Peonies - plants are quite unpretentious, without a transplant they can grow in one place for several years. But if you want to propagate peonies in your area, or for some reason the flowers need to be transplanted to a new place, then this should be done as carefully as possible.
With the help of a transplant, you can not only propagate these beautiful plants, but also rejuvenate old bushes.
The most favorable time to transplant homemade peonies is the end of August or the beginning of September. In extreme cases, you can do this in the spring, however, there are several nuances.
How to transplant peonies so as not to harm the plant?

First of all, carry out this process at the most favorable time for flowers. If for some reason this is not possible, and you have to transplant in the spring, then you should be prepared for the fact that the peonies will get sick almost all summer and are unlikely to bloom.
How to plant peonies in the spring so that the plant does not die?
It is not recommended to separate the roots for propagation in the spring. If young sprouts have already appeared on peonies, plant ontheir new place should be as carefully as possible, without burying new shoots into the ground, otherwise they will rot.
How to transplant peonies so that the plant does not lose its decorative appearance and continues to bloom? The most important thing is to remember that such flowers should never be transplanted in the summer, they can simply die. The most important thing is not to damage the root system of the plant during transplantation.
Let's look at a few ways to transplant peonies without damaging the rhizome.

First of all, you should prepare a place where new young peony bushes will grow, preferably two weeks before planting young plants. The distance between new landings should be about a meter.
You should also take care of good drainage. To do this, pits are dug deeper, and the bottom is covered with broken bricks or sand.
It is desirable to apply fertilizer to the ground, consisting of black soil, manure, humus and sand in equal proportions.
The stalks of peonies are cut off before transplanting, leaving about 10 centimeters. If the peony bush is old enough, then it will be difficult to dig it up and not damage the roots. For such a process, it is better to use a pitchfork. You should not start digging directly at the bush, you need to dig out at some distance.
After the peony is dug up, it is necessary to wash the roots and carefully examine them. If there are visible places where traces of decay are present, they must be cut out with a clean knife. Sections then need to be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Suchprocedures are performed only when transplanting peonies in the fall. Plants dug up in the spring should not be separated or washed.
How to transplant peonies so that they bloom next year?
It is important to properly place seedlings in the ground. Usually they are lowered into the ground no deeper than 5 cm from the surface, then they are covered with earth and lightly tamped, after which they are watered abundantly. Then it remains only to wait until the flowers stick, germinate and again delight you with their large fragrant flowers.