There may be a water shortage problem on a private property. The fact is that not all dacha cooperatives have centralized engineering communications. In this case, you can make water wells with your own hands. This procedure is quite physically difficult and requires the use of special devices (drills). Naturally, in order to dig such a structure, you must definitely find the right place. The fact is that the groundwater may be too deep, and you will not be able to dig a hole yourself. In addition, the purity of water, the durability of the structure, as well as the complexity of the work depend on your choice. And in the ground there may be stones or rocks that are too hard, which cannot be manually broken through. Also, the future construction should be located away from sewage pits, sewer systems, burial grounds and other places that contribute to water pollution and contamination.

Digging a well on your own is much cheaper than hiring special equipment. In this way, you can achieve depths of up to 30 meters. Let's take a closer look at the two main ways to carry out this procedure. For example, often do-it-yourself water wells are drilled using rotarymethodology. However, in this case, it is necessary to ensure the exit of excess soil to the surface, and this requires a large number of augers. It is very difficult to build such equipment on your own, therefore, most often only one screw is used, which is rotated by several people. At the same time, every half meter the drill should be taken out, and the hole should be cleared of excess earth. To lift the auger, it is necessary to build a special wooden structure on three legs and a simple winch.
Building a water well with your own hands is a painstaking process that can be carried out using the shock-rope method. Its main advantage is that you can work independently.

However, in this case, you will be digging a well for much longer. The presented method requires the use of primitive equipment that you can make yourself. To do this, you need a metal pipe of the required diameter, which is tied to a three-legged wooden structure with a rope. If you want to make water wells with your own hands in this way, you should remember that the first half a meter must still be drilled with a garden drill, which should have a small diameter. Now you need to launch a home-made "glass" into the prepared hole and let it go sharply. This is how translational movements are made: the rise of the pipe and its sharp lowering. After 3-4 such movements, you should get a glass and clean the well from the soil.

The feature of this process is that you canwork without a tripod. Although for this you must be very strong physically. A do-it-yourself well under water is built in the warm season. After the trench is ready, and you have reached the liquid, you should strengthen the walls of the structure, equip the bottom with a special filter mesh, and also lower the pump into the hole, with which water will be supplied to the surface. From above, the well must be covered so that debris does not get into it. The design is ready to use.
A self-made water well, the technology of which is not complicated, will help provide you with clean liquid, and in the quantity that you need.