It hardly needs to be said once again that a he althy lifestyle is good. Many of us have a sedentary job that contributes to the deterioration of posture and appearance in general, and there is no time for fitness. However, you can exercise at home. This requires almost no special tools. Although, if you have a desire, you can make a press simulator with your own hands. This will help strengthen the core muscles. But let's talk about everything in order.

General concepts and information
It is possible to say with 100% certainty that the muscles of the Core can be pumped up without simulators and any equipment. It really is. For example, for this there is a horizontal bar, with which we can raise our legs in the hang. Effective exercise, however, requires a certain base. It is enough to find a suitable support for the legs, and the press can begin to swing on the floor. All this for a long timeknown. But the fact is that a do-it-yourself ab simulator will help increase the effectiveness of training and the level of comfort. These are quite important factors that should not be ignored. Now let's move on to the practical part of this article and deal with the main points.

What is a Roman chair?
You must have heard about this popular exercise machine many times. In general, it has a lot of names: “Roman board”, “Roman bench”, etc. But, regardless of this, the design is the same everywhere, and, therefore, the same muscles work.
According to legend, a similar athletic projectile appeared in Rome. It was the gladiators who first began using it to pump up the press. Maybe this is true, or maybe not, no one can say for sure today. But in any case, we will try to make a similar simulator for the press with our own hands. There is nothing difficult in this. You need a certain tool and material. But let's talk about everything in order.

Preparatory work
The design of the Roman chair presented in this article involves the operation of an athlete weighing no more than 90 kilograms. If you weigh a little more, then the frame should be made of thicker corners and pipes of a larger diameter. As for the tool and material, you will find almost everything in your workshop. If there is nothing, then you can ask friends or neighbors for it, in extreme cases - rent it.
WhatAs for the material, for the manufacture of the "Roman chair" we need 3.5 meters of a metal pipe, a board or fiberboard 1000x400 cm, some dense foam rubber, as well as fasteners (nuts and bolts). The tool needed is approximately the following: a drill with drills, a grinder and a welding machine. Another important point: you will need drawings of simulators. This will help you adhere to the dimensions and design features of the projectile as much as possible.
Assembly work
Well, now let's proceed directly to the assembly of the unit. In most cases, it makes sense to make a front strut 50-80 cm high. At the same time, in order to give stability to the projectile, it is desirable to tilt the front strut outward. The length of the bar for attaching the legs is fixed directly under the athlete. Since everyone's height is different, it is desirable to make it adjustable. Some drawings of simulators imply rigid fastening, others - articulated, that is, movable. The length of the legs of the simulator is selected individually and can vary from 40 to 70 cm. It is not advisable to make legs that are too high. It is better to stop at a mark of 50-60 cm. It is desirable to make rubber pads on the ends of the pipes, which will somewhat increase stability. It is better to further strengthen the central rack with a scarf. We connect all the metal parts of the frame to each other by welding.

How to make a simulator: important details
If you have never done welding before, then this process can either be entrusted to a specialist, ortry to do everything yourself. But it is desirable to train on some scrap metal. Please note that the board of the "Roman chair" consists of several parts, due to the angles of inclination. It is better to fasten it to the base with bolts. The bolt must pass through the board, pipe and mounting plate. Such a connection will turn out to be very reliable, but you still need to tighten the nuts from time to time.
What else you need to do is to cover the bolsters with foam rubber. This is necessary so that nothing presses on the limbs during the exercise. Actually, under the board, you can also lay foam rubber and drag it with some suitable material. In general, the shell is ready for use.

Gymnastic video and everything about it
A projectile called a gymnastic roller appeared a long time ago. By design, it is very simple, but, despite this, it is very effective. Of course, while working with a gymnastic roller, not only the press works, but also some other muscles. However, many athletes use it as a core training tool, and it really does a great job. Today there are various designs of gymnastic rollers. In particular, the number of wheels is changed, which ensures high stability. As for manufacturing, such an elementary simulator can be made on its own very quickly. Let's see how.
Assembly of the gymnastic roller
So, the key element in ourcase is one or more wheels. Their diameter should not be less than 10-20 cm. In addition, it is important to choose an option that would allow you to conveniently place the brushes so that they do not touch the floor during the exercises. As an option - remove the wheel from the baby stroller or bicycle. This would be a perfectly reasonable solution. By the way, it is advisable to take two identical wheels at once, which will allow you to more effectively maintain balance during work.
You will also need a pipe. Its length should be about 30 cm, and its diameter should be about 3-3.5 cm. As for the material, there is not much difference, you can give preference to both metal and plastic. In any case, such simulators for the abdominal muscles are quite strong and reliable. The pipe in our case plays the role of an axle and must fit under the wheel holes.

Homemade press trainer: reviews
Today you can see a huge number of reviews and recommendations from home craftsmen about the manufacture of athletic equipment. So, exercise machines for the press occupy not the last place in this list. For example, there are a lot of instructions on how to make homemade homemade trainers for pumping the muscles of the core. Reviews note that the easiest and fastest option is a gymnastic roller. And the most difficult of the shells is recognized by many as a full-fledged bench or "Roman chair".
If we talk about something mediocre, then knowledgeable people recommend a prefix to the Swedish wall. In general, in the reviews of amateur athletes there is always advicemake such shells on your own, and not buy. Especially if you work out at home.
In principle, now you know how to make a do-it-yourself ab simulator. There is nothing difficult in this process, the main thing is to have desire and patience. If something goes wrong, try again and you will be able to make a decent and effective trainer.