What is the consumption of lawn grass seeds per 1 m2?

What is the consumption of lawn grass seeds per 1 m2?
What is the consumption of lawn grass seeds per 1 m2?

Many owners of suburban areas and private houses are interested in the consumption of lawn grass seeds per 1 m2. Creating a beautiful green area is decided by sowing one or more plant species. However, before purchasing seeds, it is necessary to accurately calculate their number. This problem does not apply to those who have chosen roll materials with a ready-made green meadow.

Seeding Rates

Start the preparation by measuring the area of the lawn. Taking as a basis the consumption of lawn grass seeds per 1 m2, the required amount of planting material is calculated. In some sources, this value is indicated in different dimensional units: from a square meter to a hectare.

The importance and principle of the issue lies in the fact that the standards are indicated not only by the mass of seed material, but also by their number. To ensure the necessary density of the herbage, it is necessary to comply with seeding rates.

The consumption of lawn grass seeds per 1 m2 is also affected by other factors, such as the quality and weight of the material, the friendliness of seedlings, tillering ability, the area of nutrition and soil, as well as the conditions for caring for germinating plants (watering,fertilization, etc.).

consumption of lawn grass seeds per 1 m2
consumption of lawn grass seeds per 1 m2

Changing norms

What was the consumption of lawn grass seeds per 1 m2 before? GOST did not provide for this. In the old days, classic green carpets were created at seeding rates ranging from 6.25 to 7.5 kg per hundred square meters. Scientific works and practical data gradually accumulated, soils began to be better prepared. All this led to a significant decrease in seeding rates, which have survived to this day.

It is worth considering that for different types of plants the numbers will vary. This circumstance does not make it possible to indicate the specific value of the standard for lawn grasses.

consumption of lawn grass seeds per 1 m2 GOST
consumption of lawn grass seeds per 1 m2 GOST

Factors affecting the standard

Plants are in continuous interaction, intra- and interspecific competition is observed. Nearby are representatives of the flora of one crop and weed populations. The latter germinate from seeds that are in the form of impurities in the package or in the soil under the future lawn.

What other factors are taken into account when calculating the consumption of lawn grass seeds per square meter? The percentage of germination is taken into account, as well as the part of seedlings that die in the first weeks of life. When creating a lawn, the main goal remains the same: getting a mass of green shoots that will create a dense and beautiful herbage.

The presented calculations are valid for an ideal planting material with 100% economic suitability. In practice, a correction should be made depending on the germination,indicated on the package of purchased seeds. For a quality lawn, only those of them that have an indicator of 75% or more are suitable. Seeds over 4 years old that have an unpleasant odor or signs of spoilage are rejected.

consumption of lawn grass seeds per square meter
consumption of lawn grass seeds per square meter

Lawn planting

Before purchasing planting material, you should decide on the purpose of the green lawn. It can serve as the basis for a playground for sports and children's games, as a decorative element of the landscape, or to keep slopes from crumbling. Each of these objects requires the selection of a special grass mixture. They differ in species composition and ratio of components.

What consumption of lawn grass seeds per 1 m2 should be taken as a basis? In most cases, this value is in the range from 30 to 50 g. On light soils, they start from a parameter of 30 g, and on heavy soils, from 40 g.

When planting, it is important not to overdo it, as the seeds will experience a lack of nutrition, which will lead to rare seedlings. If the planting rate is too low, there will be areas without grass, which will ruin the decorative effect.
