For garden plots, it is very convenient and practical to plant perennial plants, they do not require special attention and after flowering have an attractive decorative appearance. One of these crops are peonies, which have long gained popularity among gardeners. There are many varieties with flowers of various shades, which are divided into herbaceous and tree-like. The advantages of this plant include a long flowering period (more than one month) and long growth in one place. A peony can feel great without a transplant for up to fifty years. Also of note is winter cold and summer drought tolerance, making these plants ideal for garden landscaping in any climate. However, a peony transplant is also important, which will have a beneficial effect on the plant. As a result, the bush will delight with abundant and lush flowering.
Peony transplant

It is better to choose an open place for peony bushes: in the open space, plants will have where to spread their stems, which will allow them to develop well. The timing of transplanting peonies in autumn falls on the period from late August to October. By this time, the plants are already massively growingroots, and even less hot weather will be a suitable option for growth. Peony transplantation is most favorable in autumn: the bush will be able to take root before frost, planted plants are guaranteed to bloom next season.

To do this, you need to carefully dig a bush with a large clod of earth, you can divide the plant. The new hole should match the size of the flower, put compost or earth mixed with manure down. A peony transplant should be carried out immediately after the plant has been dug up: a long stay in the air will negatively affect further growth and development. Sometimes bushes in a new place do not produce flowers for a long time. This may be due to both the soil and a possible improper transplant. In addition, tubers may be planted too deeply, the soil may be insufficiently moist, sometimes there is a shortage or excess of mineral fertilizers. To prepare the bushes for the winter period, leaves and stems can be cut, but not earlier than October, otherwise bud growth will resume in warm weather.

Spring replanting bushes
And what to do if in the autumn they did not manage to complete all the work in the garden, is it possible to transplant peonies in the spring? At this time, you can transplant a whole bush without tearing it. This must be done as soon as the plant appears from the ground. Planting new and divided plants is possible in the spring, but it is important for such bushes to be well cared for and monitored so that they do not die in the hot summer. For thisYou should constantly water the plants and loosen the soil to retain moisture. Tree species of peonies have the same planting and transplanting periods with herbaceous varieties. Proper transplantation of the peony will allow the bush to develop well, and soon it will decorate the garden with its chic flowers.