Not so long ago, the presence of a niche in an apartment gave it a certain inferiority in the eyes of the residents, whether it was the result of the design features of the house or an element of laying in the walls of engineering communications. This unfortunate hindrance in the arrangement generally looked ridiculous. Today, a niche in the wall of the interior is the squeak of designer fashion, and it is conceived at the stage of housing design.

The niche itself is not something new. Thousands of years ago, in adobe houses, a recess-shelf was made right in the wall, in which all utensils were placed. Functionality was replaced by exposition already in ancient Greece: classical antique sculptures were placed in pre-conceived niches. And in medieval castles, niches were occupied by knightly armor protecting the peace of the owner.
In modern houses and apartments, if there is no niche in the interior wall, it can be arranged using drywall. As before, according to their purpose, they are divided into two types: decorative and functional.
Think abouthow to arrange a niche in the wall, if it is decorative, will not take long. In the simplest version, it will be just a shelf for small things. The recess looks much more beautiful if you place a suitable picture, family photographs, beautiful figurines, a collection of souvenirs or a set of favorite trinkets in it. A big plus of decorative niches is that their content can be changed depending on your mood and preferences. The situation is more complicated with an aquarium in such a niche. Of course, the temptation to become the owner of a beautiful and compact living area is great. But you need to think in advance of an additional place for servicing the aquarium, placing its equipment, and eliminating condensation on the walls of the niche.

The functional niche in the wall of the interior serves other purposes: it contains pieces of furniture, built-in household appliances, television, video and audio equipment. Such a niche, as a rule, has a considerable depth, so its arrangement is recommended to be carried out in large and spacious rooms, where the centimeters "eaten" by the plasterboard wall will not be so noticeable.
The design of a niche in the wall can be symmetrical and asymmetrical. In the first case, the interior is balanced and harmonized, but for this you will have to strictly observe the rule of symmetry and place niches that are identical in geometric shape and size, respectively. In the second case, asymmetry gives the interior liveliness and dynamics; niches are located in the same wall or in unused walls.
It is worthwhile to carefully consider the type of lighting for each niche. It can be unaccented, soft, scattered. Or dotted, turning an object placed in a niche into an exhibition piece. In this case, products made of bright and shiny metal, crystal, etc. look very advantageous. Another practical solution worth mentioning: a niche in the wall of the bathroom interior designed for a shower cabin. Its comfortable size should be larger than the size of the pallet - 110x110 cm. At the same time, you need to take care of the good protection of the walls of the niche from moisture - they will play the role of the walls of the shower cabin. At least another 10 cm will need to be allocated for the installation of glass doors.

A skillfully arranged niche can accommodate almost anything your heart desires: a washing machine with a laundry basket and an ironing board, a wardrobe, bookshelves, cupboards with kitchen utensils and condiments, a folding cabinet for shoes, a storage place for firewood, a workplace with a computer and even a sleeping corner. A niche is a unique decorative element that enlivens and transforms any interior: it loses monotony, the style of the room and its geometry change. A luxurious idea that will add charm and personality to your home!