How to wash a quilt at home and dry it?

How to wash a quilt at home and dry it?
How to wash a quilt at home and dry it?

Do not worry about the fact that the blanket is very dirty or has lain in a dusty, stuffy room for a long time, and questions have arisen: "How to wash a wadded blanket at home?" and "How to dry it?" Don't throw away your soiled blanket. Any bedding - both pillows and blankets - can be reanimated and given a fresh look, you just need to work hard! Choose a warm sunny day and do laundry at home.

Can a quilt be washed?

Wadded blankets, huge, warm and heavy, can be found in every home. They are used frequently and require serious maintenance.

The appearance of unpleasant odors and dirty stains indicates that the thing is urgently time to wash! All housewives face a lot of problems if this need arises. This case is indeed very long and troublesome.

But there is nowhere to go - washing is inevitable, as a lot of dust and sweat accumulate in cotton wool, and this is very good for the appearance of a variety of harmful microorganisms and bacteria.

Clean these items at the laundry or dry cleanersometimes it is not possible, and it is also quite expensive.

Wash with tennis balls
Wash with tennis balls

It's worth the effort, spend some time and figure out how to wash a quilt at home, and it's possible to clean the quilt from dirt.

If properly cared for, duvets will serve you for a long time without causing problems.

Quilted Quilt Easy Clean

When there is no time at all to do some serious cleaning, try to remove only the surface dirt that has appeared on the quilt cover.

For good stain removal, follow the steps below.

At the beginning of work, it is necessary to knock out dust accumulations. This is done in the yard, it is enough to hang a blanket on a fence or a device for knocking out carpet products. After finishing the process, leave it hanging for a while to dispel unpleasant odors.

In the meantime, you will need to prepare a solution of soap (it is best to use a gel laundry detergent) and pour it into a spray bottle. It should work well, spraying soap in all directions, not a jet.

Next, you need to lay out the blanket on a flat space - a table, the floor (after cleanly washing and drying the surface).

Sprinkle a little solution on all stains and stains, avoiding getting wet and soaking into the filler, and clean with a sponge. Since we only clean surface dirt, there is no need to pour a lot of liquid.

If necessary, the procedure is repeated in the samesequences. It remains to dry the blanket thoroughly, for example, with a hair dryer. When self-drying, clear traces of soap solution will appear on the surface, and water will leave very noticeable contours.

In case of spots, this option is the most effective for dealing with them.

Can a quilt be washed by hand?

The quilts are very large, hand washing is very difficult, but not impossible. Let's figure out how to wash a quilt with your own hands.

When starting work, prepare yourself for the thought that this is not an easy task!

Immediately prepare all the necessary tools: a large bath, some laundry detergent, laundry soap in shavings, a hard sponge and a brush. For heavy soiling, a stain remover may be used.

Clean quilt
Clean quilt

Soaking, of course, is undesirable - cotton wool, saturated with water, will become heavy, and rinsing out the detergent becomes almost impossible.

Before starting work, knock out all the accumulated dust.

Then spread out on a flat surface, while lathering with soap and water in the tub. Using a sponge, generously apply soap suds to both sides of the blanket, especially carefully treating heavy soiling with a stain remover. After cleaning all the dirt, proceed to rinsing. Change the water several times and repeat the manipulations, completely removing soap stains.

How to wash a quilt in the washing machine?

Many women ask themselves the same question. Noteveryone can do it on their own. Naturally, washing a quilt in the machine is possible, making sure that the weight corresponds to the maximum allowed for your technique. For example, washing a double product is categorically impossible, since swelling during washing will lead to the unusability of the machine. For small ones - baby or single blankets - there is such an opportunity.

Washing a small blanket in the washing machine
Washing a small blanket in the washing machine

So, how to wash a cotton blanket in the machine? If you follow a few rules, you can get a wonderful result:

  • First of all, remember that the temperature regime should not exceed forty degrees.
  • Washing should be done with a liquid detergent, the usual one is not suitable due to poor washing out of the fibers.
  • Don't forget to turn off the spin cycle and set the machine to the delicate cycle.
  • In the drum of the washing machine, you can add two or three tennis balls to help with washing - they will help fluff and dishevel the filler.


And how to wash a quilt if it is very dirty? Soak it before washing.

Fill a large container with water at the temperature indicated on the label, as usual, no higher than forty degrees. Lay down the duvet, gently spreading it evenly. Now you need to start preparing a soap solution from laundry soap and two or three caps of liquid laundry detergent. If the product is very dirty, make the solution more concentrated for greater efficiency.

Soaking a quilt
Soaking a quilt

Pour it into the container where the blanket lies and leave for 1 hour.

After the specified time, use a brush or hard sponge to rub especially dirty areas.

After removing all stains, remove the blanket from this water, wring out excess moisture and rinse several times.

At the end, squeeze very carefully and hang on a string to drain excess water. Remove and lay on a flat, horizontal surface, shaking occasionally.

If ordinary washing powder is used, then do not pour it immediately into the water with a blanket, dissolve all the grains and only then add it to the container.

When soaking, do not leave the thing to lie in soapy water for a very long time - after that it is very difficult to rinse off the dirt, and a gray tint will remain.

For a white blanket, use hydrogen peroxide or ammonia - this will give a bleaching effect. In this case, turn it over as often as possible to ensure even processing.

Steam treatment

In addition to washing in a typewriter or by hand, they also resort to cleaning with steam. This option allows you not only to remove dirt from the blanket, but also eliminates unpleasant odors and kills harmful microbes.

Drying blankets
Drying blankets

You can adapt a simple iron for this purpose - modern irons have a steam generator function. Make a soap solution and wet the stain with it. Hold the iron with the steam hole above it for 1 minute - this will be enough. Such technologies for getting rid of stainsused by almost all dry cleaners.

How to dry a duvet?

Now you know how to wash a quilt at home, but that's not all. It will need to be dried. Washing and cleaning such overall things is easier in the summer, in hot sunny weather. Sunlight can not only dry quickly, but also destroy all remaining harmful environment.

The clothesline is used at the stage of getting rid of excess water, and the blankets are dried exclusively on a horizontal area, otherwise all the cotton wool will gather in one place and it will not be possible to distribute it over the blanket.

Proper drying - horizontal
Proper drying - horizontal

In wet rainy weather, you will have to do the drying indoors, but the process should not be too long, otherwise mold may start. Use a heater, just remember that you cannot cover its entire area - this can lead to a fire.

As often as possible, try to straighten the filler to avoid sticking it into lumps.

Tips for housewives

To avoid frequent washing, it is necessary to take care of wadded products.

You should not eat food on such products - washing is inevitable if even a small drop gets on the blanket. Ventilate products as often as possible in the fresh air - this will prevent the breeding of harmful insects and bacteria.

Soak only in case of severe contamination, as otherwise it will bring a lot of unnecessary worries about drying.

Washing a white blanket
Washing a white blanket

If youdecided to wash the blanket in the washing machine, wash obvious stains by hand - stains will not appear after drying.

Knock out the dust at least three times a year to get rid of excess dirt.

Wadded blankets are undoubtedly very necessary things in everyday life. They are easy to wash, and if you apply all the rules described in this article, these products will always be clean.
