Choosing furniture for your fidget can turn into an exciting game. Therefore, before acquiring boring standard models, remember what you wanted in your distant childhood. Most likely, like most tomboys, you dreamed of getting a loft bed at your personal and sovereign disposal. The nursery then becomes really an island where childish fantasies are embodied. Yes, and there are fewer problems for adults, since there is no need to fight over how to fit a play area, a work area, a closet and a bed on a tiny patch.

So, the decision has been made, the child is in anticipation, and you have doubts - what if you got excited, and you won’t be able to pick up really comfortable and high-quality furniture. Don't worry, there are a wide variety and quirky models in stores now. And if you don’t have enough ready-made options, there is always the opportunity to issueexclusively individual order for a loft bed. St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod - yes, in every Russian more or less large (and not very) settlement, parents abandon the traditional organization of children's rooms in favor of an ergonomic layout built around a multifunctional transforming module. It's just that the language does not turn to call these complexes "bedroom set". There is a bed, and drawers for bedding, and a computer table, and shelves for books, there is even a wall bar for training.

Children's loft bed with work area contains a variety of combinations. This is not just a place to sleep, raised above the floor by means of special supports. This is a full-fledged classroom with a library for the student, where he will do his homework. Moreover, often suitable chairs are included in the kit (we follow the posture), an additional lamp is mounted above the table. Books and CDs are placed in niches and shelves.
There are models designed for two tomboys. Such a children's loft bed with a working area has two beds: one is standard at the top, but the second is located either slightly to the side, or at an angle of 90 degrees. This solution leaves free space under the desk.
If the space of the room allows, then order a module that is additionally equipped with a play area.

Now about the requirements that a children's loft bed must meet. From workingthe zone is clear enough. The table is selected taking into account either the use of a laptop or the installation of a stationary computer. And do not forget that no one has yet canceled written homework at school. Consider lighting, it is best to hold additional light sources above the table.
Materials, and the design itself, must be safe. Try to minimize the risks. If the ladder is strong and reliable, the same applies to supports, hinged shelves. Give preference to soft, slightly rounded edges that are difficult to bruise and get abrasions. Make sure the night-fly protection covers the bed.
Children's loft bed - with or without a working area - can be made of wood, metal, chipboard, MDF. The main thing is that paint, varnishes, impregnation do not cause allergies. Feel free to ask the seller for quality certificates.