The genus Juniperus (lat. Juniperus) combines evergreen coniferous shrubs and trees of the Cypress family (Cupressaceae) and has more than sixty species of monoecious or dioecious plants.
As a rule, they grow in the Northern Hemisphere. In this article we will talk about one variety - the Daurian juniper. You will learn about the features of this plant, where it is better to plant it and how to care for it.

Daurian juniper: plant description
This evergreen plant naturally grows in Transbaikalia and Yakutia, Northern China and Mongolia, in the Far East of our country - in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, the Amur Region. The Daurian juniper was first described in the book "Vegetation of Russia" in 1789 by the German encyclopedist Peter Simon Pallas, who lived in Russia for a long time.
This species grows in small groups, much less often singly, preferring stony placers of mountain slopes, on loaches, rocks, as well as in river valleys, on rocks of sea coasts, in sand dunes. Able to climb in the mountains to a height of up to 1400 meters above sea level.
External Features
Creeping shrub, may have ascending branches, covered with light gray bark, which exfoliates in some areas. Shoots are tetrahedral, thin. Needles of various shapes are formed on them.
Needle-shaped - grows oppositely and crosswise in the lowest part of the shoot. It is very delicate, thin, painted in bright green color, no more than 0.8 cm long. It slightly moves away from the shoot and has sharp tips.
Scaly needles grow at the ends of shoots. It is tightly pressed against them, has a rhombic shape, gray-green in color. In winter, this type of needles turns brown.

These are cone berries, colored in brown-blue, purplish-brown with a bluish bloom. The shape of the fruit is spherical, with a diameter of 0.5 cm.
They have an ovoid-oblong shape, slightly flattened, with a pointed tip. The fruit contains up to four pieces. Often they protrude.
In culture, this species is quite rare, although according to landscape designers it deserves much more use in landscaping, especially when decorating rocky hills. The most widespread varieties are Leningrad and Expansa Variegata.
Dahurian juniper "Leningrad" is an evergreen dwarf coniferous shrub with creeping shoots. The height of an adult plant does not exceed half a meter, and the diameter of the crown can reach two meters. This Dahurian juniper has a cushion-shaped crown, over the years it becomesoutstretched. The shoots of the plant are able to change their color from dark to light brown.

The needles are painted in a beautiful rich bluish-green color. She is very small and prickly. This juniper, like most other varieties, loves open sunny areas, develops well and grows on drained, light loams, slightly acidic soils. Loves daytime spraying, but waterlogging can damage the plant's root system.
The view looks interesting in heather gardens, alpine hills, borders, in compositions with taller conifers.
Expansa Variegata
Short shrub with horizontally outstretched strong shoots. It does not exceed fifty centimeters in height and reaches two meters in crown diameter. Annually gives an increase of about ten centimeters. Scales and needles bluish-green. Most shoots are variegated creamy white.
Saplings of the Daurian juniper Expansa Variegata, in addition to a very attractive appearance, have a disinfecting effect. They destroy more than 30% of microbes that are in the air. This plant is great for rocky gardens and Japanese gardens.

The variety is completely undemanding to the soil. Prefers well-lit sunny areas. Needs timely pruning of damaged and dried branches. Recommended for planting in personal plots, for alpine slides. Landing can begroup and single. Used as a groundcover.
Choosing a landing site
Dahurian juniper, the photo of which we posted in this article, is planted in sunny open areas. In the shade, plants tend to grow loose. They lose the decorative virtues of this form. Slight shading is well tolerated only by common juniper.
Dahurian juniper, planting and caring for which is not difficult even for beginner gardeners, is completely undemanding to soils. Under natural conditions, it successfully develops in different conditions: on sandy deposits, stony placers, limestones, sand and pebble shafts, rocks.
When planting, the distance between plants primarily depends on the desired effect, but usually ranges from 50 centimeters to 2 meters. Planting depth depends on the root system and the coma of the earth. As a rule, it is 70 centimeters, but with further backfilling of the earth. Sand and broken bricks are used as drainage in a layer of about 20 centimeters.
The plant shows the best growth results in a soil mixture consisting of peat, soddy soil and sand (2: 1: 1). All types of junipers are undemanding to soil fertility.
In order for the Daurian juniper to develop normally, in the spring it must be fed with nitroammophos at the rate of 30 g/m². The plant does not tolerate dry air, it develops better on soils of medium moisture. In very dry and hot summers, watering is recommended, but not more than 3 times a day.season, and weekly spraying, which is carried out in the evening after sunset.
Loosening is carried out shallow immediately after watering and weeding, this is especially important for young plantings. For mulching, peat, wood chips or sawdust are used with a layer of about 8 centimeters. This must be done immediately after landing.
Pruning, shearing depends on the place of cultivation and the type of plant. Basically, these procedures are aimed at removing dry branches. Juniper of this species does not need shelter for the winter. The only exception is the first winter after planting, especially in the northern regions.
Dahurian juniper is used for planting on slopes, slopes, for decorating alpine slides. It can become a spectacular decoration of small gardens and landscape and architectural compositions.

Juniper fruits are used as a spice, they also look very decorative on bushes in single plantings, as well as in small groups among stones in a park landscape. This juniper looks impressive against the background of not very deep snow. Creeping and undersized species, which include the Dahurian, are indispensable for strengthening the slopes.
Some species are successfully used for protection strips and hedges. The application may be limited only by the slow growth of the plant. Almost all junipers do not tolerate smoke and soot, which significantly limits their planting opportunities in industrial centers.

Partner Plants
Dahurian juniper pairs beautifully with erica and heathers, some pine groundcovers, ornamental grasses, roses and wild perennials.
Juniper is propagated by cuttings and seeds. More than 70 percent of winter cuttings root successfully without further treatment.