One of the easiest perennials to grow and care for, guaranteed to brighten up your yard, are peonies. There are tree-like and herbaceous peonies, the latter are mainly grown by gardeners. Many colors: white, yellow, pink, red, as well as a variety of shapes (terry, semi-double) give a wide scope for creativity on the site. This article will discuss when to plant peonies, as well as how best to transplant them.

For planting shrubs suitable fertile soil, characterized by good drainage. Since they can grow in one place for 10 years or more, it is very desirable to introduce humus into the soil before planting. When wondering how to plant peonies correctly, remember: lighting is one of the main components of success. It would be better to choose light partial shade or a well-heated sunny place for these plants. Planting in the shade will lead to slow development of the bush, its short and inexpressive flowering.

How and when to plant peonies without injuring the plant?
Any planting of a shrub is accompanied by its division. Although it is possible to propagate by layering and seeds, these two methods are used only by breeders. Before the beginning of the division of the shrub, it is advisable to water the ground around it for a couple of days - softened, it will easily and without injury “let go” of the bush. It is recommended to try very hard to separate the peony into parts by hand. This can be difficult to do due to the close interweaving of the roots with each other, however, parts of the bush that are not injured by cutting take root much better.
When to plant peonies and how?
The width of the pit for planting should be one meter (maybe a little less), the depth should be at least 50 centimeters, but not more than 60. The roots of the plant are spread throughout the pit so that the topmost bud remains slightly below ground level. When pouring earth, do not forget to crush it near the stem neck, leaving no air there. Then the planted bush is watered and covered for the first wintering with mulching material or cardboard. The question of when is the best time to plant peonies is also interesting. There are options for spring and autumn planting. Peonies transplanted at the end of the year will take root perfectly, survive the winter successfully and can give abundant flowering the next spring. Autumn landing is recommended to be made in the last two weeks of September.

How to plant peonies in spring and what can such a planting lead to?
Peonies planted in the spring will take root worse, some specimens may be lost. And flowering should be expected only the next year after planting. Why is this happening? This is the most likely explanation. Wet autumn soil, watered by regular rains, contributes to easy and quickplant adaptations. Spring planting takes place in the already drying soil, and the heat that begins in May can finally “finish off” the peony suffering from drying roots. Therefore, regular and abundant watering is strictly necessary.

Here's everything you need to know about how and when to plant peonies. Blooming gardens for you!