It often happens that an ordinary desk becomes a table for equipment, for a laptop it can even be a sofa. However, for a comfortable location and maintaining human he alth, it is still better to use specialized items. Almost anyone can assemble a computer desk with their own hands.
Developing a plan
Before starting the creation process itself, you need to decide which table is needed. Finding out is quite simple, it all depends on the number and dimensions of PC components. Most often it is a system unit and a monitor. They take up the most space. Of course, you need to provide a place for smaller parts - mice and keyboards. However, this is just a basic PC build. It is important to understand here that there may be additional devices - a printer, scanner, modems, and so on. It is recommended to make a computer desk with your own hands with a margin for such equipment. You can use a variety of materials. Oftenchipboard is used. This is a fairly cheap and reliable raw material for the table.

Selection of a place
This item is also important. Of course, you want the table not to take up a lot of space in the house, but if you make it too small, then most likely it will simply be useless, as it will not be able to accommodate all the necessary equipment. There are a few rules to follow in any case.
Naturally, the assembled computer desk made of chipboard with your own hands should be placed as close as possible to an outlet or any other power source. It is also necessary that there be a window in this place. Access to sunlight is very important. It is also best that the window be placed on the left side of the PC. Since there are many elements in the system unit that heat up on their own during operation, it is undesirable to place the table near boilers, electric heaters and other things in order to avoid overheating of the elements. When working with a computer, a variety of shelves, paintings and other decorative elements that distract attention can interfere quite strongly. It's best to remove them.

Types of tables
Naturally, there are several types of product. You can make a computer desk with your own hands of a direct type, angular or combined. You need to choose the type of object depending on which one will be best placed in the selected location. It is also recommended to create a table drawing in advance.
The first and classic version is a straight table. It is very similar to the usualdesk. It is best to choose this option if the desktop computer is used for work or is simply used periodically, and not constantly. It is convenient to place this version of the product near the window, if space permits.
Making a do-it-yourself corner version of a computer desk, the photo of which can be seen in our article, is best if you plan to use a PC for entertainment. This is due to the fact that the assembly of the product takes the least amount of material, which means it is the smallest. There is not enough space to accommodate stationery and other devices, for example, a printer.
The combined version, as the name suggests, is a cross between the first and second type of product. It is worth noting that it takes the most material, as there are many shelves, lockers and other things to make it convenient to store different folders with documents and more.

Start of work. Drafting
After choosing the type of table, you can begin to practice. It all starts with drawing up a drawing, according to which a computer desk will be assembled with your own hands from wood or any other material. It should be noted right away that the standard height of almost any product is 75 cm. However, if a person’s height is above average, then this figure should be increased. There is a calculation formula: human height75/175. For example, if the height is 180 cm, then the formula looks like this: 18075/175=77 cm. Then you can start drawing up the drawing itself. Classic project for a regular table containsthe following items:
- space for monitor;
- pull-out keyboard stand;
- small shelf for storing a variety of small parts;
- cabinet for storing papers, documents and other things;
- a pair of shelves on top that can hold speakers, books, vases, etc.

What tools will be needed for the job
After drawing up a detailed project or drawing with dimensions for a computer desk, made by hand, you can get to work. To successfully complete the idea, you will definitely need the following tools:
- Electric jigsaw or hacksaw.
- Drill with a set of drill bits.
- Screwdriver or screwdriver.
- Grinding machine. It is also worth noting here that if the assembly takes place indoors, then you will have to clean up the falling debris with something. You can use a broom or a vacuum cleaner.
- Chisel.
- Ruler, tape measure and soft pencil (best seen on wood material). The tape measure must be larger than 1 m.

Cutting parts
The next step in assembling a homemade computer desk, made with your own hands, is to cut out the necessary elements. If, for example, chipboard was chosen as the material, then it is better to contact a special office so that they cut out all the details. This choice is justified by the fact that with self-cutting, most likely, unevenedges or chips. To avoid such problems, wood can be used.
In any case, you will need the following parts for assembly:
- two side posts with dimensions 735x465 mm;
- one central post - 735x380 mm;
- tabletop will have dimensions of 1200x580 mm;
- size of one rear wall - 1090x290 mm;
- size of drawer for keyboard - 830х380 mm;
- internal shelves in the amount of two pieces with dimensions of 450x250 mm.

Assembling the structure
After all the necessary elements are on hand, you can start assembling a computer desk from plywood, wood, etc.
- You need to start by marking the side and center walls. The bottom shelf will be attached to it. From below, from 50 to 70 mm is measured and a straight horizontal line is drawn. In these places, two parallel holes are made. As a result, it should turn out so that there are two holes in the side and central walls. With their help, the lower shelf is attached. You can use ordinary self-tapping screws.
- The second step is to attach the top shelf. It is carried out in a similar way. The only thing is that the distance from the top should be 100 mm or more. The required distance is measured, a line is drawn, holes are made, a shelf is attached.
- The next step is to attach the back wall. It is important to note here that the ends of the central, side and rear walls should have the same level. When all measurements are taken, holes are made and the element is attached.
- Nextstep is the fastening of the second side part also to the back wall. Everything is simple here, two holes are drilled at the end of the side wall and in the right places at the rear part. The whole structure is twisted with self-tapping screws.
- Next, you need to deal with fastening the guide rail. To do this is quite simple. 50 mm retreat from the top of the central and side walls, a place is marked and an axis is attached.
- After that, the same guide axle is attached on both sides to the shelf, which will serve as a keyboard stand.
- In order to fix the tabletop, you need to make holes in a suitable place in the side walls of the table. Dowels will be installed in them. Naturally, the same holes are made in the countertop itself. Before fixing the part, you should make sure that all the holes line up with each other.
- Dowels are lubricated with PVA glue and inserted into the ends of the frame.
- Next, the tabletop is installed from above so that the dowels fit into the grooves.

Product appearance
With the question of how to make a computer desk with your own hands, now everything is clear. However, there is one more point worth mentioning - this is the finish of the finished product. If laminated wood sheets were used, then finishing is not required, except for the ends of the structure. Here you can use a special device called a feed tape.
Laptop desk
A table for such a gadget is not a necessity, but sometimes it is alsonecessary. This most often happens when you need to spend a lot of time working on this device, and the table is not available. The body becomes numb, and it becomes impossible to work. Of course, making a table for a laptop is an easier task than creating a large table for a PC. Some people prefer to buy small items to install equipment, but in some cases their cost is so high that it is better to spend half a day on self-assembly. You can easily assemble a plywood computer table with your own hands for such equipment.