracket, you need to make sure that it does not slip back. The blow can be so strong that it will damage the glass of the ceiling. To release the cover, you have to make an effort.